Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 110 Cluster Combat

If you eat one of my tribe members, then we will only eat one of you. Is it fair?

The flying dragons turned into a red torrent and flooded towards the big tree frog on the tree trunk.

Apart from being larger in size, this tree frog has no special abilities. Although its soft and smooth skin can relieve force, it has its limits.

Hundreds of red-scale flying dragon claws slashed and pierced, and countless holes were immediately torn open. The severe pain made the big tree frog unable to hold on any longer, and fell from the trunk of a tree hundreds of meters high.

With a pop sound, it fell into a puddle of minced flesh.

After getting Xu Dong's permission, the extremely hungry flying dragons rushed down to grab food.

Xu Dong stayed in mid-air, carefully observing this ridiculously large cedar tree.

The bark is dark gray, split vertically, and falls off in chunks. The large branches are flat and slightly drooping. The crown is tower-shaped, and the leaves are strip-shaped and arranged in two rows, somewhat similar to his feathery wings.

It reached out to touch the bark of the big cedar tree, tried to chop it twice with its claws, and cut off a few pieces of bark to taste.

Bah, bah, bah. It's really unpalatable.

Xu Dong threw away the bark on his hand and looked at the real trunk that was exposed. The slightly green fir tree body didn't look very hard, so he could insert his claws directly into it.


So hard. . .

Xu Dong's front thorn didn't even penetrate, leaving only three small holes in it.

Then fly a little further, he stretched out his right paw, flapped his wings and rushed towards the exposed tree trunk at full speed.


The claw was not broken, but it hurt a little, but it was still inserted into the tree, and the greenish juice splashed out and spread all over his face.

When Xu Dong was about to pull out the claw, he found to his embarrassment that he couldn't pull it out no matter how hard he tried.

Buzz buzz

At this moment, a familiar voice came into Xu Dong's ears. Is it an illusion? Why do you feel the sound of bees?

But Xu Dong soon laughed. How could there be bees in the Jurassic? Although the Hymenoptera existed in the Triassic, bees would not be born until at least the Cretaceous.

Insects such as bees and butterflies evolved and flourished with the flowering of angiosperms. Even the earliest flowering plants did not appear until the end of the Jurassic.

this. . .

Four or five cyan bees with a body length of 20 centimeters flew out from the crown of the tree with their wings flapping.

Rather than a bee, it looks more like a cyan ant. It has a slender body, a mosquito-like sharp straw in its mouth, and bifurcated tentacles above its mouth.

Should this belong to the order Hymenoptera or the order Diptera?

Although I can’t understand these complicated bugs, looking at their silly looks, they must be eating tree sap, right? He probably wouldn't be interested in him.

Unfortunately, Xu Dong guessed wrong again. The group of caterpillars raised their pointed straws and charged towards Xu Dong like a cavalry charge.

Xu Dong was about to curse, but fortunately he could still move his left hand. He flapped his wings to avoid the caterpillar's sting, and cut off the big caterpillar's wings with one stroke of his right paw.

The insect without wings can only float and fall under the tree.

After easily dealing with a caterpillar, Xu Dong did not relax. He raised his hind limbs and kicked the sides of the needle tubes of the two caterpillars, sending both insects flying out.

Then he turned sideways 300 degrees, and 60 degrees because his right limb was stuck in the tree and couldn't turn. During the turn, he lifted his left paw, and the needle of the caterpillar behind him actually passed through the gap in the claw.

Without any hindrance, Xu Dong grabbed its head and divided it into three parts. The big caterpillar, which had lost a lot of its senses, staggered and fell like the first caterpillar.

There is only one last caterpillar left.

Xu Dong's body twisted to the limit, turning in the opposite direction like a spring. The feather scale wings on its back became very hard, and it was slapped on the top of its head like two boards.

The first two caterpillars that were kicked into the needle tube rushed back from a short distance away. Xu Dong turned over and made a handstand, pressing his back against the tree trunk. His left paw could finally deal with the insects in front of him head-on.

The two caterpillars were obviously not too smart, they just knew how to move forward and hit Xu Dong as soon as possible.

The claws waved and cut their slender needles in two.

Green blood spurted out from the front of the caterpillar's mouth, screamed in pain, and flew around randomly. Xu Dong followed it up with two more blows and sent them flying to the west.

In the end, there was only one big green insect left. It was not afraid of running away at all, and attacked Xu Dong regardless of the situation like the stupid green insect.

But would Xu Dong be afraid of an insect? His sharp claws cut off four of its appendages and one pair of wings.

The big caterpillar without wings fell down leisurely like a green lotus root, and was blown further away by the wind. Maybe it wasn't the end of it under the tree. Judging from this posture, it was not allowed to fly. Directly down a thousand meters?

After dealing with the five big caterpillars, Xu Dong turned over again and faced the tree trunk. He used all three limbs to pull out his right claw.

Unfortunately, it was too tight, and Xu Dong's hard claws couldn't be pulled out no matter how hard he pulled it out.

Buzz buzz!

Buzz buzz!

The sounds became more and more numerous and dense. One after another, big caterpillars flew down from the tree crown, and in a short time, the surrounding sky was covered.

Xu Dong was speechless. Chongzhi just liked to play tricks, so he just knew how to pile up the numbers and come to duel. Xu Dong would have no problem beating ten of them.

However, group attack? Xudong also has it now.

Hundreds of red flying dragons flew up from under the tree, forming a diagonal angle with the big caterpillar flying down from the tree crown on the other side of Xudong.

Buzz buzz!

Whoa whoa whoa!

There must always be some necessary talk before a fight. Although the two parties cannot understand each other's screams at all, the momentum must be displayed.

Xu Dong pulled out his claws with a pop sound.

Like the sound of starting gunfire, Red Wings and the Insect Swarm moved and rushed towards each other.

It was like a scene of a prehistoric aerial battle. A red-scaled flying dragon opened its mouth and swallowed a caterpillar, then raised its claws and stabbed another one to death.

The other flying dragon was particularly brave in the insect swarm. It lowered its head and pointed its horn forward, like a cavalry rushing into the infantry square, tearing a big hole in the insect swarm.

To deal with clustered opponents, cavalry penetration tactics are very effective. Xu Dong silently wrote it down in his mind and learned from the experience.

But this red-scale flying dragon was not durable enough. It rushed too far forward, and without the cooperation of its companions, it was surrounded by a swarm of insects.

There were big green ant-like bugs all around, with long tubes inserted into the flying dragon's body.

After a while, the blood of this extremely brave red-scaled flying dragon was sucked dry, and its shriveled body fell down.

You can't let the enemy divide and surround the formation, otherwise they will be defeated individually. The ancestors' art of war is sincere and sums up all the situations that can be encountered in actual combat.

At this time, Xu Dong regretted that he had not studied the military books carefully.

His own people were fighting, and he couldn't stay out of it.


With a long cry, the red-scaled flying dragon understood. The leader is here. Follow the leader and chop down all the enemies in front of you!

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