Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 109 Towering Tree

Many people are powerful, and many ants can kill an elephant. When the number reaches a certain level, even pseudo-legends can't bear it.

Xu Dong didn't have to fight to the death by himself this time. Hundreds of red torrents took away the pseudo-legendary dragon in one wave.

But the cost is also huge. In the time it flicked its tail, more than twenty red-scaled flying dragons were lost. Almost no one was injured. Most of them were killed in one blow. However, this can be considered to reduce the pain of killing the flying dragon in battle. Just one blow will kill the flying dragon. Towards death.

Collecting the remaining limbs of the flying dragons scattered around, Xu Dong dug a hole nearby and buried them in it.

It was still the same old way of clasping hands and bowing in mourning. This time, more than a dozen red-scaled flying dragons learned to do it, but the appearance was very non-standard.

With each passing of the same kind, the surrounding flying dragons learned by watching, especially the little flying dragons, who liked to learn Xu Dong's various movements the most, and were the first among the entire group to learn the movements of putting their hands together.

After the sacrifice was over, it was time to share the prey. Xu Dong, as the leader, deserved to be the first to move. It didn't matter what else the dragon was, Xu Dong was bound to get the mutated proto-nucleus.

Cut the gap between its ribs with a knife from its bloody back, and you can clearly see a bead emitting a milky white light, which is it, the mutated pronucleus.

Xu Dong softened his wings and put them on his back, then got into the body of the dragon from between its ribs, picked up the beads and swallowed them in one gulp.

Sure enough, it was still familiar and had no smell at all.

If you eat this thing, you will transform into an extraordinary creature again and encounter bad luck again. Considering that Xu Dong is also an old user, he still doesn't believe that nature's bad luck debuff can really kill him.

The firefly is a very terrifying creature. What makes Xu Dong's scalp numb the most is the insect king's incubation ability, which uses the body energy of other creatures to breed its own offspring.

Judging from the bugs hatched by the two pseudo-legendary pterosaurs and the apex predator encountered by the last little red dragon, the stronger the host, the stronger the hatched larvae will be.

The Bug Prince and Bug Er hatched from the pseudo-legendary pterosaur were sixty centimeters long at birth and were smart and capable of flying. However, the larvae hatched from the apex predator were only about ten centimeters long and could only be regarded as facehuggers. Sowing dregs.

Even if the insect king is really wiped out in the Triassic mass extinction, it still has seven million years to lay eggs and hatch larvae. After so many years, who knows how many bugs that insect king has hatched? Who knows? How many pseudo-legends are there among our descendants?

This group of bugs is numerous, smart, and full of tricks. They are difficult to kill and like to hide in the dark. Xu Dong has no choice but to improve himself through mutated pronuclei.

Just like dad said, use pseudo-legends to fight pseudo-legends!

After sharing the meat of the Dachong dragon, it was not even enough to fill the gap between the teeth. They had to continue hunting. Now there are nearly 500 red-scaled flying dragons in the group. They eat hundreds of prey every day. They usually spread out hundreds of prey. I grab food when I see it, but the efficiency is really not very good.

Xu Dong's favorite thing is the big rivers and lakes. As long as it is time to drink water at noon, this place is a paradise for food. Only this kind of place can provide enough prey for the red-scaled flying dragons to eat and drink.

I have been flying north for hundreds of kilometers, but I still haven't seen any big rivers or lakes. All I can see are woods connecting to the sky. Why are there so many woods here? This is not good news.

The red scale flying dragon encountered the same dilemma as the pterosaurs of later generations.

As the pterosaurs evolved larger and larger, they almost gave up the forest land where they started, and took to the sky without looking back.

This gave the dinosaurs a chance to take off, occupying the canopy niche once occupied by pterosaurs, and their feathers turned into wings, chirping and dancing in the forest.

Unfortunately, this is Asia. During the Early Jurassic period, almost no pterosaur fossils have been found. Once they cross the Ural Mountains and reach Europe, the home of pterosaurs, there will be more of these little guys in the sky.

Then you don’t have to worry about having nothing to eat. There are all kinds of free express delivery from the sky, which will be delivered to your doorstep.

In the continuous forest, a group of five hundred flying dragons flew for three days without flying out. With the average speed of the red-scaled flying dragons of 40km/h, they flew at least two thousand kilometers in three days, which was almost the distance from Shanghai to Lanzhou in later generations. This forest was simply Big horror.

When a different object appeared in front of him, Xu Dong thought he was flying out of the forest, but what appeared in front of him was a bare mountain.

This mountain is very tall, covering an area of ​​more than 200 square kilometers, and is nearly a thousand meters high, almost half the size of Mount Tai.

On the top of the bare mountain, there is a big tree standing on the top of the mountain, a big tree in the true sense of the word.

The diameter of the big tree alone is hundreds of meters, and the length is an astonishing more than 200 meters. The canopy is stretched out and covers the entire top of the mountain, just like a hat on the top of the mountain. It is really amazing.

You must know that the largest tree in later generations is only the General Sherman Tree, which is 83.8 meters high and 11.1 meters in diameter. It is more than 2,000 years old. Therefore, this tree cannot grow so big for tens of thousands or even one hundred thousand years.

In this special situation, Xu Dong's first suspicion was the mutated pronucleus. However, trees have no mouths, so how can they eat pronuclei?

No, they have mouths, which are the roots of the tree planted in the mountain. If a pseudo-legendary creature dies in the cave of the mountain or under the tree, can its mutated pronucleus be absorbed by the tree? ?

So in other words, can this big tree be eaten? Are there any components?

This is also a bold idea. Xu Dongyi, a carnivore, actually wants to eat plants. He is simply a traitor among predators.

At this moment, a slender tongue shot toward the group of flying dragons. The tip stuck to a red-scaled flying dragon and then quickly shrank and was rolled into the mouth of the big frog.

Xu Dong didn't even notice this tree frog whose skin was almost the same as the trunk.

This tree frog is very huge, with a body length of at least ten meters. Its appearance is no different from an ordinary frog, but it can change its outer bark into the brown color of tree bark like a chameleon, and even restore the texture to be exactly the same. Xu Dong's eye of true seeing didn't see through it.

Another pseudo-legend? Xu Dong thought about the mutated pronucleus again. There was no way around it. All the unscientific creatures Xu Dong had encountered so far were inseparable from the mutated pronucleus.

But Xu Dong soon knew that this big tree frog was not a fake legend, because there was no sparkle in its eyes, just like an ordinary beast.

The biggest difference between pseudo-legends and ordinary creatures is not their size, but their intelligence that surpasses ordinary creatures.

Eyes are the windows to the soul. Through the eyes, you can see whether the other person is wise or not.

I have encountered so many pseudo-legends before, such as maternal love like a long-scaled dragon, ferocity like a malodon, cunning like Liu's crocodile, insignificant like Redonda dragon, and out-of-control like Newton dragon. In fact, you can see their differences from the eyes.

But there was nothing special about this big tree frog.

It is not a pseudo-legend, but it is also inseparable from the mutated pronucleus. Xu Dong decided to use it as lunch for the flying dragons today.

The red-scaled flying dragons had been flying in the big forest for several days without having enough to eat. When they heard Xu Dong's order, their red feather-scaled wings spread out, and a dense red tide flooded towards the big tree frog.

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