Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 108 The end of the pseudo-legend

The wind blew the wheat waves, and a dozen medium-to-large dinosaurs fell to the ground like ears of wheat. Their backs were plowed with bloody grooves, some as many as seven or eight, and some as few as four or five. According to the dinosaur's Body types vary.

More than seventy flying dragons dived in an arc, killing and injuring a dozen dinosaurs in an instant.

Some of them fell to the ground and died directly, some could barely struggle for a few times, some were wailing in pain, and some could only breathe weakly. With such severe injuries and toxins, few creatures can survive the whole body. Retired.

The three-tiered Chinese dragon let out a painful cry and closed its eyes forever, ending its life as an overlord. Its flesh and blood would also become the nourishment for Red Wing, allowing the Red Scale Flying Dragon Clan to thrive.

More than seventy red-scaled flying dragons descended from the sky. Their flapping wings caused turbulence in the airflow, and the whirlwind swept away in all directions.

Only then did the surrounding animals react, and they ran around in fear. As a result, many small creatures and young dragons were trampled to death and injured.

Xu Dong stood on the three layers of Chinese dragons, dug up a large piece of flesh and raised it high, faced the sun, and roared against the waves to celebrate the success of the first hunt after the merger of the red-scaled flying dragons.

The surrounding flying dragons also wanted to imitate Xu Dong's use of claws to dig meat, but obviously this action was still somewhat difficult, and almost no one succeeded in imitating it.

Not being able to learn how to dig meat, these guys could only howl along with them. The howling sound of more than 70 red-scaled flying dragons could even be described as shaking the whole place.

Those animals that hadn't run far were so frightened that they almost peed when they heard the terrifying cry. They spread their claws again and ran forward desperately, squeezing out every ounce of their energy.

Cruelly gnawing on the corpses of these innocent dinosaurs, the flying dragons screamed Wow and looked very happy.

Especially the more than 40 local flying dragons, never had they seen such rich food.

In the past, hunting some small creatures and even insects caused them to tie themselves up.

Xu Dong gave them such powerful components not to make them a bunch of bastards waiting to die. He wanted the red-scaled flying dragons to become the real dragons of the sky and the masters of the sky.

Now it's just for them to get to know themselves again and understand that they are strong enough, so strong that they have no opponents in the sky and on the earth, and there are prey everywhere they look.

Judging from the current situation in the early Jurassic Period, there is really no ordinary creature that Xu Dong cannot kill. Even if it is a pseudo-legend, as long as it is not a big guy like Redonda Dragon and Protosnap Turtle, the general group of flying dragons will not be able to kill it at all. Not false.

After having a full meal, Xu Dong led the red-scaled flying dragon to continue flying north. Although the land of South China is rich in products, it is not the end of Xu Dong's journey. He will continue to travel north and west until the land shrouded by red wings. The hunting ground of the Red Dragon Clan.

Just like this, they grabbed territory and recruited members. In just one month, Xu Dong's power almost expanded to 500, and almost wiped out all the red-scaled flying dragons on the South China Plain. (The protagonist’s entry location has been changed from the North China Plain to the South China Plain.)

Everywhere he went, he directly challenged the local ethnic groups and had to fight at the beginning, relying on Xu Dong's strength to carry out beheading tactics again and again.

Later, as the Xudong ethnic group becomes larger and larger, they will almost only encounter two situations.

One is that the local flying dragons flee and directly give up their territory. Of course, this is a minority. The Red Dragon clan pays more attention to the concept of territory and generally will not flee directly unless they have no choice.

The second type is also the most common. After seeing it, they directly join Xu Dong's group of dragons and follow Xu Dong to burn, kill and loot, leaving behind numerous bones and an empty ecological environment.

Fortunately, Pangu Continent has now regained its vitality, otherwise it would really not be able to provide food for so many red-scaled flying dragons.

It wasn't like they didn't encounter hard rocks during their migration. A large sauropod dragon caused a lot of losses to the flying dragons.

The Yunnan Dachongosaurus is ten meters long and may belong to the Cetiosauridae family. Generally, such silly and big vegetarian dinosaurs are less threatening than smaller carnivorous dinosaurs.

But this is just an exception, because it is a pseudo-extraordinary giant dragon with a body length of fifteen meters. It seems that it has not eaten the mutated pronucleus for a long time, and its body length has not grown much.

Seeing this big guy, Xu Dong was immediately moved. The mutated pronucleus is a good thing and he must grab it.

Judging from the appearance of this big straw bag, it should be easy to deal with. However, dinosaurs are different from orcs. They are the children of destiny. Even vegetarians carry terrifying self-defense weapons.

A row of spikes on the back is the most basic configuration. There are also some things like the spikes on the back opening up into a prismatic shape, the head growing sharp horns, the tail turning into a hammer, and so on.

Of course, this giant dragon is different. It is in line with the giant sauropods of later generations, so it is the long tail that has evolved.

This is also the most deadly thing about it. The seemingly soft and slender tail can crack stones with just a single twitch. Just one sweep of the red-scaled flying dragon will result in broken bones and tendons.

The red-scaled flying dragons that swooped down in groups suffered a big loss from the whip tail. The big rushing dragon raised its tail and danced above its body like a tiger in the wind.

A slight flick makes a sonic boom sound.

Xu Dong has always been at the front of the team. After discovering the seemingly slow but powerful whip tail of the Great Chonglong, he immediately became vigilant.

When the tail swung at Xu Dong, he made a very fast turn and narrowly avoided it, but the red-scaled flying dragon behind him was not so lucky.

The two flying dragons that didn't react quickly were hit by the tail of the whip, and were suddenly beaten into two pieces. The remaining bodies rolled and fell into the distance.

Originally, the whip tail of the big dragon should not be so powerful, but the diving speed of the flying dragon was too fast. It collided with the whip tail at high speed, and the tail cut the red scale flying dragon in half like a knife.

This was just the beginning. One after another, the flying dragons pounced, and one after another was smashed to death by the whip tail of the big dragon.

Blood sprinkled down like rain and mist, shrouding the big dragon in red.

But the whip tail is not invincible, and there will be gaps between swings. During this omission, more red-scale flying dragons have passed through the whip tail barrier and chopped on the back of the big dragon, leaving a trail of blood marks. .

When Xu Dong dodged the tail of the whip and turned around to look, he saw the scene of heavy casualties among his clansmen, and anger suddenly surged into his heart.

He flapped his wings and quickly passed over from low altitude, avoiding the attack range of the whip tail, and came to the root of the big dragon's tail. Looking at the thick tail, Xu Dong raised his claws and flashed the red dragon.

The red light passed by but did not cut it off. The thick tail of the Great Chonglong was only torn open with a large opening, revealing the thick tailbone inside.

The pain slowed down the swing of Da Chonglong's tail. At this moment, a large group of red scale flying dragons poured down like a flood, shrouding Da Chonglong in the red shadow of sword light.

Like a thousand cuts, like a tree being shaken by an earthworm, a huge, strong pseudo-legendary dragon was chopped off without a single good part of its body after the dragon wave passed.

Such serious injuries and toxins made this big dragon unable to stand any longer. When his feet tilted, his heavy body fell to the ground with a dull roar.

This is the end of a pseudo-legend and the birth of a new pseudo-legend.

Sooner or later, the Zerg will fall under the Red Wings like this!

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