Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 103 Passing the torch from generation to generation

After thirty million years of reincarnation, the sea has changed, and in a blink of time, the little red dragon of the past is as ignorant as the velociraptor of today.

Struggling to survive on the same land, looking up at the same starry sky, there seems to be no difference in thirty million years.

After 30 million years of reincarnation, the ground beneath our feet has changed in time and space, but the Velociraptor has returned to its former appearance. Only the red dragon stone slab is still there, unmoving, starting from the small red dragon and ending with the small red dragon.

From now on, a new reincarnation will begin again. Can the velociraptors break through this spiral of fate and find their own path?

The velociraptor stared blankly at the stone slab in his hand. It was filled with sticky rosin after the amber melted and traces of it being blackened by the fire. It was very worn and dirty, but why did it feel as heavy as a mountain?

The little lizard didn't understand. It didn't understand why the charred figure could still climb out of the sea of ​​fire when it was already like this.

It didn't understand why it had to give it this stone.

It didn't even understand that it didn't eat its meat, but turned around and ran away with the stone slab.

It just feels that this thing is very important, much more important than food. This is a feeling it has never felt before.

Returning to the cave with the stone slab and a few fern rhizomes, the sky has darkened, and only by returning to its own little world can it feel at ease.

There were eggs hatching in the hole, and the female velociraptor, who was anxiously waiting for her mate to come back, immediately came up to her. The two little guys rubbed their heads against each other and called out 吖吖 twice.

The male velociraptor's nose was close to the milky white dragon eggs in the nest. Although they had not moved yet, he could already feel the response of his bloodline. This was his child, the future of their velociraptor.

The stone slab was placed deep in the cave and relied on the dragon eggs. It would be passed down from generation to generation with the velociraptors and continue to witness the rebirth and death of the velociraptors, just like the little red dragons they once were.


In the Far East of the Triassic, the North China Plain, the homeland of later generations, thousands of red-scaled flying dragons flew here and settled here. They are the fastest creatures in the world, and naturally they are also the first creatures to arrive.

Then there are a large number of marine creatures, such as sea plant dragons, ichthyosaurs, fin dragons, turtles, fish and so on.

Finally, there are the land creatures, but unfortunately, the huge Ural Mountains lie across there, and very few of them can actually travel to Asia.

In the mid-Atlantic magma area, a real lava hell, a rare area of ​​mountains that has not erupted, under the tentacles, the creature that has been sleeping for too long finally opened its eyes again.


When Xu Dong woke up again, he had returned to the creature editor space. The first thing he did when he woke up was to check the news about the population. He wanted to see how much the Red Dragon tribe had suffered this time and whether the little Red Dragon was still alive. .

However, the system gave one good news and one bad news.

The good news is that the Red Dragon tribe is still there, and two tribes have survived the Triassic mass extinction and continued, but the bad news is that they do not include the Little Red Dragon.

In the end, only the velociraptors and red-scaled flying dragons survived in the Red Dragon tribe. Because of their small size, small food intake, small consumption, large numbers, strong reproductive ability, and cave-dwelling, they are almost replicas of mammals 100 million years later.

The second red-scaled flying dragon was because Xu Dong had tricked them into using an accessory stomach to store food + 24-hour large-scale hunting + hibernation. After paying a heavy price, the red-scaled flying dragon also survived.

As for the other big red dragons, amphibian scale lizards, and small red dragons, they all fell in this tragic mass extinction.

Looking at the dim gray [Little Red Lizard] [Little Red Dragon] [Big Red Dragon] and [Amphibious Scale Lizard], Xu Dong felt an indescribable loss in his heart. What made him sad and guilty the most was the Little Red Dragon. .

This is a new species that he transformed and assembled bit by bit, a species that he poured his heart and soul into. He once migrated thousands of miles with them, hunted with them for food, and competed with them for ecological niches.

Teach them to climb trees, worship, hunt in groups, and watch them grow bigger, stronger, and smarter.

On the eve of lighting the fire, he died at the last step.

Alas~ Heaven is ruthless and life is impermanent. Legendary creatures will still come to an end, let alone ordinary creatures like ants.

Unless Xu Dong and the Red Dragon Clan can transcend nature, transcend heaven, and transcend the earth, then mass extinction will no longer threaten them, but this is not easy.

Even if the upright apes in later generations dare not say that they can really face mass extinction.

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining an epic fragment, +1 transition point]


Xu Dong was stunned by the sudden news. He chose to click on this epic clip, and instantly his entire consciousness was immersed in the clip.

This time it was no longer entering the body, but like watching a holographic movie. He was like a ghost, following the last little red dragon on this epic road.

Seeing the fire and lava coming, the old red dragon leader made a prompt decision and led the remaining young red dragons to migrate to the northeast.

Watching the little red dragons travel thousands of miles to the European border, watching the Redonda dragon call away the sea plant dragon so that the little red dragons can cross the sea safely.

Looking at the Xiao Chilong tribe who creatively invented the concept of fences, the residents live and work in peace and contentment and thrive.

Watching the little red dragon tribe facing a desperate situation on a deserted island, they survived and were taken away by the pseudo-legendary Protognathus turtle to escape.

Watch them encounter zerg in the woods, fires ignite the forest, lava erupts and legendary bugs appear.

Xu Dong followed the old Chilong leader all the way, watching the tribesmen being swallowed up by the magma and burned to death in the fire one by one, and watching the old leader drag his seriously injured body out of the sea of ​​fire.

Finally, watching it shed tears, he handed the slate to the velociraptor who was almost exactly the same as him from the Thirteen Red Dragon Clan, and completed the final step.

Passing the torch!

As long as the Red Dragon clan is not completely extinct, the will of the Red Dragon will not disappear. Even if it will be low for a long time, it will one day burn brightly again.

After playing the clip, he returned to the editor again. Xu Dong could not calm down for a long time. He was both proud that the little red dragons could create this epic, and also sad that they would eventually perish.

It's hard to recover from the overflowing water, and it's hard to reverse time. The extinction of the little red dragon is certain, and Xu Dong can't do anything.

There is only one thing he wants to do and can do now, and that is revenge!

Nature is above us, and when natural disasters wipe out the bones of all living beings, it is lucky to have descendants who can escape the disaster, let alone resist.

The insect king that finally caused the extinction of the old leader's group is already a legend. Whether it can survive the Triassic mass extinction is still unknown. Even if it does survive, Xu Dong has nothing to do with it for the time being.

The only ones that can be targeted are the insect descendants of the Insect King. Under the legend, except for quasi-legends like Redonda Dragon and Proto-Snap Turtle, which are infinitely close to legends, Xu Dong still doesn't believe that there are existences that are immortal in numbers!

Thanks to West Wind Zhaohuo, silver snake Wuhuang Yingzheng, a5102222107, I am bald, hey the light bulb opposite 110, the world in my sleeves, book friend 20200809130941076 for the reward.

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