Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 102: Eternal Life in Fire (released)

The old red dragon leader rested against a big tree, watching the little red dragons in front of him celebrating their hard-won blood food, watching them shouting and jumping, as if they had returned to the big forest where they once lived.

The male dragon hunts, the female dragon gives birth, the young dragons play, the old dragon is comfortable, everything is so beautiful.

It's a pity that I can never go back.

An adult little red dragon cut off a large piece of flesh and brought it to the old red dragon. This is the tradition of the red dragon tribe. Those with merit are given priority, those who are injured are given priority, and the elderly are given priority.

In this prehistoric era, young dragons and old dragons will always be the rarest species, and those who can survive are the strong ones.

Although the old dragons are not as powerful as before, their experience is the best nourishment for the new generation, making the new generation of little red dragons smarter and more powerful.

The old leader cut open the large piece of flesh and blood, grabbed a small piece for himself, and pushed the rest back. The food was hard-earned, so let the young dragons eat more.

The Little Red Dragon tribe will live in this forest for a period of time. The tribe members are not in good health. The old leader thinks it is the problem of the fish in the sea. The fish comes from under the black clouds, so it comes to the conclusion that it dies due to the fire slurry and the black clouds. I concluded that I couldn’t eat the food.

The little red dragons should be able to recover after eating more food that is not contaminated with black clouds or fire slurry.

It's just that the old leader himself didn't expect that the urgent problem for the little red dragons now is actually drinking water.

Since the eruption of volcanic groups in the magmatic area, Pangea has become increasingly hot and dry.

Water is the source of life. All living things must drink water. The scorching hot climate makes water sources scarce. The little red dragon has no gills, so it cannot filter seawater directly, so it can only expand its range to find fresh water.

The prey in this forest is not very abundant. The little red dragons have to walk far to hunt for food and drink water, so they can only ignore a group of young dragons.

The five young red dragons did not understand the worries of their elders. Although the journey was hard, they found it interesting. The curious young dragons ran deep into the forest while the old dragon guarding them was not paying attention.

Experienced creatures know that the depths of the forest are dangerous, so the temporary habitat of the little red dragon is placed at the edge of the forest. Only adult little red dragons can go in and hunt.

The young red dragons were chasing and fighting, and soon they didn't know where they were. After walking for a while with their heads covered, they actually discovered a mysterious place.

The land in this place is completely different from the surroundings. Outside is the gray soil common in forests, but here is a piece of green sticky land.

The little red dragon had little experience and didn't know what this meant. Instead, he was very curious and wanted to go find out.

Stepping into the green land and continuing to walk inside, the trees are also very different from the outside world. Although the trees in the outside world are a little malnourished, they still give people a feeling of being alive.

As for the trees on the green sticky land, there are no leaves at all, and the entire tree is just a bare piece. There is no problem in saying that such a tree is dead.

But these dead trees don't have the fragile and hollow feeling of rotten trees at all. The trunks are still straight and the bark is still hard, like zombie trees among dead trees.

Two of the young red dragons were frightened. They called out Wow twice and wanted to leave. Seeing that their companions refused, they had no choice but to follow them in.

Walking all the way to the center of Qingdi, a large open space appeared in front of us. In the center of the open space was a bottomless pit.

Surrounding the pit were four corpses of large overlord-level creatures lying around six to seven meters high. The five young red dragons suddenly became happy. This was a lot of food, and the tribe would be very happy to know it.

However, before they could be happy for a long time, an ugly bug suddenly emerged from the body of Crocodile Rausi and pounced directly on the leading young red dragon.

The little red dragon couldn't dodge and was knocked down by the insect. The sharp appendages and mouthparts penetrated its body and killed it with one blow.

But the bug didn't give up and set its sights on the remaining four little red dragons.

However, it obviously underestimated the strength of a creature like the Little Red Dragon. Although the four young Little Red Dragons were panicked and their abilities were far inferior to those of the adults, at least they had understood what unity meant.

When the insect knocked down the second little red dragon, the other three immediately swarmed up and inserted their immature claws into the insect's back. Corrosive acid spurted out from the hole and sprinkled the three little red dragons.

Suddenly, howls broke out, the acid blood corroded many holes in the body of the young red dragon, and white smoke rose up with the stench of dissolving flesh and blood.

However, in this momentary gap, the young red dragon who was originally suppressed immediately took action, inserting his right claw directly from under the insect's head.

This time, the larva was really hurt. It raised its head and sprayed venom outwards, and it burned instantly after it was tainted in the air.

Those seemingly hard zombie trees had no resistance to flames. Countless burning bugs flew out from the zombie trees, and their flying out helped the flames spread.

The flames quickly swept through the entire forest, and the huge number of flying insects seemed to fan the flames, carrying the flames to all directions in the forest.

The temporary habitat of the little red dragons was no exception. The old leader hurriedly jumped up from the ground and called for the tribe to evacuate quickly.

This time, it was like before, and they had no choice but to abandon the adult red dragons who went out to hunt, and left the forest with only about twenty female dragon cubs.

But nature may have decided they weren't miserable enough, so she gave them another push.

The earth began to arch, the land cracked, and surging magma erupted from the cracks, completely cutting off the little red dragons' way of survival.

The old leader couldn't figure out why there would be terrifying fire slurry here. Shouldn't it be near those raised mountains?

There was no time for it to think so much, so it could only find a certain direction and lead the remaining twenty or so little red dragons to run away.

A huge amount of magma erupted from the deep pit in the green sticky ground, and correspondingly, there was a scream that pierced the eardrums. The land was broken open, the magma was bursting, and a hundred-meter-long beetle emerged from the ground. out.

At the last moment of the Triassic Era, the terrifying insect king finally transformed into a legendary creature. However, becoming a legend at this time is to let it go to a dead end.

The angry and unwilling insect king screamed and vented everything on the earth.

The legend killed millions of people in anger and bled for thousands of miles.

After all, the main red dragon vein that has been passed down for 30 million years has not reached a new habitat and started over.

The old red dragon leader, whose body was charred, struggled to crawl out of the flame forest. He was already dead with nearly 90% burns.

Obsession supported it as it climbed out of the sea of ​​fire, and it still holds the most important thing in its arms.

No, absolutely cannot allow this thing to be reduced to ashes in the sea of ​​fire.

At this time, a small figure appeared in the old leader's dim eyes. It looked very much like the little red dragon. No, it looked very much like the little red dragon 30 million years ago.

The same body length of only a dozen centimeters, the same beautiful red scales, the same sharp claws, the same. . .

At this moment, the old leader cried, and tears could not stop flowing from his eyes. He handed over the red-hot stone with difficulty, and shouted the last two syllables in his hoarse throat.



The little red dragon is not extinct, but its main vein is extinct, okay, okay.

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