Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 104 This trip is about killing insects


Although you don't need Essence to enter the creature editor, it does require compulsory spending. In other words, if Xu Dong doesn't spend any Essence, he can only stay in this dead space and never get out.

Fortunately, although he was in a hurry before, he still made some money from the source of quality. In addition to the 28 points that were not used last time and the returned attribute-added source of quality, Xu Dong now has 52 points of source of quality again.

In addition to this there are a few warp points and a Newtonosaurus tail vertebra component.

The goal this time has been set, which is to hunt down the insect prince and grandson thousands of miles away, so targeted transformation is needed.

The blood venom of the Insect Prince Sun is very difficult to deal with. If you don't take precautions in advance, you will be caught by this trick, so add some defense. Xudong happens to have the subcutaneous osteogenesis of the Crazy Tooth Crocodile and the back skin of the Ornithosuchus. One set should be of some use.

Of course, Xu Dong can also directly install the venom of the fireflies and directly fight the insects from a distance.

But it mainly depends on the price. Although the venom of the firefly is powerful, the installation requires modifying Xu Dong's original venom gland components and upgrading it to a chemical reaction furnace. This is a large investment and directly exceeds Xu Dong's existing budget.

On the contrary, subcutaneous osteogenesis and dorsal skin are cheaper. Subcutaneous osteogenesis has twenty-two points and dorsal skin has five points, which adds up to only twenty-seven points of source matter.

Xu Dong thought about it and felt that the subcutaneous bone could be installed but the back skin was not necessary. Since most of its back was covered with wings, it would not be of much use if the back skin was installed.

Secondly, he is a squamous species of lepidosaur, and his body is covered with scales. The skin and scales of the bird-crocodile don't match at all.

After installing the subcutaneous osteogenesis, the little red dragon has become a little fatter, and there are still 30 points of source material left, so the masseter must be installed.

The bite force has been the weakness of the Crimson Dragon Clan for a long time. As a member of the Dragon Clan, having such a bad bite force is a disgrace to the ancestor of the Forest Lizard.

Huh? Is his ancestor the ancestral single bow beast or the forest lizard?

The masseter muscle is a very complex component. Fortunately, the order Squamata also belongs to the subclass Diploma of the Dragon family. There are holes on the head that can place the masseter muscles, so there is no need to drill additional holes.

The giant toothed crocodile's masseter muscle cost sixteen points of essence, and the bite force of the red-scaled flying dragon was directly ranked among the top ten in the world. Generally speaking, it is quite cost-effective.

Xu Dong was not going to use the eleven points of essence left. He wanted to go out and add them to his attributes. If he wanted to hunt down the larvae, he couldn't rely on Xu Dong alone. The red-scaled flying dragons were very useful thugs.

If you want to command the dragons, you must have strength that exceeds theirs, and these must be reflected in your attributes.

After the transformation was completed, Xu Dong chose to return to Earth.

This time I still looked at the sea in the same way as last time. When I landed at a certain height and looked down at the mainland, it was completely covered in darkness, and my view was blocked by the dark clouds covering the world.

The huge igneous rock province area is the most conspicuous, because the dark clouds are the densest and thickest. Although the black fog in other places cannot be seen clearly, you can still see something at least, but you can't see anything at all in this area. .

It would be great if the sea view mode can automatically adjust the height and position. The system of the creature editor is too rigid and does not understand flexibility. Unlike other systems, it is user-friendly and the benefits are free of charge.

In the fast-forward mode of watching the sea, the dark clouds covering the whole world gradually thinned out soon after, and the sun shone on the earth again. The creatures finally survived this long period of time and ushered in the hope of new life.

The pterosaurs once again spread their wings and flew into the sky. When the dinosaurs looked up, they could no longer see the pseudocrocodiles pressing on their heads. On the desolate land, the velociraptors crawled out of the cave and were frightened by the dazzling sunlight, so they hurriedly fled back.

Roar~ The roar of dragons resounded throughout the continent. This was the carnival of the survivors.

After every mass extinction, there is always a long recovery period, and the Jurassic is no exception. However, as the worst of the five mass extinctions, the recovery period of the Jurassic did not last long, and creatures quickly It began to flourish again.

The Jurassic was not as hot and dry as the Triassic. Instead, it had a warm climate and abundant rainfall. Even inland deserts could still be nourished by sweet rain. The oxygen content continued to increase, making it suitable for the survival and reproduction of organisms on Pangea.

At this time, the north and south of Pangea were not separated, only the direction of the Tethys Sea cracked a little. The real break into two parts was only 20 million years after the Triassic mass extinction.

This was around the time of the Early Jurassic extinction event, about 183 million years ago, at the turn of the Pulenspaian and Toarian periods.

Igneous provinces have erupted again, but this time in the Karoo and Ferrar igneous regions from South Africa to Antarctica.

Xu Dong watched the barren land covered with green at a speed visible to the naked eye. He was amazed at the tenacity of plants many times. Plants always feel the vitality of the earth faster than animals.

At this time, suction finally came from below, and Xu Dong quickly threw his body into this world. This time, the direction was actually the South China Plain in Asia.

[Time - 190 Ma, Early Jurassic Preenpa period]

One hundred and ninety million years ago, the South China Plain in Asia was the habitat of the red-scaled flying dragon.

Although the red-scaled flying dragon luckily survived the mass extinction at the end of the Triassic, its population was once reduced to a critical point.

It was not until the end of the Great Destruction that they reproduced and expanded again, and their reduced size gradually returned to the level at the end of the Triassic.

The body Xu Dong obtained was an adult red-scaled flying dragon with a wingspan of less than three meters. It was already one of the largest in the group today.

After adding eight points of essence to agility and three points to strength, Xu Dong was ready to challenge the leader of the group.

This group of flying dragons is not large in number. There are only more than thirty including young dragons, and only ten of them are adult flying dragons.

In fact, with the strength of the Red Scale Flying Dragon, it can already act alone, but the members of the Red Dragon Clan seem to have a sense of unity. It is better to work together than to fight alone.

Since a group must have a leader, and the leader must be the strongest member of the group, Xu Dong can directly take leadership of the group as long as he defeats the leader.

He simply shouted twice and jumped in front of the leader, showing off as a challenger.

As a leader, you cannot refuse the challenge, and of course, as the strongest, you will not refuse to fight.

Two red-scale flying dragons of about the same size flew into the air facing each other, staring at each other, and the smell of gunpowder was already filling the air.

If Xu Dong wants to deal with those difficult fireflies, the more flying dragons he has, the better. This group is just starting out, how can he lose the first battle?

The Feilong leader also has a reason not to lose. If the old leader loses to the new leader, everything it has will belong to the latter.

The clan's command power, harem, and children will be lost, and even its own life cannot be guaranteed, so for everything it has now, it cannot lose!

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