Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 101 Crossing the Dead Sea (released)

Continuing eastward along the coast, we get farther and farther away from the small red dragon group, until they can no longer be seen.

The coastline of the European continent is not static. Although the sea level changes at the end of the Triassic are not as terrible as the extinction event at the end of the Jurassic, the impact on land life is also huge.

Just like the little red dragon group led by the old red dragon leader, they lived on an uninhabited desert island that day in order to avoid land predators. Originally, this large island was connected to the European continent by tidal flats, and the little red dragons could just walk on it. Wade across.

But who would have thought that after just one night, the ocean would cut off their return.

The old leader stood on the shore and tried to wade, but found that the sea level had risen too much, and the little red dragons could no longer wade through it.

Although they can swim, it is too dangerous to swim on the sea road that expands to several kilometers, and the big fish definitely don't mind enjoying this red dinner.

Trapped on a deserted island and unable to get out, the old leader became unsteady and his hind limbs trembled and fell to the ground. He was already old. After nearly forty years, he no longer had the strong body he had when he was young. If he were ten years younger, In 2006, it even had the confidence to challenge dinosaurs in a duel.

Old age brings not only a declining body but also a hesitant heart.

Ten years ago, it would definitely organize the tribesmen to forcefully cross the sea and return to the mainland when it discovered the sea invasion early in the morning, even if it lost some tribesmen, it didn't matter.

But now it has too many worries. It is not only worried about the physical strength of the tribe, but also worried about the big fish in the sea. The most worried thing is the loss of forced crossing. At this moment of hesitation, they have missed the best opportunity to escape.

Fortunately, although this deserted island is barren with few trees, the surrounding fish resources are still very abundant. The little red dragon has fish in his diet, and he is very knowledgeable about fishing, so he lives here temporarily. no problem.

The young red dragons are even more heartless. They don't play anywhere, and they just run around and have fun on this deserted island.

But predators don't respect the old and love the young. A group of long-clawed Dimorphodon pterosaurs focused on these young red dragons.

The long-clawed Dimorphodon pterosaur has a wingspan of less than 1.5 meters. It will definitely not be able to catch the 1.5-meter-long adult Red Dragon, but it is still no problem to catch the young Red Dragon, which is only about 20 centimeters long.

There are not many pterosaurs in this group, only three or four, but because they are air units, they are very difficult to deal with.

The old leader discovered the traces of these guys and quickly protected the young red dragons behind him. Dozens of adult small red dragons howled toward the sky, warning the group of long-clawed dimorphic pterosaurs. Warn them not to prey on the baby dragon.

Although the long-clawed Dimorphodon didn't dare to come down for a while, it still hovered in the sky, obviously not giving up its attempt on the young red dragon.

The number of young red dragons is now insufficient, and there are not enough manpower to go out to hunt. They can only mobilize all the young red dragons and take the young red dragons to the beach to fish and touch clams.

Life goes by like this day by day, and the dead fish floating along the ocean currents can always fill the stomachs of the little red dragons.

Above their heads was the long-clawed Dimorphodon that came over from time to time to observe. Perhaps because of eating too many dead fish, some members of the tribe suffered from vomiting, weakness, coma and other symptoms. However, everything else was fine and they were still as calm.

On this day, the worried old leader came to the shore and was so frightened that his heart almost jumped out of his chest.

What a terrifying purgatory scene this is. Black clouds are spreading from the west. Under the dark clouds are flying volcanic ash and misty gray fog. The sea surface as far as the eye can see is covered with the corpses of creatures. Here they are, and they are finally catching up. !

Ouch~ Woo~ several dragon cries sounded in the sky, dozens of huge red-scaled flying dragons flew from a distance, and ate up the long-clawed Dimorphodon pterosaurs above their heads. Continue flying towards the east.

The old leader of the red dragon watched the group of red-scaled flying dragons leave. He would be lying if he said he was not envious. If they could fly, they would not have to stay on this deserted island to die.

Looking at the European continent, there should be no predators lurking in the middle ocean now. Even if there are predators, there will be so much food that they will not attack the little red dragons again.

Before it could make a decision, the big island beneath its feet moved.

The desert island surfaced. This was an extremely huge protognathic turtle. In the opinion of the old Red Dragon leader, it was only a little smaller than the previous big plant dragon. It stood on the shallows and ran wildly carrying the small Red Dragon. .

It’s hard to imagine, but prehistoric turtles actually ran very fast, and the speed of this pseudo-legendary turtle is even more astonishing.

In order to stabilize their bodies, the little red dragons had to grab onto all the visible objects around them. Even so, several little red dragons fell down.

Falling into the sea at this time is undoubtedly a dead end, but the other little red dragons are undoubtedly lucky and happened to encounter this pseudo-legend, otherwise they would all die there.

This pseudo-legendary turtle ran for a day and a night. When it stopped again, it was already dawn and the dark clouds were no longer visible. The little red dragons could finally get off the car and return to the land.

The moment I set foot on the European continent, I felt that the earth was shaking, and it took a while to regain its balance.

The old red dragon continued its journey with the remaining tribesmen. It didn't know where the safe place was. It only knew that it was as far away from the black clouds as possible and kept moving towards the east.

What was in front of them now was a cedar forest. The breeze was blowing, the leaves were rustling, insects were flying in the forest, and small creatures were crawling under the trees.

All of this is so similar to my former home, so warm.

After observing for a while, the old red dragon leader confirmed that there was no danger, so he led the remaining old and weak red dragons into the pine forest.

As the carbon dioxide content increases, the earth's climate becomes hotter and hotter. Although the little red dragons are drought-tolerant dragons, they naturally want to enjoy the shade if they can.

After not eating for a whole day and night, and many of the little red dragons were in poor health, they were not picky about food at all now, and even insects with few ounces of meat were swallowed into their stomachs.

The young Red Dragon was lucky enough to catch a tuatara, which was only about 60 centimeters in size. In front of the Little Red Dragon, it had no chance to fight back and was stabbed to death on the ground.

Carrying the hard-won meat, the little red dragons jumped and screamed around, expressing their joy that they finally no longer had to eat the disgusting dead fish meat.

After a short rest, the old leader of the red dragon leaned against a big tree to rest. It has two worries now. One is where to go to be safe? Second, can the bodies of the little red dragons survive?

After eating so many dead fish, each member of the group is in a bad state. It doesn't understand what is wrong, and its brain has not yet given it the ability to analyze knowledge.

All it knows is that it can no longer eat dead fish in the sea.

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