Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 100: Out of North America (released)

After all, the old red dragon is not a truly wise and far-sighted prophet. It does not have an overall view that transcends the times. It is just an ordinary old red dragon. At most, it was the leader for a period of time.

Today, almost all the adult male red dragons in the clan have been wiped out, leaving only a group of old, weak, women and children. The hermaphroditism of the small red dragons cannot be easily changed, at least not by this group of pregnant and newly-given female baby red dragons.

After a few years, there will really be no males left in the tribe to reproduce. Faced with such a desperate situation, females will change into males.

The old Red Dragon leader searched over and over again for the experiences he had remembered, and led the old and weak people to migrate eastward.

The two small red dragon tribes that passed by on the way could actually join directly. However, after experiencing the death disaster in the habitat, the old leader understood that it was not safe here, and the terrifying fire slurry would chase them sooner or later.

After warning the two Little Red Dragon tribes, they were unmoved, and the old Red Dragon leader no longer pressed. No one knew the Little Red Dragon's stubbornness better than him.

After replenishing food and water, the red dragons set off again. This time they needed to cross a shoal to reach the island on the other side. This road was a shortcut that bypassed the mountains between North America and Europe.

With their old and weak physical condition, it is simply impractical to cross the mountains. The island hopping tactic is more practical, but there is still a problem here.

That is, this shallow sea has not been polluted by volcanic lava, and the ecosystem here is still complete enough. The little red dragons have to find a way to avoid the ambush of sea plant dragons and large fish.

After millions of years of evolution, the phytosaurs have completely adapted to the seawater environment, but because they cannot compete with the ichthyosaurs and finosaurs, they can only nest in the coastal shallows of the European archipelago and ambush passing creatures.

The old leader was still very worried when he reached the coast. When he was young, he went to the river to drink water, but he encountered plant dragons countless times, and countless people died in their mouths.

Even when faced with large dinosaurs and pseudocrocodiles on land, the little red dragons dare to face them head-on. Only the plant dragons in the river and sea, the little red dragons can do nothing against them.

When we came to the coast, it turned out that countless sea dragons were lying lazily on the beach above the sea and basking in the sun. This number was too much. Even if we filled in all the red dragons, they probably wouldn't be able to eat enough.

Just when the old leader was at a loss what to do, a huge plant dragon suddenly appeared from the sea in the distance. Its body was so big and its shape was unheard of and unseen.

This huge plant dragon looked up to the sky and roared, and the sound almost stunned the little red dragons.

As the big plant dragon finished its three howls, an astonishing scene appeared. The sea plant dragons between the island and the North American land all started to move, and one by one they gathered towards the giant plant dragon, and followed the big plant dragon to swim to the east.

The plant dragons left, and new predators had not yet arrived. This was a God-given opportunity before the red dragons. The old leader quickly led the young red dragons across the shoals, crossing the islands one after another, all the way to Europe. Run to the mainland.

The European continent is a completely unfamiliar place to the old leader of the red dragon. The terrain, environment and ecology here are completely unknown to him, and the experience on the North American continent is completely inapplicable here.

But it’s impossible not to go. The terrifying and man-eating “fire slurry” is definitely still behind. It’s not safe here, so we still have to continue walking eastward.

After traveling along the coastline of the European continent for three days, the little red dragons finally encountered their kind again.

This ethnic group is very large, numbering in the thousands. Logically speaking, groups with more than a thousand people will begin to split, with some members migrating to other places to re-establish their habitats.

The old leader sent his clan members no less than five times in his life. Their Red Dragon clan is a direct line from their ancestors, and it is the most glorious and prosperous Red Dragon clan. Unfortunately, there is nothing now, only the old and weak like them are left.

The biggest difference between this ethnic group and other ethnic groups is that there is a circle of towering mounds around the settlement, which surrounds all the open spaces for habitats in the center, forming a circle of barriers that can effectively prevent enemy invasion.

If Xu Dong were here at this time, he would definitely be able to tell that this group is the Little Red Dragon group that was last encountered seven million years ago. Unexpectedly, seven million years later, their burial culture has really evolved. became a wall.

Protected by the mound walls, the little red dragons are even safer than other groups of little red dragons, and the mortality rate of young dragons is lower. If the group expands, they can continue to expand the scope of the mound, and they can always accommodate so many little red dragons. Dragon's.

Generally speaking, the Little Red Dragon clan is relatively friendly towards its own kind, and there is almost no cannibalism and cannibalism like in the biological world.

The main reason is that their brains are smart enough, and Xu Dong's ancestor-respecting tradition and Paka ceremony left behind, give them a greater sense of identity with each other.

Even if they have been separated for millions of years, when the old leader puts his hands together and makes a standard click salute, the little red dragons will understand that they are the same kind and are compatriots of the same red dragon bloodline.

After living in this very safe wall for three days, the old leader took the tribe and left here, because the prosperous Little Red Dragon tribe also refused to leave this home that had been inherited for millions of years.

No Little Red Dragon tribe would be willing to leave home. The inability to leave their homeland is ultimately a spiritual imprint engraved in the Little Red Dragon’s bones.

However, when they left, they took away many ethnic groups and expanded the number of ethnic groups. Although the settlement of the Little Red Dragon ethnic group was large, as the number of ethnic groups increased, it was still unable to accommodate it.

The old leader happened to catch up with this wave of ethnic group split, and the split little red dragons had nowhere to go anyway, so they just happened to follow them and migrate to the east.


On the scorching European plains, the weather is getting drier and hotter.

The little red velociraptor has gone from being a single lizard to a glorious lizard dad, and its mate is the velociraptor who reminded it in the first place and allowed it to escape from the running lizard.

Swift lizards are different from the small red dragons in the main line. They do not have strong strength to ensure that the young lizards will not die young, so they only have a dozen in a lifetime. As long as one can grow up, they will make a profit.

Although their lifespan is not long, only about ten years, they are sexually mature at the age of two and can mate and reproduce. Each pair of velociraptors can lay hundreds of lizard eggs in their lifetime, of which at most one-tenth can reach adulthood.

This velociraptor with beautiful red scales is also a father for the first time and has no experience. He wants to supplement his mate with more nutrition, so he often leaves the cave to look for food far away.

On this day, as usual, he went to the forest several kilometers away to dig up fern roots. If he could dig out fat worms and earthworms, it would be a great harvest. These things are delicious and everyone in the family will definitely like them.

However, before they reached the forest this time, they saw blazing flames from a distance. The forest was on fire, and a dark figure climbed out of the flames.

The remaining two chapters will be updated tonight.

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