Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 11 Crossing the River

The big river flows in front of Xu Dong's eyes. The water is clear and transparent. There are countless grains of sand and gravel on the bottom of the river. They sparkle in the first ray of sunshine after the rain. A gust of wind blows, and the water surface sparkles.

This small river comes from far away and flows even further away. I don’t know its source or end. I only know that the sound of the endless flow of water is so beautiful.

If there were still tear glands, Xu Dong might have cried bitterly. The two-year migration was not in vain. They finally left the damn desert. As long as they crossed this big river, in the distance, there were green grasslands and small grasslands. The future expectations of the Red Dragon clan.

Back at the gathering place, the little red dragons were still lying there, some had fallen asleep, and some were still looking around warily. When they saw Xu Dong coming back, they all stood up excitedly.

Xu Dong returned to the group and counted the number. After half a day's work, only twenty of the thirty-two little red dragons were left, and one-third of them were lost in the battle. This was another big step forward on the road to extinction.

Leading the remaining twenty of their kind to the river, these little guys who had never seen the world were all extremely excited.

Several little red dragons approached the river. Some wanted to step on the water, and some wanted to try to see if the water was drinkable. However, they were frightened by the splashing water and fled back to the group of little red dragons in piss.

Xu Dong suddenly laughed like a crow, these jokes under his hands were so interesting.

When a group of lizards wanted to touch but did not dare to approach, the existence of the leader was revealed. Xu Dong took the lead and stepped directly into the river.

He had just observed that the water in this section of the river was very shallow, only about half a meter. Before crossing, it would reach up to the knees at most. However, the hip height of the little red dragons is only seven or eight centimeters, so even a half-meter deep river is very dangerous. , if you are not careful, you will be washed away by the water.

Xu Dong was the first to go into the water and give it a try. Fortunately, the swimming skills he had learned before were still intact, and the little red dragon's body was light enough. He could easily swim in this section of the water by swinging his hind paws.

When other little red dragons saw that their leader had entered the water, they jumped into the water one by one. However, these little red dragons who have lived in the desert all their lives do not know how to swim. They have probably never seen a larger pool for 800,000 years. There is a small pond in front of the little red lizard habitat, and the little red lizards occasionally swim there.

The little red dragons who were completely incapable of water were either choked or fled to the land as if they were flying.

Xu Dong was speechless for a while and pushed the little red dragons who were choking on the water back to the shore.

This little red dragon No. 20 will probably never go into the water again even if he is beaten to death. How should he leave the desert and get to the other side? Xu Dong couldn't help but become anxious.

There is green grassland on the other side of the river, and there may be forests, wetlands and other suitable habitats behind it. How can they stagnate here?

But the fact that the little red dragons can't swim is a fatal problem. Even if they want to build a boat, this side is full of desert and there is no wood at all. How can we build it?

We obviously hope to be on the other side, but we are blocked by such a small river.

The little red dragons got into trouble on the bank of the river. Xu Dong stood on the bank and estimated the width of the river, and made a very absurd decision in his heart.

He wants to fill in the river channel. Man makes a way.

Although it is a bit outrageous, it is not impossible to achieve.

This is a very wide river, yes, but not every section of the river is the same width and depth.

The section in front of Xu Dong was the narrowest and shallowest low-lying area. From Xu Dong's side to the grassland on the opposite side, it was only about twenty meters. This gave Xu Dong the confidence to complete the plan.

There is not much else in this desert but the most sand. Twenty-one little red dragons work together to first pile the sand on the shore, then wet it with river water to strengthen it, and finally push it into the river, thus building a channel bit by bit. The way to the other side.

Just do what you think of, and the little red dragons won't question Xu Dong's decision. The leader asked them to transport sand, so they went to transport it. I'm just a little hungry. I have consumed so much today and haven't replenished any energy.

Xu Dong also thought about this. Although the little red dragon can starve for five or six days after eating a meal, that is under the condition of low activity level. Today is another day of tuatara fighting and death race, and now it is still going on. Pile sand, the little energy they store is not enough.

Xu Dong dived into the water and floated quietly on the surface like a crocodile. His two hind legs moved in the water to maintain buoyancy.

The new ray-finned fish and ancient cod swim freely in the river. They have never seen a creature like the little red dragon. Some relatively docile ray-finned fish are puffing bubbles and looking at Xu Dong curiously. They are a little lively. They even swam around Xu Dong.

Today, almost all the Triassic freshwaters live in ray-finned fish and ancient cod that were driven away from the ocean, and most of the fish in later generations are also ray-finned fish. It seems that hundreds of millions of years have not passed. The traces of evolution left on these fish made Xu Dong, who used to eat them often, feel particularly close to them.

A curious herbivorous fish about ten centimeters slowly swam close to Xudong. Judging from its appearance, it probably wanted to try whether Xudong could eat it.

However, what was waiting for it was a sharp hook.

Xu Dong's front paws directly inserted into the mouth of the unknown herbivorous fish, and the claws penetrated its head and exited from the top of its head.

Suddenly, the herbivorous fish tried to bite off Xu Dong's claws and escape, but it was already too late.

Most fish in the Triassic, whether carnivorous or vegetarian, had fangs, which was the biggest threat to Xu Dong.

So there was only one chance. When his right claw pierced the brain of the herbivorous fish, Xu Dong retracted his forelimbs like lightning.

After struggling in vain for a moment with its brain pierced, the grass carp finally surfaced and was bitten by Xu Dong. His hind limbs pulled the water and swam to the shore.

The little red dragons who were busy piling sand found Xu Dong swimming ashore with a big fish in his mouth, and they all looked at him eagerly.

Why do they still follow Xu Dong wholeheartedly after so many years and so many things?

It's because Xu Dong can find edible food for them in any environment.

In the animal world, strength and speed can only bring fear, only food can bring prestige, and only leaders who can lead their men to hunt for food can win loyalty.

Twenty little red dragons gathered together. They had never eaten fish before and did not know how to eat fish. Xu Dong demonstrated it first, bit off a small piece of tender meat, chewed it up and swallowed it directly.

The freshwater ray-finned fish of the Triassic was not as spiny as the freshwater fish of later generations. Instead, it was more like a marine fish. Except for a long spine, there were no other small bones.

Zhongli, who had never eaten fish before, followed Xu Dong's example and took a small bite. With just such a small bite, the deliciousness and tenderness of the fish ignited his taste buds.

What did these little red dragons who followed Xu Dong eat in the past?

Insects, North American sand scorpions, desert red lizards, and red rock beaks. Which of these things can compare with fish?

The twenty little red dragons suddenly lost their composure and started fighting over each other just to get an extra piece of fish.

Although this ray-finned fish was only a dozen centimeters long, it was not enough to feed the twenty or so hungry little red dragons. Soon they were all wiped out. Some of the gluttonous ones even chewed up the bones and swallowed them all. Enter the stomach.

The younger brothers still didn't have enough to eat. As the eldest, Xu Dong had no choice but to go into the water and continue fishing.

But what he didn't know was that he actually caught a diving bully this time.

Small theater of paleontology: There is not much difference between the fishes of the Triassic and modern fishes. They are basically dominated by the teleost class, while the superclass Actinophytes is the mainstream of teleosts. The Triassic is the rise of Neopterygium. era, and for the next 200 million years, Neopterygium will also account for the majority.

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