Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 702: old friend not acquainted

(Thank you for your monthly tickets... Thank you for your support when there is no wind and waves, and the sun is white - I hope you will continue to use monthly tickets to spur me, if you have monthly tickets, hit me, there is still a chapter before dawn!)

Shen Huai was also surprised when he saw Zhou Qian standing at the school gate, and couldn't help but take a second glance.

Although it has been many years, Zhou Qian is no longer a little girl who is as tender as a cucumber in early spring who runs around behind her sister, but has grown into a young woman with thin waist and firm breasts, fair skin and pretty face. Shen Huai is still At a glance, she recognized her as Zhou Yu's sister.

Shen Huai now lives in the house that Zhou Yu and her husband Sun Xun left before they went abroad to settle down. She and Zhou Yu have not seen each other for many years, but when Wang Weicheng was tidying up the house, there was a photo of Zhou Yu and Sun Xun's wedding. In the house, Shen Huai was able to see that Zhou Yu's model of a plump young woman after marriage was much plumper than that of a lean young woman when she was studying.

Many girls seem to be like this. Diane was also thin before marriage. After marriage, she was plump and beautiful, her muscles were like fat, her tentacles were slippery, and her whole body was full of seductive femininity.

Zhou Qian looks very similar to her sister's wedding photos. The lines of her cheeks may be softer, and her slightly raised chin shows a hint of arrogance hidden in her heart.

Tingting stands tall, her goose egg-like face looks like jade congealed, a few tiny beads of sweat seep on her forehead, and her eyes are dark and deep under her long eyelashes. She seems to be waiting for someone. Zhou Qian looks like she is standing in the guard room. In the front sun, it is very attractive.

Shen Huai knew that Zhou Yu was one year younger than him. He was thirty-two this year, and he hadn't seen him for many years. Even if Wang Weicheng occasionally contacted Zhou Yu and Sun Xun, it was only phone calls or emails.

Shen Huai didn't know how old Zhou Qian was. When they were in their third year of high school, Zhou Qian had just entered the school's junior high school, but after fourteen or five years, it is estimated that she should be twenty-seven or eighteen now, but looking at her face, she looks much younger. The appearance of a twenty-two or three-year-old person has an amazing feeling. It is no wonder that after her sister graduated, the title of the school flower in the county has been occupied by this girl for five or six years.

Zhou Qian stayed for the principal Zhang Bin, and when the county magistrate came over, she also forgot that she could not remember what the parents and officials in the county looked like. As soon as a guy came and stared at her face, he was very annoyed.

Of course, Zhou Qian knew that men stared at her face, and usually thought of nasty things in their hearts. She was used to it in the past, but now she was somewhat impatient with her anxiety, so she turned her face away. Turning to see that this guy hadn't left yet, Zhou Qian glared angrily and took two steps back towards the guard's room, hoping that this guy would be more interested...

Seeing Zhou Qian's reaction, Shen Huai laughed dumbly. He knew that he regarded himself as a greedy man, and he knew that there was no way to explain it. Could it be that he ran over and told her that my sister and I were classmates in middle school and held your little hand before. What about going to see a revolutionary movie?

For him, Sun Haiwen's life and the past have been wiped out. He can only continue to move forward as Shen Huai. Thinking of this, Shen Huai also smiled and walked to the school.

Shen Huai walked to the office building and didn't see Tao Jixing and the others. He asked the teachers in the office building to know that they were going to the teaching building. He thought that Tao Jixing should also wait for him to come over to talk about things, so he went to the teaching school to inspect the teaching work.

In the past 15 years, the county has not changed much. Except for the library and office buildings built in the past few years, the teaching buildings of the junior high school and high school are still old buildings. In recent years, Shen Huai has not had the opportunity to enter the old school. After taking a look at the teaching building, he didn't make a phone call, so he went directly to the teaching area to meet Tao Jixing and the others.

Walking through the small garden in front of the teaching building, I saw Tao Jixing and the others in the aisle on the fourth floor of the high school, watching the teaching work in the classroom from the window.

The classroom he had been sitting in for three years in high school was on the fourth floor. Shen Huai was afraid that if he said hello, they would be driven downstairs. Instead, he didn't have the opportunity to take a look at the old classroom and reminisce about the past, so he didn't speak. Go straight to the bottom of the classroom building.


Shen Huai turned around and saw Zhou Qian, who was waiting at the school gate just now, trot walking from behind on high heels, watching her jet-black hair braided behind her shoulders and tossing her back, she raised her head and gestured upstairs.

Shen Huai had already walked downstairs at this time, and could not see the situation upstairs, but looking at Zhou Qian's appearance, she guessed that she was also making a gesture with Zhang Bin, the principal of the county middle school on the fourth floor. He suddenly thought that she was at the school gate just now, maybe waiting for him, but didn't recognize him.

"Hello..." Shen Huai greeted.

Zhou Qian waited at the school gate for a long time without seeing the mayor coming over, so she trotted over to tell the principal. Seeing Shen Huai standing downstairs and squinting his eyes again, he wondered how this guy got here, and which student's parent is he?

Seeing him start talking, Zhou Qian twisted, walked to the corridor on the other side, and went upstairs from there.

Shen Huai was embarrassed, he laughed shyly at himself, and went upstairs from the corridor here.

He saw Zhou Qian walk up to the fourth floor ahead of him, attracting Zhang Bin and the others' eyes, Shen Huai walked over and listened to Zhou Qian and Zhang Bin reporting: "I waited at the school gate for a while, but I didn't see Shen County. Long others..." As he spoke, watching Shen Huai come up the stairs on the other side, his eyebrows knitted together...

Hearing that Zhou Qian hadn't waited for Shen Huai, Zhang Bin felt a little anxious. He didn't know whether to ask Wang Weicheng to call and ask, or if he went outside the school to have a look, he was quite hesitant; He frowned, looked back, saw Shen Huai walking behind him, and subconsciously shouted, "Where did you come from, Magistrate Shen?" He rushed over enthusiastically to hold Shen Huai's hand.

Zhou Qian didn't expect that the guy who followed her all the way was the legendary Shen County Magistrate, and her head was a little confused.

County Education Director Zhang Wenquan frowned slightly and asked Zhou Qian, "Mr. Zhou, Magistrate Shen came upstairs with you. How can you say that you didn't see Magistrate Shen?"

Zhang Bin and Zhang Bin were emotional and their voices were a little loud. Shen Huai was about to remind them not to disturb the teaching in the classroom, when the door of the classroom suddenly opened, and a white-haired old man shouted to this side: "Can the voice be smaller? There is still class inside..." He was quite dissatisfied with such a big movement outside.

Shen Huai was standing at the door of the classroom, and the old teacher's words seemed to be directed at him.

Zhang Bin was so frightened that his heart skipped a beat. In his opinion, Tao Jixing could speak better, but Shen Huai was the one who could never be offended: Wu Youping, relying on his old qualifications, refused to give him and Zhang Wenquan face, opened the door and taught him a lesson. He and Zhang Wenquan were not happy, so they could only bear it; if Shen Huai was annoyed, the stick would be drawn on Zhang Bin's head first.

Zhang Bin didn't have the guts to test the weight of the stick drawn by Shen Huai. He was about to say a few harsh words to Wu Youping, so that Shen Huai could go down the stairs, but Shen Huai apologized to Wu Youping, and clapped his hands together and hurriedly apologized in a low voice: " I'm sorry, I'm sorry to disturb Mr. Wu in your class, we'll go now..."

Zhang Bin was stunned for a moment, and Zhang Wenquan looked at each other. For a while, he was a little confused about the situation. It was he and Zhang Wenquan who didn't pay attention just now. They yelled at Wu Youping to scold him. Shen Huai didn't say anything. He looked like a primary school student who reprimanded Wu Youping.

Shen Huai took the lead and walked to the corridor. Zhang Bin didn't know what he was thinking. Seeing that Tao Jixing, the secretary of the county party committee, was also smiling with Wu Youping in a pleasant manner, he couldn't feel relieved.

Tao Jixing, secretary of the county party committee, is easy to get along with. He is also from Xiapu County. Although he sometimes has a temper, he will not lose his temper at the locals most of the time. His inverse scales, and what he does in Xiapu County, he doesn't need to leave behind anything, this is the most terrifying.

One more thing, if Shen Huai is really at a loss, it's okay to say that Zhang Bin has not seen any leading cadre willing to suffer grievances in these years. Thinking of this, Zhang Wenquan and Zhang Wenquan both sweated and turned to look at Zhou Qian. , motioning her to walk faster, hoping that Shen Huai's mood will improve because of Zhou Qian.

Zhou Qian and her are also in a trance. I really didn't expect that this guy who came all the way from the school gate was the county magistrate Shen who Zhang Bin asked her to wait for.

It's just that she didn't recognize the person. The key point is that she also put on so many expressions for others to see. Zhou Qian felt even more uneasy when she remembered the rumors about this new county magistrate during this period.


Shen Huai didn't know what Zhang Bin and Zhou Qian were thinking behind. When they walked to the entrance of the corridor, Shen Huai and Tao Jixing came from behind and asked Wang Weicheng, "Why is Mr. Wu Youping still teaching?"

Tao Jixing came over from behind and asked, "You know Wu Youping too?"

Shen Huai said with a smile, "There aren't many super teachers in the county. If I don't know about Wu Youping, I'm not qualified as a county magistrate."

Hearing Wu Youping's sternness when he pushed the door and speaking just now, Shen Huai seemed to suddenly return to the situation in which he heard Wu Youping's stern words fifteen or sixteen years ago. The next time he bowed and apologized and walked away sullenly, it seemed that it was from his memory. The subconscious reaction that emanated, Shen Huai thought it was funny, and asked Wang Weicheng,

"Mr. Wu Youping is sixty-eight this year, right?"

"Well," Wang Weicheng is naturally familiar with the situation in the county, and speaking in the corridor does not affect the classrooms on both sides, he said, "Mr. Wu has retired for two years, and some accidents have occurred at home. The middle school will take care of bringing Mr. Wu back. Mr. Wu is relatively strict in class, and his teaching level is a living sign of our county's education circle. He has been teaching in the county's middle school for more than 40 years. Principal Zhang Bin and I are his students... …”

Zhang Bin was worried that Shen Huai would be annoyed, so he walked over with Zhang Wenquan, stood behind and heard what Shen Huai said to Tao Jixing and Wang Weicheng in the corridor, and saw that Shen Huai's face was not unpleasant, and when he listened to Wang Weicheng's words, he highly praised Wu Youping. , It was a sigh of relief, thinking that Wu Youping really didn't have a disciple of Wang Weicheng.

"Oh, what happened to Mr. Wu Youping's house?" Shen Huai continued to ask Wang Weicheng.

Now there is a shortage of talents in the county, and it is normal for a super teacher like Wu Youping to re-employ as long as he has the energy to retire.

As someone else, Wang Weicheng introduced it here, and naturally he would not ask any further questions. However, when Shen Huai was in high school, Wu Youping used his small salary to help him raise his tuition fees. At this time, he heard an accident in his family and Wu Youping retired for two years. How can he be indifferent when he has to go back to teaching later?

Wu Youping and his lover are both super and senior teachers in the county. Although the salary of teachers in the county is very low, there are no three diseases and six disasters after the two retired, and they will not need to be rehired to maintain their livelihood.

"Mr. Wu's wife had a car accident last year and had her spleen removed. She usually had no savings and was emptied. The follow-up treatment cost was also very high. In addition, his daughter was laid off last year, and the job change was not very ideal... "Wang Weicheng has always been concerned about the situation of Wu Youping's family, but this is his personal matter, and naturally he will not bring it up in front of Shen Huai for no reason. Now that Shen Huai is asking, he will explain in more detail.

Shen Huai wanted to visit Wu Youping's, but there was no suitable excuse. He went downstairs with Tao Jixing while listening to Wang Weicheng's talk about the situation of Wu Youping's house in recent years.

At the corner of the corridor on the second floor, Shen Huai remembered something, and turned to ask Zhang Wenquan, the county education director who followed behind: "Zhang Wenquan..."

Shen Huai turned back and waved subconsciously, wanting to greet Zhang Wenquan.

He didn't know when Zhang Wenquan and Zhang Bin fell behind, followed by Zhou Qian - Zhou Qian was distracted thinking about things, but she didn't expect Shen Huai to stop suddenly, she didn't stop her feet in time, and leaned over , the back of Shen Huai's hand just touched her chest...

Shen Huai was also a little surprised. After touching the back of his hand, he knew that Zhou Qian was really expecting, but he couldn't touch it again, and he couldn't let others see his embarrassment, and he didn't look at Zhou Qian's face, as if Unintentionally, he said to Zhang Wenquan, who was walking down the stairs, "I'm here with Secretary Tao, do you know why?"

"I know, I know," Zhang Wenquan hurriedly approached Shen Huai and said, "I've asked someone to bring the education reform plan from the bureau, and I'll report to Secretary Tao and County Mayor Shen later..." l3l4


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