Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 701: lost

(The third watch is delivered, I'm exhausted - I don't know what the total monthly pass will be when I wake up from sleep, nine hundred, one thousand, one thousand and two? Wipe your saliva... Well, if you wake up, The total number of monthly passes exceeds 1,200, and will continue to be updated three times)

Shen Huai and Cao Guangming introduced the local situation, and also had some discussions and exchanges with each other.

As a representative of domestic technocrats, Cao Guangming was able to serve as a bureau-level official in his early 40 years. In addition to his excellent background, he has his own advantages in professional ability and vision.

Cao Guangming used to think very highly of himself. The setback in Hong Kong's listing and financing also told him to lower his profile and communicate with Shen Huai on an equal footing. For Shen Huai, this kind of communication also has a sort of inner arrangement. There is a reflection and review of the ideas of construction and development.

However, from the communication, Shen Huai also felt that Cao Guangming had the intention of taking a position in the local area.

No matter whether it is a strong background or extraordinary ability, except for a very few lucky ones, most people will face a huge hurdle before and after reaching the bureau level in their official career.

Just like my sister-in-law Song Wenhui, she has a profound professional background and is also focused on career development. She has worked her way down one step at a time. At the age of nearly fifty, she is also a bureau-level cadre.

Ji Chengxi is only 35 years old this year, and he is already the deputy secretary of the prefectural party committee and acting mayor. Next year, he will officially preside over the work of the prefectural city government. In the new generation, Ji Chengxi's career can be said to be dazzling, but it does not mean that he can quickly move from the bureau level to the provincial and ministerial level.

According to the practice of domestic officials, it is normal for Ji Chengxi to accumulate strength and qualifications at the prefecture level for ten or eight years, or ten or eight years.

As the youngest member of the party group and deputy general manager of Offshore Oil Corporation, Cao Guangming is extremely difficult to reach the top directly within Offshore Oil Corporation even if he does not suffer a severe setback this time. Therefore, he wants to be transferred to a place, even if he starts with the work of the local city government, it is a normal idea.

However, Shen Huai does not support Cao Guangming's thoughts in his heart. On the one hand, he specializes in the art industry. Cao Guangming's expertise is in the energy field.

In addition, as one of the three major national oil groups, although CNOOC is much weaker than PetroChina and Sinopec in terms of politics and capital, it can only be regarded as a state-owned enterprise at the vice-ministerial level in theory. It is not a violation of the rules to be transferred to the deputy secretary and governor of the Guangnan Provincial Party Committee.

Cao Guangming suffered this setback and continued to stay in CNOOC for a few years. His career development may not necessarily be slower than his tortuous development in the local area.

Of course, Shen Huai would not foolishly use these words to persuade Cao Guangming; it is normal for Cao Guangming to be discouraged for a while, and there are people behind Cao Guangming who remind him, it is not Shen Huai's turn to post this hot face; maybe Cheng Yi Her father has this qualification.

Shen Huai hopes that Cao Guangming can stay in CNOOC. The biggest selfishness is that Xinpu Refining and Chemical Co., Ltd. has acquaintances who are convenient to contact. In the future, Xinpu and CNOOC may cooperate in many aspects. With Cao Guangming, CNOOC can be more convenient. The industrial projects of Xinpu were brought to Xinpu to expand the industrial scale of Xinpu.

The construction of Xinpu Refinery has actually been underway since April. However, after the project approval and feasibility report have been reviewed successively, the groundbreaking ceremony for the project will theoretically be held, which is also the main purpose of Cao Guangming's visit this time.

Neither Shen Huai nor Cao Guangming wanted the so-called groundbreaking ceremony to be so spectacular, and both wanted to be as low-key as possible. Shen Huai was holding his breath, Cao Guangming was frustrated; Li Gu happened to have an incident, so he didn't come to participate in the groundbreaking ceremony; everything was simple, and Song Hongjun, Sun Yalin and the others were not rushed back.

There was no notification from the province or city. The foundation stone laying ceremony, which should have been a big book for the news media, passed away quietly; instead of those tedious entertainments, it would be better for Shen Huai and Cao Guangming to be able to do so. It is very rare to have sufficient exchanges on various issues from beginning to end to bring the two closer together.

Shen Huai also begged his grandfather to tell his grandmother in the afternoon, and used his connections to arrange a special plane for Cao Guangming to fly directly from Donghua back to Yanjing. He sent Cao Guangming from the airport back to the county. After taking a short breath, I sat and drank tea in the office, so lazy that I didn't want to go down and walk.

Tao Jixing knocked on the door and came in, and asked with a smile, "Mr. Cao of CNOOC is back?"

"Well, the special plane just left," Shen Huai said. Seeing Tao Jixing holding a teapot converted from a can, he asked him to sit on the sofa by the window and talk, "Secretary Tao, what are you looking for with me?"

"Secretary Gu asked me about something two days ago."

"Well, Secretary Tao, you said." Shen Huai didn't spend much time on other affairs in the county during this time, and he also lacked some communication with Gu Jinzhang and the others. I don't know what Gu Jinzhang asked Tao Jixing to respond to.

"For more than a year, the Xinpu Industrial Zone has developed rapidly, and there is a huge demand for talents. The county also encourages the flow of cadres and personnel to Xinpu, but the flow of party and government organs to Xinpu is less, and the flow of school teachers to Xinpu is more. Tao Jixing said, "I analyzed with Secretary Gu that it should be that the income of the party and government organs increased rapidly in the past year, and the teachers' wages increased slowly. In addition, the first two years were engineering projects, and the county raised funds from teachers. Last year, All are still on, but there is still some dissatisfaction among the teachers. I have calculated with Secretary Gu that the county's fiscal revenue has also increased a lot. Is it possible to make a splash for the teachers in the county before the Teacher's Day and calm people's hearts? I've been wanting to talk to you for the past two days, you've been busy with projects that you've been busy with, and you just found the time today..."

"Secretary Tao, what are you discussing with me on this matter? You directly ask the Education Bureau to come up with a plan. I am not in the county, so ask Zhao Tianming to organize the county executive meeting to approve it and let the finance? Bureau lend money to the Education Bureau." Shen Huai said with a smile.

Although the local financial revenue of Xiapu increased to 300 million last year, there were too many gaps to be filled before.

The restructuring of state-owned enterprises has just established a social security institution that undertakes pension, medical care, unemployment, work-related injury, maternity and other security functions for enterprises, and a large amount of financial funds will be injected at one time.

In the field of education, the first thing to do is to help poor students, rebuilding schools in distressed situations and other urgent matters, and teachers' wages have not increased substantially.

Since both Gu Jinzhang and Tao Jixing mentioned this, Shen Huai wanted to settle the matter two days before Teachers' Day, and asked Tao Jixing, "Why don't you call Zhang Wenquan from the Education Bureau now?"

Tao Jixing nodded.

For some things, he nodded with Gu Jinzhang and Shen Huai, and the procedure can be simplified.

Government agencies and schools always pay wages on the 10th of each month. If this is decided today, the newly increased wages will be distributed on Teacher's Day. This is a pleasing thing to do.

Tao Jixing will retire from the second line next year. His children have excellent jobs and a high income. He doesn't need to arrange anything for him. He doesn't want anything else.

Others also took notice of him. Those who might not be able to pass the test on Shen Huai's side would go to him directly; they knew that even though Shen Huai was in power, he still respected Tao Jixing most of the time.

After Du Jian sent the materials, Shen Huai directly asked him to call Zhang Wenquan of the Education Bureau.

Zhang Wenquan was not in the Education Bureau, and went to the county to inspect. Du Jian asked Shen Huai while covering the phone, "Let Director Zhang come directly?"

"Is Secretary Tao free, or we can go to the county together?" Shen Huai asked, "It is reported that a new teaching building, a new staff dormitory, a new restaurant, and an audio-visual education building will be built in the county. There are a bunch of them, and they are all piled up there. I didn't bother to look at them a few days ago. Zhang Wenquan is the best in the county, and I just rushed over to do a research..."

"That's fine, I'll take a trip and listen to the school's opinion." Tao Jixing said.

Shen Huai asked Du Jian to call Wang Weicheng up again.

Wang Weicheng's work in the county government has nothing to do with the education outlet, but Shen Huai used to call him to follow him at any time. Besides, Wang Weicheng came from the county and was more familiar with the school than any of them.

Wang Weicheng came over and heard that it was discussing the issue of raising the salary of the school staff, and said with a smile: "This is a good thing, following the past to make a lot of money, it also saves my former school colleagues from running on me, saying that if I enter the county government, I will not Thinking of their good..."

Shen Huai smiled, asked Du Jian and Wang Weicheng to squeeze the back seat with him, arranged for Tao Jixing to take the co-pilot seat, and squeezed a car to the county.

At present, many macro data in the county are easy to break through. The Xinpu Steel Plant can complete the operation for four months before the end of the year, and the total output value of the county's industrial and construction industries will successfully exceed the target of 14 billion, but the per capita income is on the basis of last year. Even if it doubles, it will be around 4,000 yuan by the end of the year.

The salary of teachers and staff in the county was adjusted slightly last year, and the average monthly salary just exceeded the line of 400. In the first half of this year, there was another election event, another debt crisis, and another land acquisition crisis. Shen Huai didn't have the energy to think about this.

It is true that teachers who graduated from middle schools and colleges are considered highly educated groups in Xiapu County, and their annual income is only about 5,000. Now they are far inferior to the female workers in the textile factory and the migrant workers on the construction site, so it is no wonder that they are angry. , the loss intensified.

Xiapu is a county with strong education. Every year, nearly 100 students can be admitted to famous schools of the same level as Huai University. This is also the best resource of Xiapu. Although the development of Xinpu industry is hungry for talents, the fundamentals of education must be maintained, and the education talent team should not be lost too much. The best way is to increase wages to calm people's hearts.

Zhang Wenquan of the Education Bureau visited the county and was thinking about the entertainment arrangements for the evening with Zhang Bin. He received a phone call from the county government office saying that Tao Jixing and Shen Manzi were coming to investigate. The boss dispatched together, hurriedly called someone to rearrange the conference room, called two young and beautiful female teachers by name, and ran to the school gate to greet them.

Seeing Shen Huai's special car coming, Zhang Wenquan and Zhang Bin nodded and bowed, watching the county party secretary Tao Jixing, Du Jian, and Wang Weicheng come over, but Shen Huai's figure was not seen, and there was no second car coming.

Zhang Bin, relying on Wang Weicheng's leadership for several years, leaned over and asked, "Director Wang, what about Magistrate Shen and others?"

"The county magistrate Shen met someone at the intersection in front of him to talk about He came over after a while; let's go in first, teachers." Wang Weicheng said.

Zhang Wenbin was in a dilemma. He knew that Shen Manzi was in control of the county, but Wang Weicheng said that everyone should accompany the county party secretary Tao Jixing first. He and Zhang Wenquan could not say that they would leave Shen Huai alone, so they said to Zhou Qian, who went to the school gate together. : "Let's accompany Secretary Tao to the conference room first, you wait here for the county magistrate Shen..." Thinking about Shen Manzi's tender face, Zhou Qian, who took a lick, specified that he liked it.

The domestic officialdom has always been a large group of people, and the first person to walk, no matter how tall or arrogant, is designated as a high-ranking official, but calling these officials to go alone is blurred and difficult to identify.

Zhou Qian thought that she should recognize the county magistrate Shen. After all, she had seen it on the TV news, but she stood in front of the guard room alone, wondering what the face of the county magistrate looked like, and then realized that she used to watch the news of the county channel occasionally. Seeing some county leaders speak to the camera, she always changed the channel immediately, and she couldn't remember what this county magistrate looked like.

Zhou Qian was a little uneasy waiting for the legendary Shen County Mayor to come over, but when Shen Huai stopped by the school gate and stopped to stare at her face, she felt that the eyes of this guy in front of her were rolling around her face, and she was very angry. Hate, turn away in disgust... l3l4


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