Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 703: inspirational

(The second one is sent, ask for a monthly ticket)

During this period of time, there has been too much loss of teachers, and the schools below are complaining. If they want to keep people, they can only increase their wages. Zhang Wenquan is under great pressure and can only continue to run to the deputy county magistrate in charge.

The deputy county magistrate in charge is cautious and conservative in his role as an official, daring not to overstep a bit. It's a good thing to fight for a salary increase for the teachers, but considering that he was in the county during this period of time, he didn't dare to take this matter to Shen Huai's place to get bad luck. His request to the county education bureau was to push back the three and resist the four, and he was unwilling to help them to fight for it. .

Zhang Wenquan went to Gu Jinzhang, the deputy secretary, to cry.

Gu Jinzhang is in charge of organizational and personnel affairs. Teachers who are established are counted as national cadres, and the loss is increasing. This matter is indeed related to Gu Jinzhang.

In the end, everyone knows that whether it can be done or not, we have to ask Tao Jixing, the secretary of the county party committee, and Shen Huai, the county magistrate, to make up their minds.

Zhang Wenquan waited for a while and did not see any movement in the county. He thought that there was no possibility of adjustment for the time being. Unexpectedly, Secretary Tao and the county magistrate Shen suddenly came to the county for inspection today.

Domestic government agencies make planning plans, no matter whether they are reasonable or not, they can be used for temporary use.

Since the mid-1980s, the construction of Xinpu Port has been planned, and several rounds of demonstration and discussion have been held, and it has been delayed until Shen Huai has been appointed to Xiapu before it officially begins.

In the mid-to-late 1980s, with the rise of the private economy in Pingjiang City on the south bank, Donghua proposed to move closer to Pingjiang. The construction of the Zhujiang Bridge was also proposed for several years, but it was finally shelved indefinitely due to the high cost of construction.

The same is true for the teacher salary reform plan. The county education bureau prepares a set every year.

As far as the Education Bureau is concerned, together with the allocation of education funds, we strive for it as much as possible, and whether the county will approve it in the end, and how much it can approve, the county finance still has to negotiate and balance the various expenditures— - Therefore, Zhang Wenquan knew that this time the teachers in the county could get a salary increase, but he had no idea how much he could increase in the end.

As soon as I sat down in the conference room, a deputy director of the county education bureau received a notice from Zhang Wenquan and brought the education reform plan directly. He didn't dare to be happy or unhappy in Zhang Wenquan's heart, and tried his best to show his face in front of Shen Huai and Tao Jixing. Face.

Shen Huai asked Zhang Bin to call the two vice-principals in the county, and everyone sat around the conference table to listen to Zhang Wenquan's introduction to the specific content of the plan.

Zhou Qian, who was in charge of the hospitality work, instructed Zhang Bin to brew tea and bring it over. According to the rules, she first handed tea to Tao Jixing and Shen Huai—to show respect, Zhou Qian bent over and handed over the tea cups.

Shen Huai turned his face to the side, and subconsciously glanced at the neckline of Zhou Qian's drooping long skirt, the small half of her **** that were slightly exposed |

Although Shen Huai quickly looked away, Zhou Qian felt embarrassed when she caught his eyes, and thought of wiping the back of his hand in the corridor just now.

Regardless of whether Shen Huai was intentional or unintentional these two times, Zhou Qian was in a panic at this moment. The hand holding the cup moved forward one more point, touching Shen Huai's finger holding the cup, and subconsciously. He shrank back, and a cup of hot water just poured onto Shen Huai's left leg.

The teacup was smashed into several pieces on the floor tiles. Shen Huai was wearing a pair of thin cotton pants, grinning from the heat, pushed away the chair, stood up, and opened the pants that had been soaked in hot water.

Everyone was fascinated by Zhang Wenquan's introduction to the educational reform plan. Hearing the movement, he raised his head and looked over. Shen Huai was standing there, grinning from the heat, his left leg trousers were wet and steaming hot.

Zhang Bin was so anxious that his chest was churning with blood:

It is difficult for Shen Manzi to get a trip to the school. Wu Youping caught him and taught him a lesson. Now Zhou Qian has burned Shen Manzi like this - if Shen Manzi takes his anger on his head, where will Xiapu County still be? Is there room for him to stand on Zhang Bin?

"Mr. Zhou, how do you do things, how old are you, why do you need someone to teach you such a trivial matter..." Zhang Bin lost his sense of restraint in front of Tao Jixing and Shen Huai, and he taught a lesson when he opened his mouth. It was also extremely heavy. He ran around the conference table and pulled Zhou Qian away. Seeing Shen Huai's hot left leg, he wished he could endure this heat for Shen Huai.

The county magistrate was scalded by the cup of tea, and Zhou Qian was so frightened that she was so frightened that she scolded Zhang Bin again, and tears rolled in her eyes.

"I didn't care about overturning the tea cup when I talked to Lao Du, I don't blame Teacher Zhou for this..." Shen Huai was afraid that Zhou Qian would be scared by her cowardice, so she took the responsibility first and stopped Zhang Bin from teaching others.

Zhang Bin suddenly shut up, feeling a little flustered, not knowing how to make up for it.

On the other hand, there was another pretty female teacher who was also temporarily serving as a host. She found a towel from outside and handed it to Shen Huai to wipe her pants.

Tao Jixing also asked with concern: "Is it hot?"

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm thick-skinned and hot," Shen Huai wiped his pants with a dry towel, joking in a relaxed tone, seeing Zhang Bin staring at his left leg nervously, and said, "You also sit back, I I can't let you, a big man, help me wipe my thighs..."

Everyone laughed when they heard it, Zhang Bin laughed awkwardly, and said to Zhou Qian with a stern face:

"You're really too stupid, why don't you apologize to the county magistrate Shen?" Zhang Bin saw that she was still at a loss, so anxious that he wanted to teach her how to grab the towel from Shen Huai to help wipe her thighs.

"What a big thing, you can't stop talking about it," Shen Huai let Zhang Bin sit back impatiently, "Your attitude is to make the teachers below mistakenly think that all the leaders in our county are like cannibalizing tigers. ?"

Zhang Bin was trained by Shen Huai and had no temper, so he could only run back and sit down with a sullen face.

He could hear that Shen Huai wanted to protect Zhou Qian, and looked at Du Jian, hoping that he would give him a positive look.

Of course, Du Jian knew that ordinary beauty tricks were useless against Shen Huai. He Yuelian and Dai Ying, who could seduce people, had played tricks in front of Shen Huai, but they didn't work, but seeing Zhou Qian's timid eyes, he thought that maybe Shen Huai would be fine. Mouth—of course, for the sake of His Holiness, Du Jiancai would not reveal this kind of information to Zhang Bin for no reason. He turned his head and instructed the accompanying secretary to go out and find some scalding cream, so that Shen Huai would not be bothered by boiling water. .

Wang Weicheng saw that Zhou Qian brought a broom to sweep away the teacup fragments. Seeing her flustered appearance, she guessed that her mind had not stabilized, so she handed a document in her hand and said, "Mr. Zhou, take this Wenyin will make a copy for us, and I'll clean up here..." First, spread her away to stabilize her mind, so as not to affect the talks here.

Of course, it was not Wang Weicheng's turn to sweep away the broken porcelain pieces himself, and another female teacher rushed to take the broom from Zhou Qian's hand.

Seeing that Shen Huai was really fine, Zhang Wenquan laughed and said to Shen Huai: "Mr. Zhou Qian is the deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee in the county, don't think about her young age, she is usually very capable at work, and many departments in the county want to take her from the school. It was poached, but Ms. Zhou Qian was dedicated to her work and did not leave the school. It was probably the first time she saw the county magistrate Shen today, and she called the magistrate Shen you were fascinated by your demeanor. I really want to ask her to apologize to you later..."

Shen Huai smiled dryly, accepting Zhang Wenquan's flattery, and knowing that Zhang Wenquan's words implied that Zhou Qian had no master. Shen Huai had nothing to do with this kind of flattery. He just turned the topic to the education reform plan discussed just now and said:

"Secretary Tao and I have generally understood the plan of the county education bureau. However, your education bureau still did not understand the spirit of Secretary Tao's speech on strengthening investment in education," Shen Huai asked Tao Jixing again with a smile. "Secretary Tao, you said, do we want to criticize the work of the Education Bureau?"

The core of the teacher salary reform plan proposed by the county education bureau is to increase the salary and raise the current monthly income of teachers from 400 to 600. This is a relatively balanced plan discussed within the county education bureau.

Xiapu County's finances have only improved since last year. In addition to making up for the gap caused by previous fundraising and arrears, teachers' salaries were generally raised by 15%.

From public kindergartens to county-owned secondary vocational schools, there are as many as 8,000 serving and retired teachers who participate in the establishment of the same enterprise and are supported by the county finance. The overall salary rises by 15%, which means that the financial account will be increased by 5 million. ——The total financial expenditure of the county in five years is only 100 million yuan, and the teachers in the county will spend an extra 5 million yuan for each salary increase. According to the previous county financial growth, such a rise once every three to five years would be sky-high.

After raising wages last year, the county education bureau has raised wages again this year. To put it bluntly, many enterprises in Xinpu are recruiting workers on a large scale, and the wages they offer are very high.

At the same time, although the basic salaries of government staff have not been adjusted, the year-end bonuses and the benefits that are usually distributed every three weeks and five times have increased their actual income by a large margin in the past year or so.

The group of teachers belongs to the kind of small intellectuals with high self-esteem. In terms of overall education level, they are at the top of the social pyramid. If their income falls to the bottom, how can there be no resentment?

If the county education bureau does not follow suit to fight for a salary increase, the income of ordinary teachers will be increased even more. The complaints from the grassroots and the loss of actual talents will intensify, forcing the county education to grit its teeth before raising it. salary thing.

However, the county education bureau did not dare to raise too high requirements.

The 8,000 faculty members increase their annual income by 2,400 yuan per year, and the county finance will have to pay nearly 20 million yuan more. Last year, the county's finance historically exceeded 300 million yuan. This year's situation may not be optimistic. Zhang Wenquan feels that the county can agree to it. The extra 20 million yuan to raise teachers' wages is already the limit.

Wages can go up or down.

If there is a big wave of fiscal revenue in the future, the county will have to grit its teeth to support it, so this kind of plan that will cause a large increase in budget expenditure, the premise is to be conservative and conservative, so as not to be unbearable in the future - Zhang Wenquan also did it in his heart. Good for the county to cut a section of preparation.

However, Shen Huai is now joking with Tao Jixing that he wants to criticize the work of the county education bureau, but Zhang Wenquan heard that Shen Huai Mingli said that there is still room for relaxation of teachers' salary increases.

Zhang Wenquan, Zhang Bin, other officials from the county education bureau and the two vice-principals in the county were all overjoyed, but they were not sure how much room Shen Huai could relax. They all looked at Shen Huai eagerly. Looking at Tao Jixing's face, I hope they can give an accurate number.

Tao Jixing is also happy. He has said on many occasions that he needs to increase investment in education. Now teachers can increase their wages significantly. In the eyes of outsiders, it is his contribution to teachers and education in the county. Teachers in the county will read him Tao Jixing. Good - he also knows that Shen Huai said this to deliberately give him this merit, otherwise, no matter how much he talks, Shen Huai gets stuck and won't let go of money, that's just empty talk.

Life is all about fame and fortune, and Tao Jixing can't escape this circle. He is not greedy for profits, but he is also greedy for a good official reputation.

However, he didn't know how big Shen Huai's scale could be, so he looked over with questioning eyes.

Shen Huai wrote a number in the notebook for Tao Jixing to see, and the credit was given to Tao Jixing. This number was naturally for Tao Jixing to announce.

Tao Jixing was a little surprised and a little suspicious when he saw the numbers written by Shen Huai. He didn't expect Shen Huai to be so lenient. The eyes of exchange, the inquiries are more Shen Huai nodded slightly and gave Tao Jixing a definite answer.

Except for Wang Weicheng sitting next to Shen Huai, Zhang Wenquan, Du Jian, and Zhang Bin couldn't see what the numbers Shen Huai wrote to Tao Jixing, they were all looking forward to it, and they couldn't wait to come over to see...

Tao Jixing pressed on the edge of the conference table and said, "As for the educational reform plan made by the county education bureau, my opinion with the county mayor Shen can be enlarged a little more, and the increase in other education funds is not counted. For one piece, the county can allocate an additional 80 million yuan every year..."

Hearing Tao Jixing say this number, Zhang Wenquan was so excited that he wanted to stand up. He was almost unsure if he had heard the truth, and asked Wang Weicheng with a smile: "Director Wang, Secretary Tao said that we should allocate an additional 80 million to our Education Bureau every year. salary?"

Wang Weicheng smiled slightly and said, "Tell Secretary Tao to say that I regret moving to the county..." Sitting next to Shen Huai, he could clearly see the numbers Shen Huai wrote in the record book.

The additional 80 million yuan per year for teaching salaries and social security alone means that teachers' salaries can be tripled from the current basis, and the average monthly income will increase to 1200 million yuan. l3l4


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