Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 399: Zhou Ming's jealousy

After Zhou Ming left Xinjiayuan, he went to the hospital for a brief dressing. He took it for granted that Guo Chengfeng would not reveal what happened today, he did not give any additional orders, and did not notice the abnormality in Guo Chengfeng's eyes, so he asked others to go back to the company first. , leave the car.

Zhou Ming's face was also swollen, he sat in the car, and grabbed his mother twice.

Zhou Ming was sitting in the consultation room and asked the nurse to bandage him; his wife was sitting next to him, cursing resentfully, calling Dini Xiong a ruthless bitch, and calling Zhou Ming incompetent. He couldn't even watch his wife, which made the whole doctor in the consultation room. , nurses, they all know that he is the green hat man whose wife gave the wild man the bed every day.

Zhou Ming was so angry that he vomited blood, and he had nothing to do with his old lady who couldn't read a single big character.

After hastily rubbed the medicine and bandaged, Zhou Ming took his wife and drove away, and went directly back to Xinlian's hometown.

When he got home, Zhou Ming went into the Westinghouse, closed the door, and lay down on the bed. When he opened his eyes and closed his eyes, the bed was messed up and Shen Huai and Dini Xiong had strange and ambiguous expressions. His heart was stuffed with thatch, making him want to get a pair of scissors. , cut the chest open, and took out the ball of thatch.

Divorce for nearly a year, Zhou Ming can accept who Xiong Dini is with, but he can't accept Xiong Dini with this beast: this will make him the laughing stock of others forever.

Zhou Ming seems to have heard the ridicule of others:

"You Zhou Ming is really good. You kick your wife once you play with a woman. Look at Shen Huai, play with so many women, even your wife runs over to give her a hug..."

"Zhou Ming, you are so good, doesn't it mean that Shen Huai is nothing but a good father? But he has the ability to get your wife..."

These thoughts were entangled in his mind, tormenting his nerves, making him wish he could take a knife and stab Shen Huai to be happy.

In his mind, he imagined the situation where Shen Huai was slashed by thousands of knives, which made him feel somewhat happy, and even indulged in it, unable to extricate himself. .

Before you know it, the sky will get dark, and before you know it, the night will get dark.

The phone rang in the coat pocket.

Zhou Mingwan ?? Ming was in despair, thinking that no matter who it is, I will not answer the call. Then I thought about it, what if Secretary Tan's phone number was there? I also think that Secretary Tan will call him after thinking about the project of the joint venture steel plant for a month or two. What should I call him if I have nothing to do? Also, what if it was really Secretary Tan's phone number?

Listening to the persistent ringing of the phone, Zhou Ming got up and went to his coat pocket to fetch the phone, only to feel a little dizzy. Seeing that the phone displayed Su Kaiwen's number, he lifted his spirits and answered the call in a normal tone as much as possible. : "Kai Wen, what's the matter?"

"Zhou Ming, what did you do?" Su Kaiwen's voice on the phone was urgent and severe, and it sounded so indifferent, "Secretary Tan knows what happened to you and Shen Huai this afternoon, and is very angry. I didn't even attend the meeting. First, call me over to scold me, and ask me to warn you severely, if you keep doing this kind of mess, don't do the work of the Chinese general manager of the joint-venture steel plant!"

After returning home, the fantasies of revenge in his mind were not as fast as Su Kaiwen's call made Zhou Ming sober up quickly. Zhou Ming seemed to have poured cold water on him from the beginning to the end, as if he was in an ice cellar, he didn't know how to respond to Su for a while. Kai Wen.

Zhou Ming is all too aware of Tan Qiping's ruthlessness.

When Tan Qiping first came to Donghua, he was so eager for Shen Huai, but who knew that he turned his face and kicked Shen Huai aside? It took a long time for the others to know that Shen Huai had a bad relationship with his father, and they told Tan Qiping to think that he was worthless.

Although there have been various twists and turns since then, it basically shows that Tan Qiping is a ruthless person who only believes that reality is beneficial and useful to him.

During the Spring Festival, his affair with He Yuelian was broken, but Tan Qiping did not take him down. Zhou Ming knew very well that Tan Qiping was not protecting him, but also that the joint venture steel mill was not disturbed by unexpected factors.

Even because of this, Tan Qiping ruthlessly kicked Xiong Wenbin aside.

Just because he knew Tan Qiping's ruthlessness, Zhou Ming knew that he couldn't expect to win any sympathy from Tan Qiping. At present, he still has some role in Tan Qiping's eyes, that is, Tan Qiping thinks that he can build a joint venture steel plant. Once Tan Qiping believes that his use value is exhausted, it is entirely possible to throw him away like garbage.

It was too easy for Tan Qiping to remove him from the position of the Chinese general manager of the joint-venture steel plant. He even had to show a look of dissatisfaction with him, and those vice presidents from Shigang Group would be shirtless. Go up, hold him down and pull down the stage.

Of course Zhou Ming knew how shallow his roots were in Donghua. At this time, he was like a long-tailed monkey whose tail had dropped in ice water.

"Secretary Tan wants you to reflect on it," Su Kaiwen couldn't hear Zhou Ming's answer, but could hear his gasping voice, thinking that maybe he was frightened by what he told Tan Qiping, and then said, "You really should too. Think carefully, isn't it just a woman who has divorced you again, how can you make things so big, I don't even know what to say about you. Now that this is so big, it spreads to Secretary Tan's ears, you let me What does Secretary Tan think? Secretary Tan values ​​you, he values ​​your steadiness, his ability, but not your affection."

After Su Kaiwen hung up the phone, Zhou Ming's body slowly recovered from the coldness, his mind became active, and a question emerged: How did the matter spread to Secretary Tan?

Zhou Ming didn't dare to be paralyzed anymore, didn't dare to stay at home to entangle Xiong Dini and Shen Huai, he picked up the car keys, got into the car and drove out of the drying area. His mother ran out to chase after him and asked him what kind of madness he made, but he didn't have time to stop and explain.

If it wasn't for He Yuelian calling and asking him what happened, Zhou Ming didn't know who he was driving to, and he was beleaguered, and he didn't know who his enemy was.

He Yuelian built a small building in the countryside of Meixi, just east of the intersection of Meihe Highway and Meipu Highway. Where is the homestead of He Yuelian's mother's family, no one knows, even He Yuelian's son Wang Gang rarely goes there.

Zhou Ming drove there to meet He Yuelian.

Seeing Zhou Ming, He Yuelian asked, "Is it because Shen Huai is not happy and wants to punish you?"

Zhou Ming shook his head. He had already thought about this question on the road and said, "What is Shen Huai trying to do? If he wants to make me unhappy, he will only reveal it in public by pointing at my nose. This beast will definitely do this. It's fun to do..."

Zhou Ming can naturally recall all the details of what happened today. After he and Shen Huai scuffled from the fourth floor to the first floor, Shen Huai didn't say a word, deliberately avoiding revealing his identity and protecting Xiong Dini. He wanted to make him angry, but he also ruled out the possibility of Shen Huai playing tricks behind his back.

At the same time, he thought that Shen Huai really wanted to punish him to death, and his situation might be even more uncomfortable than it is now. Thinking of this, when he recalled the fight in Xinjiayuan, he was also in a cold sweat. Even if his self-esteem was at stake, he had to admit that if it wasn't for the fire and anger at the time, he would not have dared to grab Shen Huai to go Hit to the death.

It wouldn't be about Xiong Dini and her mother or anyone else in the Xiong family. Zhou Ming knew the characters of the Xiong family too well.

Does anyone in the neighborhood recognize Shen Huai?

But today is not a weekend. The neighbors who are present today are either retirees who usually exercise in the community and wander around, or the community guards who came over after hearing the news. Who will recognize Shen Huai, who will spread it as an anecdote, and who will be able to tell Secretary Tan to know about it so quickly?

Zhou Ming knew that it wasn't easy behind the scenes, and that's what made him stand up and fidgeted.


Tan Qiping couldn't sleep at night, and was still working in the South Park at ten o'clock in the middle of the night.

Building 1 is near the lake, and after dark, you can see the light strips in the commercial area on the north bank of Cuihu Lake. This is his proud work after he arrived in Donghua. After nightfall, Donghua city has a night view of the lake, instead of being as dark as before.

Liu Weili knocked on the door and came in and said, "Kai Wen and Mr. Gu from Shigang are here."

Tan Qiping put down his pen, put down the document he was reading, and asked Liu Weili to ask Su Kaiwen to come in with Gu Tong.

"Secretary Tan, you don't rest so late, what do you have to do with me?" Gu Tong asked.

"Mei Steel's new plant project is said to have a completion ceremony quietly held the day before yesterday?" Tan Qiping asked.

"Well," Gu Tong said, "the main project is completed, that is to say, the framework of the new Meishan Iron and Steel plant has been completed. The equipment pipelines are being flushed in the past two days, and debugging and trial production will be carried out soon. The new Meishan Iron and Steel plant will not be completed until the action here is completed.”

Gu Tong also didn't ask Tan Qiping why he didn't go to Meigang's people if he wanted to know the situation. He could understand Tan Qiping's mentality now. He probably thought that Meigang's new factory had been successfully built when he heard that the main project of Meigang's new factory was completed. And startled, right?

Gu Tong said one more sentence: "If the new Meishan Iron and Steel Plant can successfully produce the first batch of steel, I think it will probably be a lively celebration ceremony like the Meixi Power Plant's grid-connected commercial operation. "

"Oh," Tan Qiping responded, not wanting Gu Tong to see too much about him, and turned to ask about the joint venture steel plant, "I remember that the construction period of the joint venture steel plant is not as long as that of the new Luomei Steel plant, and the main body can be completed before the Spring Festival. Is the project completed?"

"There are still three months left, so I should be able to make it in time. For the specific matter, I have to ask Zhou Ming, who knows best about the joint venture steel plant." Gu Tong said.

"The introduction of the joint venture steel plant is the latest technology and equipment of Fuji Steel, and a large number of experts from Fuji Steel have participated in the construction and operation. There should be no question of whether it can be operated or not. After the main project is completed, a ceremony can be held to communicate with the province. Good news - Gu Tong, what do you think?" Tan Qiping asked.

"It should be," Gu Tong said following Tan Qiping's words, "the new Meisteel plant did not hold a ceremony, that's because they have no idea, or they should ask Secretary Tan to come over to boost their morale. In any case, the new Meisteel plant will It was built with your care."

"I don't dare to be greedy for this merit," Tan Qiping laughed and asked Su Kaiwen, "How is the demolition work on both sides of the Xiamei Highway?"

"Yesterday they arrested people, but today they are much more honest," Su Kaiwen said. "The demolition team of Shigang Group entered the site today and encountered no obstacles. They used eight excavators to directly demolish the most difficult part of the township. The part of the road has been leveled. It is impossible to completely renovate the Xiamei Highway before the Spring, but a general outline can be drawn. Secretary Tan, when you come to Meixi Town, you will see I can see a new look that is very different from today. Before the Spring Festival, the bridge piles of the Meixi New Bridge will also be laid down. Before the summer of next year, after the Xiamei Highway can be renovated, the new district can also officially apply for listing.”

"Can Shigang Group be sure?" Tan Qiping asked Gu Tong.

At present, the reconstruction project of Xiamei Highway is handed over to Shigang Group as the general contractor, and the project funds are offset by the commercial areas demolished on both sides of the town. Therefore, the demolition of this area is in charge of the demolition team under Shigang Group. The reconstruction and expansion of the bridge and Xiamei Highway, as well as the construction of street shops on both sides in the future, will be organized and implemented by the construction company affiliated to the Municipal Steel Group.

"I'm sure." Gu Tong said confidently.

Tan Qiping looked at his watch and said, "It's not too late, you should go back and rest earlier."

"Okay." Su Kaiwen and Gu Tong left first.

Su Kaiwen thought that Tan Qiping would still talk to him about Zhou Ming, but seeing that Tan Qiping had no intention of talking about Zhou Ming, he sighed for Zhou Ming in his heart, but quickly excluded this unnecessary sympathy. (83 Chinese Network)

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