Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 400: protocol

Xiong Dailing got out of the long-distance bus station and took a taxi home. It was getting dark. She didn't have the keys to her home. She looked at the light coming from the crack of the door and thought it would be nice to be at home. She knocked on the door and didn't wait for her. Mom reacted, and she didn't notice anything unusual, so she hugged her mother and acted like a spoiled child: "Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't remember that today is your birthday until the afternoon, so I took leave and rushed to the station to buy a ticket. In order to catch the last one I came back from the long-distance bus, and I didn’t buy any gifts, Mom, you wouldn’t blame me for being unfilial, would you?”

Xiong Dailing carried her mother into the house, only to see her sister sitting in the bedroom with her hair disheveled, her eyes red and swollen from crying, and her face was slapped. Only then did Xiong Dailing notice that her mother's eyes were also red, and she was so frightened that she screamed: "Mom, sister, what's the matter, where is Yueting, where is my father?"

"It's okay?" Bai Sumei straightened her apron and said calmly, "It's okay, what are you yelling about? When the neighbors heard it, they thought something happened to my house? Do you remember that today is my birthday? What time is today in the lunar calendar, what am I doing? Remember my birthday is the day after tomorrow?"

Xiong Dailing didn't have the time to talk about her having a class at school tomorrow, and the fact that she skipped class two days ahead of her mother's birthday and went home to play. Her mother said it was all right, but her mother and her sister looked like, how could she believe it was all right?

Xiong Dailing jumped into the room and saw that Yueting was sleeping soundly beside her sister, her face was flushed, she felt a little relieved, and she asked her sister with a guilty conscience, "Where is our father?"

There were still tears on Xiong Dini's cheeks, but she didn't want her sister to worry, so she wiped the tears off her cheeks and said, "Is our father still at work? What time is it now, is it getting dark?" Turning her head, Pretending to be nothing, she called her mother, "Mom, call Dad's office and ask if you have to stay up all night to write materials again?"

How could Xiong Dailing believe that nothing happened, and she didn't dare to ask, and said, "I'll call. If my dad knows that his beloved little daughter is back, he will definitely put down the materials and rush home." She walked to the living room. , picked up the phone, did not dare to directly dial his father's mobile phone number, and dialed it to the office.

The Political Research Office is responsible for the compilation of the main policy materials and documents of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. The workload is extremely heavy, and there are usually people on duty at night.

Xiong Dailing called and someone answered and told her that it had been an hour since her father left the office. Xiong Wenbin is the boss of the Political Research Office. Where he is going, and whether there are other official arrangements or banquets, the staff on duty is not clear.

Although the person who answered the phone didn't know her father's whereabouts, his tone was normal, and he also called Xiong Dailing to feel at ease, as long as the family was safe and sound.

Only then did Xiong Dailing notice that her sister and Yueting were in her room, while their own room was closed. She pushed open the door and saw the messy appearance of the collapsed bed that had not been tidy up. She was startled, and thought about it again. Like her sister, she turned around and asked her mother, "Has our house been a thief?"

"It's good that the thief broke in. The Public Security Bureau is not a decoration, I'm afraid that someone will open the door to welcome the thief." Bai Sumei's anger has not subsided, and her words are cold and hard, not to give the eldest daughter any face.

Only then did Xiong Dailing settle down carefully, and said angrily to her mother: "Mom, you are also true, how old are you, why are you so fierce towards her? You thought you were in a relationship with Dad now. At that time, you had to report to the organization even before you got the certificate, and your brains are too old. That's why my sister and I can stand the old stubbornness of you two, and other children would have rebelled earlier..."

Xiong Dailing immediately slapped her sister's injustice, and scolded her mother incessantly.

"You have to be disciplined at school. If you have anything to do with me, you will have to deal with you ruthlessly." Bai Sumei was still angry, she didn't even have the face to tell her little daughter that the "thief" was not someone else, but Shen Huai, threw the rag on the table, and went into the kitchen to cook. When he entered the kitchen, he found that the rag fell on the table outside, and turned back to get the rag. Today, he was really confused.

Xiong Dailing pouted, dissatisfied with her mother, ran to the bedroom to comfort her sister, and asked in a low voice, "Mom really beat you? Is she in menopause and has such a weird temper? An old woman in menopause. It's the most difficult to serve, it's really not good, you can go out and live with Yueting, I support you."

Xiong Dini was also dumbfounded, she didn't know how to ask her sister to help her "do justice".

"I called Dad's office, and the person on duty said that Dad had an hour off work, and he didn't know where he was wandering. Why don't we go out to find him and let that old stubborn cook alone at home and take care of Yueting?" Xiong Dailing said loudly again on purpose, she didn't know where her dad went after get off work, if he had any business arrangements, and didn't want to call her dad's mobile phone to ask, so she thought about cheating her sister out first, so that her sister and mother would not be together again. Suffocated.

Xiong Dini also wanted to go out to take a breath, so she went into the bathroom and briefly combed it. Knowing that her mother was still angry, she greeted Dai Ling at the kitchen door before going out, "Yue Ting is sleeping in the room."

Bai Sumei snorted without turning around; Xiong Dailing made a face at her mother and dragged her sister out.

She didn't expect to find her mother, so Xiong Dailing and her sister walked along the road from their house to the city government. She said to her sister who had been silent all the way: "Should we go in and look for it, maybe our dad got lost inside?"

Xiong Wenbin was a cadre in the Municipal Planning Commission in the early days, and the dormitory of the municipal government agency was located in the east of the small park. At that time, Xiong Daini was only 12 years old, and Xiong Dailing was still a little girl running around with tears and tears, and she was often in this too small a place. Get lost in a small corner park.

Later, Xiong Wenbin was transferred to the city steel factory as the director of the factory. The family lived in the municipal steel factory area, and then moved to the city. Wenshan Park was expanded. If they wanted to visit the park, they usually went to Wenshan Park. Then go to this small park on the corner.

Listening to her sister taking things from her childhood to comfort herself, Dini Xiong felt warm in her heart, she hugged her sister's shoulders, cheered up, and said, "Okay, let's go in and have a look..." As soon as she walked down the cement slope, she was dumbfounded. , the gray-haired man in the corner pavilion who was hunched over to pick up pieces on the chessboard was not their father.

"Dad!" Xiong Dailing was also deeply surprised. His dad didn't come home for an hour after get off work, but went to the small park on the street corner and caught passers-by playing chess in the small corner booth!

A few years ago, when her father was promoted to the Political Research Office as a deputy director but couldn't handle any business, he was addicted to calligraphy and chess, but he also restrained himself from hiding at home to study more, so as not to let outsiders see that he was addicted to Xiong Dailing thought of what her father said to her, saying that one day he will really retire and think about nothing. After another ten or two years of life in old age, where he lives in cages, catching books and watching fish, it will be freehand. .

Her dad came home from get off work, turned to the corner park halfway, played chess for an hour, and forgot to go home for dinner?

Xiong Dailing couldn't believe it, and suddenly realized that what happened at home was not as simple as she thought.

"Ah, why did Dailing come back?" Xiong Wenbin turned around, looked at the sisters, and asked in surprise, as if he was only surprised to see the youngest daughter returning to Donghua at this time.

Xiong Wenbin pushed aside the chess piece and stood up, and said to the old man sitting opposite: "No, no, my two daughters came to me to come home for dinner."

The old man on the opposite side muttered: "Ten chess won't let people win a game, and they won't let people go home for dinner, as if I want to play chess with you..." He packed the pieces into a small cloth bag.

Xiong Dini burst into tears, and at this moment she realized that the one who suffered the most in her heart was her father.

It's not that her mother doesn't want to believe her explanation, but that her mother and her father have been through ups and downs for so many years, and she has long realized that once this matter spreads, no matter what the truth is, it will be used to attack her father ruthlessly by caring people. ; and the word has spread...

Seeing tears falling down her eldest daughter Dini's cheeks, Xiong Wenbin stretched out his hand to wipe the tears from her cheeks and said, "Our family of five is doing well, why are you crying, what grievances are there to tell Dad, your mother is murdering you again Now? I'll go back and scold her."

Seeing her father like this, Xiong Dini cried even more sadly, sobbing: "I have nothing to do with Shen Huai."

"Don't cry, don't cry, I believe you." Xiong Wenbin advised.

Xiong Dini was about to tell her father about today's misunderstanding in detail. Her sister frowned next to her and jumped up with the monkey who stepped on her tail: "What, that thief is Shen Huai!"


After eating, Sun Yalin helped Chen Dan pack the tableware and chopsticks to the kitchen to wash, leaving Xie Zhi to sit in the living room dry and hungry, while Shen Huai and Cheng Yi went to the balcony outside the study to talk.

Looking at the green lake in the west, there are slight waves in the night, and the decorative lights by the lake are embellished with sparkles. There is no moon tonight, and the night scene is also slightly interesting.

"I shouldn't be considered a good lover," Shen Huai stretched out his hand and said, "but I believe that I am qualified to be a friend."

Shen Huai knew that Cheng Yi didn't mean to treat him as a lover at all, otherwise it was impossible to say that he would not mind eating at the same table with Chen Dan just now.

Everyone had a tacit understanding before, and it was nothing more than procrastination and perfunctory family. The so-called invitation to Cheng Yi to come to Cheng Yi's invitation is also to maintain an illusion of "getting along very well".

In this case, everyone will hope that the other party has problems first, so that they can reduce the pressure.

Shen Huai didn't know if Cheng Yi's performance just now was purely to avoid Xie Zhi's success, but he would thank Cheng Yi for not taking advantage of this opportunity anyway.

Although Shen Huai was unwilling to make Chen Dan leave alone in order to cover up something, he couldn't do such a thing, but he also knew in his heart what the consequences would be if he was asked to bear the responsibility of the marriage between Song Cheng and the two families alone. .

Although the new plant of Meishan Iron and Steel has been completed, what will be the next development of Meishan Iron and Steel? Even his next downturn layout has to be overturned and weighed again.

Looking at Shen Huai's outstretched hand, Cheng Yi smiled, reached out, shook hands with Shen Huai and parted, and said, "I have almost two years to study in the UK, so let's be friends for two years first and wait for me. After returning to China, think about what time is right, and then be an 'enemy'..."

Xie Zhi was in the living room and could see Shen Huai shaking hands with Cheng Yi. She hated her teeth so much that she knew that Cheng Yi must have made an agreement with Shen Huai at this moment. (83 Chinese Network)

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