Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 398: break in

(If you are unfortunate, you will have a bad cold and have conjunctivitis in both eyes. Now I go out, just like a vampire, with thin cheeks, pale face, and blood red eyes, please be pitiful. The doctor asked to rest, use less eyes, Use the computer less; Nima, I will play on the computer when I take a break, otherwise what else can I play?)

Shen Huai slept too little yesterday, ignored Sun Yalin's run, went back to the bedroom and didn't want to do anything, so he fell asleep.

Chen Dan knew that Shen Huai and Zhou Ming had torn and sprained the script, and it was a little late. He hurriedly brought the ingredients from the hotel kitchen, and was busy cooking soup and cooking for a while. The kitchen was on a small fire, and the soup was slowly simmering.

Sun Yalin was looking at the documents in her room and couldn't be hungry. She came upstairs at half past eight and saw that Chen Dan was still sitting in the living room waiting for Shen Huai to wake up, and said, "This guy with no conscience, you treat him It's so good, I don't know when I sold it to him." She was so angry that she went to the kitchen to wet her hands and stretched out into the bed, so cold that Shen Huai cried out, she was forced to get up and have dinner together.

"Isn't there any rat poison?" Shen Huai picked up his rice bowl and asked Chen Dan with a smile.

"You didn't do anything wrong, what are you afraid of rat poison? If you're afraid, you don't have to eat it." Chen Dan gave him a sideways glance and said in a sullen voice.

"Why do you think this person has such a long face?" Sun Yalin tutted her tongue in surprise and said to Chen Dan, "It seems that what happened today has nothing to do with him. You must not deceive him, the more he behaves. Open and aboveboard, it shows that the more problematic it is."

"If you talk more, I will invite you out. Do you understand the morality of 'eating people's mouths'?" Shen Huai said.

"Yes, I eat the food made by Chen Dan, so I go to her." Sun Yalin said.

Shen Huai picked up the bowl and grabbed the rice in his mouth, knowing that Sun Yalin hadn't found anyone to quarrel with for several days, he couldn't send it to the door by himself as a sparring trainer, specializing in food.

"You can pretend," Chen Dan whispered to Shen Huai's ear, "I really don't see that you have a guilty conscience."

"I'll drive these stinky girls away later. It's easy for you to want to know whether I'm guilty or not, but I'm not comfortable with my feet today, so it's up to you to know the answer." Shen Huai whispered.

"Go, the dog can't spit out ivory." Chen Dan pushed Shen Huai away with a blushing face.

"..."?..." Seeing Chen Danqiao's face blushing, Sun Yalin knew that Shen Huai was talking nonsense. Just as she was about to open her mouth to distract them, she heard a knock on the door.

Shen Huai looked at his watch. It was only nine o'clock. It was impossible for Yang Lili and Kou Xuan to return from the store so early.

Sun Yalin and Chen Dan also find it strange. If anyone has other matters, they will call in advance, otherwise, who knows that Shen Huai must be at home?

"Who?" Shen Huai asked.

"Guess who I am?" A familiar female voice came from the door. This voice made Shen Huai's brain freeze, and he didn't remember who it was for a while. He was inconvenient to move and asked Chen Dan to open the door.

The moment Chen Dan twisted the lock, Shen Huai thought about who was standing outside the door. He didn't have time to stop Chen Dan, so he saw Chen Dan open the door and stood directly face to face with Cheng Yi.

It was probably because Chen Dan, who was wearing an apron and came to open the door, had an unfamiliar face, and Cheng Yi was a little embarrassed, while Xie Zhi stood behind Cheng Yi with a proud face.

Shen Huai was so angry that she wanted to throw the chopsticks in Xie Zhi's face. This girl must have eyes and ears in Donghua. She knew that he was not happy tonight, so she dragged Cheng Yi over from Xucheng overnight to join in the fun.

Sun Yalin was surprised when Xie Zhi brought Cheng Yi directly to the door. She didn't expect Xie Zhi to be so ruthless, and it was too late to dig a hole to hide Chen Dan.

"Surprise?" Xie Zhi said with a smile, "Why, we are not welcome?"

Surprise, one day you are in bed with an adulterer, and I pull Song Hongqi to give you a surprise! Shen Huai cursed secretly in his heart.

"My feet are inconvenient today, otherwise I would definitely jump out to meet you," Shen Huai raised his feet wrapped in gauze and asked Cheng Yi calmly, "Didn't you say that you want to meet your classmates in Xucheng today, tomorrow Are you coming to Donghua again?"

Xie Zhi cut off the words and said, "I didn't hear that you were injured in an accident in Donghua, so Cheng Yi took me by car and rushed over overnight? Otherwise, what do you think we did in Donghua overnight?"

How could Shen Huai believe Xie Zhi's nonsense?

However, since Xie Zhi dragged Cheng Yi over and bumped into Chen Dan, he could only face the moment calmly, and said, "Then you haven't eaten yet? Coincidentally, we have just eaten, why don't we get together? Make up?"

"It turned out to be Secretary Shen's guest, I'll help you with the tableware," Chen Dan hurriedly turned around, walked to the table to put away her tableware, and said to Shen Huai, "I still have something to do today, the rest of the housework. , I'll rush over to make it tomorrow." As he said that, he went to the kitchen to get Xie Zhi and Cheng Yi tableware.

Shen Huai reached out and grabbed Chen Dan's hand and said, "You made dinner; I'll do it for the tableware!"

Chen Dan wanted to force his hand back, but Shen Huai held on tight.

"I'll go." Sun Yalin pushed aside the tableware and stood up, and went to the kitchen to help Xie Zhi and Cheng Yi serve the meal.

"Who is this?" Xie Zhi asked, staring at Chen Dan's face.

The apron on Chen Dan's body was not unraveled. Shen Huai really wanted to send her away as a nanny first. She couldn't directly muddy the water, but she didn't expect Shen Huai to be so hard-hearted. release.

"She's Chen Dan," Shen Huai asked Chen Dan to sit down and introduce on her behalf, then pointed to Cheng Yi and Xie Zhi and told her, "She is Cheng Yi, I thought she would come over tomorrow; Xie Zhi used to be there. Shangxiyuan has eaten, and she said that she didn't know you. She is the fiancee of the old San Hongqi, and she always likes to come to me when she has nothing to do."

Xie Zhi didn't expect that Shen Huai still had the strength to fight back at this time, Yin Yin clenched his teeth, squeezed out a smile, and said, "If you say that, Cheng Yi will be upset. Hearing that you were injured, I asked the driver to send me and Cheng Yi over to see you overnight, and I became a nosy? By the way, I only heard you bullying others in Donghua before, how can it be called bullying today? "

"Thousand days of beating birds, there will always be times when they will be pecked by birds; just like your girls, there will always be times when they are guarding against hooligans," Shen Huai thought, thinking that Xie Zhi was just trying to make a political marriage between him and Cheng Yi. It's just destroyed, what's he guilty of? He smiled and said, "Otherwise you think I'm doing my business in Donghua Charge Trap, so I shouldn't have been injured?"

Xie Zhi's words were blocked by Shen Huai's outrageous words. She had never seen such a shameless person. She was obviously trying to get her ex-wife to be like this. , She has pouted Shen Huai ten thousand times in her heart.

However, the woman Chen Dan has made her identity public, and her goal has been achieved. Next, let's see how Cheng Yi performs.

We can all pretend to be confused about some things;

Cheng Yi happened to be on the same flight with Xie Zhi to Xucheng today, and her classmates came to pick her up at the airport, so she invited Xie Zhi to have dinner together.

In the afternoon, Xie Zhi warmly invited her to go shopping and drink coffee with her classmates. She had already separated from Xie Zhi at dusk, and Cheng Yi planned to live in her classmate's dormitory to experience the taste of a domestic campus again. He called and said that Shen Huai had been injured in Donghua.

No matter what, she had to show her due concern on the surface. Cheng Yi didn't think too much about it, so she took Xie Zhi's car and came to Donghua together. When it came to Donghua, Cheng Yi wanted to call and ask first, but Xie Zhi wanted her to come over and give Shen Huai a surprise, so she didn't feel embarrassed to insist, but she didn't expect Xie Zhi to give it to her and Shen Huai a set.

Cheng Yi didn't have any feelings for Shen Huai, and she also thought that he was a person of inferior character and inferior, how could she be surprised that Shen Huai had other women in Donghua?

It wasn't as lustful as she imagined, but Shen Huai accompanied Sun Yalin and another young woman to sit at the table for dinner—Cheng Yi could hardly remember when she sat down with her family for a simple dinner.

It was precisely this beautiful woman in an apron in front of her who wanted to pretend to be a nanny and slip away, but Shen Huai decisively grabbed her hand and even sent Sun Yalin to serve the meal, which surprised Cheng Yixin.

Shen Huai did not hesitate to bear the responsibility for the failure of the marriage between Song Cheng and the two families, but also to protect the woman in front of her from harm, which really surprised Cheng Yi: at least at this time, he never thought of making the woman he loves pitiful The victim hides aside and weeps silently.

Maybe Tan Jun is right, he is not as bad as he imagined?

Looking at the beautiful woman in an apron in front of her, Cheng Yi was inexplicably envious, and it felt so good to protect her.

At this moment, Cheng Yi suddenly didn't want to let Xie Zhi succeed, bowed her body, and politely extended her hand to Chen Dan, and said, "Shen Huai's introduction is not counted, let's get to know each other again. Hello, I'm Cheng Yi, has Shen Huai been with you? You said about my blind date with him? In fact, it's not a serious blind date, it's the family who insists that we try everywhere."

"..." Chen Dan was a little stunned, but he didn't expect Cheng Yi to have a friendly smile on her.

Some things are chasing the wind, and no matter how vicious they are from below, they will not reach other people's ears if they don't go through the mouths of those who care about them.

It's just that the three of them are facing each other in this scene, and there is no way to pretend to be confused about some things.

It was precisely because he knew how important some things were to Shen Huai that Chen Dan was flustered and at a loss, not knowing how to deal with the situation in front of him.

Xie Zhi dragged Cheng Yi to break in suddenly, even Sun Yalin, who has always been resourceful, was helpless.

But no one thought that Cheng Yi not only didn't take advantage of the topic, but didn't even have a stern, indifferent but restrained and calm look in his eyes, but formally greeted Chen Dan kindly, as if he was talking to Chen Dan, and the three tried to get around. It doesn't matter...

Chen Dan couldn't react, and Shen Huai was also surprised.

Xie Zhi's heart ran through ten thousand grass and mud horses. She didn't know what Cheng Yi was thinking. One thing was for sure. Cheng Yi didn't like being led by the nose. She wanted to watch the "Break Up" drama tonight. I'm afraid it will fail.

Sun Yalin had contacted Cheng Yi several times before, but the relationship was not deep. Even since Shen Huai had a blind date with Cheng Yi, her impression of Cheng Yi was very light, and she was a little surprised by her performance at this time, so she put a bowl The chopsticks went back to the restaurant, handed them to Cheng Yi, and said to Xie Zhi: "I forgot, you recently complained that your waist is too thick, and you are worried that you won't be able to wear a wedding dress to lose weight. ."

Xie Zhi was so angry that she vomited blood and roared in her heart: My mother is hungry and deflated. If you didn't bully me with you, I would have known I would not come. (83 Chinese Network)

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