Steady Cultivation: My Buff Effect Is Randomly Doubled

Chapter 87 Task Assignment (Happy New Year To Everyone!)


A team of two to three thousand people arrived at Yunshengfang City, one of the easternmost cities in the Dishen Sect's territory.

At the gate, the three foundation-building monks who were in power in Fang City had already gone out and greeted them with smiling faces.

The casual cultivators watching the show were all surprised by the lineup of the team, and asked in confusion: "What's going on? Why are so many masters coming to Fangshi?"

"I heard that the Earth God Sect is preparing to go to war with the Yunyang Sect! It won't be long before Fangshi will issue war missions and recruit casual cultivators."

"Hey, such a big thing happened?"

A casual cultivator looked worried and immediately hurried back to the rented cave, preparing to pack up and leave this place of right and wrong.

Some casual cultivators became excited. Although this kind of war was dangerous, it was also an opportunity to gain a lot of benefits, so they all geared up to prepare.

The prices of materials in the market have risen in response. Things such as elixirs, talismans, and magic weapons that enhance combat power have all increased their prices by 10% to 20%.

At this time, in the central lobby of Fang City.

Two golden elixir masters, forty foundation-building monks, plus the three foundation-building monks originally stationed in Fang City, a total of forty-five monks gathered together. There was a huge sand table in the center, with a thousand-mile radius around it. topographic distribution map.

Han Yuan stood in the crowd, looking inconspicuous. He carefully observed the map and wrote down the details on it one by one.

Elder Wu Baogang, who was stationed in Fang City, bowed respectfully to the two people at the front of the crowd and said: "Master Xuanlin, Master Renyi, I am Wu Baogang from Tianshui Peak stationed in Yunshengfang City, these two are the deputy heads of Alchemy Peak, Chang Yiran and Chang Huixiu from Mingwen Peak, if you have any questions, you can ask the three of us."

Next to them, Chang Yiran and Chang Huixiu also saluted immediately.

Han Yuan looked at the two foundation-building monks curiously. Both of them had the surname Chang, and they should both be members of the Chang family.

Zhou Xuanlin waved his hand: "No need for small talk. I am Zhou Xuanlin, the seventh elder of Gumu Peak. Next to me is Zhou Renyi, the seventh elder of Lingwen Peak. The task given to us is to occupy the nearby Gengchunfang City, which belongs to the Yunyang Sect. As well as the surrounding mining, forestry, fishery and other industries, and eliminate the enemies of Yunyang Sect and affiliated forces! Now tell us about the situation nearby."

Wu Baogang's expression became solemn, and he pointed to the left side of the map: "This is the Yunshengfang City where we are now. There are eleven properties belonging to us around it, including six minerals, three fields, and two fisheries. ”

Han Yuan took a look and saw that near Fangshi on the left side of the topographic map, there were eleven green areas marked with detailed industrial information. There were medium-sized low-grade spiritual stone mines, large-scale yellow-level high-grade spiritual fields, and medium-sized Spirit fish farm.

Zhou Xuanlin frowned and said: "How are the defense capabilities of these industries now?"

"Small and medium-sized industries are guarded by peak Qi refining disciples, while large-scale and above industries are guarded by foundation builders!" Wu Baogang said immediately.

"This guard's power is too low!" Zhou Xuanlin shook his head.

He looked to the other side of the map.

Wu Baogang also pointed to the red area on the right side of the map and explained: "This is Gengchunfang City. There were two foundation builders in the past. There are a total of eight industries next to it that belong to the Yunyang Sect, including four minerals, two fields, and one There is a fishing ground and a forest farm. Their previous defense standards were similar to ours, but there was also movement there during this time. "

Zhou Xuanlin nodded, turned to look at Zhou Renyi, who had been silent for a long time, and asked: "Renyi, I think we can go straight to Huanglong and catch them off guard. What do you think?"

Han Yuan also looked over. He had met the seventh elder of Lingwen Peak before, but he really didn't know the name of the seventh elder before. The two names also have the surname Zhou, which seems to be related.

Zhou Renyi said with a cautious expression: "Xuan Lin, we'd better be careful. The monks of Yunyang Sect are not simple!"

He remembered the powerlessness he felt when fighting Zhao Yumu before, and he couldn't help but act cautiously. He said, "We must first find out the intelligence on the other side and weaken their strength before we can attack with all our strength. We can divide our troops to go to eight industries and find a way to defeat them all." Once captured, we will cut off their resources and consume their combat power, and then we will besiege them!"

Zhou Xuanlin was surprised by the steady style of Zhou Ren's translation, but after thinking about it, he agreed: "What you said makes sense. If I rush forward now, I might fall into a trap."

Zhou Renyi looked at the crowd and said: "We must be prepared for a protracted war. This is just a small battlefield. We cannot consume too much living force. There are many casual cultivators, immortal cultivating families and small forces in Fang City. We We can spend resources to recruit these people. We don’t have to consider their loyalty. As long as we can rely on them to explore the way and consume the power of Yunyang Sect, the sect can repay part of the resources consumed, and the rest is left to us. Our Zhou family is out! Don’t worry!”

The surrounding Foundation Establishment Elders look more relaxed. In this way, their life danger will be reduced a lot.

Zhou Xuanlin thought for a while, nodded and said: "In that case, Renyi, you will be the main defender and I will be the main attacker, is that okay?"

Zhou Renyi reminded: "Be careful and don't be reckless."

"Don't worry." Zhou Xuanlin said.

Zhou Xuanlin immediately asked the foundation-building monks in the lobby: "Does any of you want to take the initiative to join the attacking team?"


"I'll join in too!"

Soon, a dozen foundation-building monks took the initiative to stand up.


"Yes!" More than half of the foundation-building elders agreed.

A dozen of these people came forward on their own initiative, and a few were named by Zhou Xuanlin while hesitating.

Generally speaking, they are all willing to enter the front line of combat.

Zhou Xuanlin came to the side with twenty-five foundation-building monks, pointed at the terrain map, and began to arrange troops to discuss the attack.

The remaining twenty foundation builders were naturally assigned to defensive work.

Zhou Renyi took the initiative to stand up and said to the remaining foundation-building monks: "They are going to attack over there. Our defense work here is actually not simple. A stable rear and an adequate supply of resources are the keys to victory. So your job is not easy either! These eleven properties must be guarded by foundation-building monks. You can apply with me for which one you want to defend."

"Let me protect this spiritual stone mine!"

"I guard this fishing ground and lake!"

"I'm in charge here!"

Soon, eleven properties had foundation-building monks signing up to defend them. As a result, only nine foundation-building monks were left unassigned!

Zhou Renyi looked at the few people and said: "The rear requires a mobile patrol team. They usually patrol around the city to ensure the safety around the city. They can support various industries or support the front line at any time. How do you choose? "

"I'll just join the patrol!"

"Me too!"

Under Zhou Renyi's gaze, the five foundation-building monks who followed Zhou Renyi came out one by one. These five people were the foundation-building elders of Lingwen Peak. The mobile team was naturally very important, and he naturally wanted to use his own people.

"Wu Baogang and you three are still responsible for the safety of the city and ensuring its operation during wartime!"

"Yes!" Wu Baogang, Chang Yiran and Chang Huixiu responded.

Zhou Renyi nodded with satisfaction. Now, the personnel were assigned. However, he noticed Han Yuan standing aside and was stunned. Why is there one more person here?

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