Steady Cultivation: My Buff Effect Is Randomly Doubled

Chapter 86 The Competition Is Over And The War Begins


Liu Xinghe flew out of the ring, still with a look of disbelief on his face.

Han Yuan stood on the ring, also looking out of breath.

Yue Daoyuan finally announced: "Han Yuan wins!"

"Win! Han Zhenzhuan won! So awesome!"

"It was almost, just a little bit close. What a pity, Senior Brother Liu!"

"Han Zhenzhuan is too strong! He is so strong just half a year after becoming a Zhenzhuan? Could it be that... he has discovered amazing talent as soon as he entered the sect and the examination has revealed that he has been keeping a low profile in the past few years, right?"

"Hey, your guess is really possible! I guess Han Zhenzhuan is a peerless genius, at least with Tianlinggen. He received strong support from the sect from the beginning, and that's why he has such strong strength!"

The disciples were talking a lot.

Han Yuan's talent and strength have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Han Yuan looked at the other arenas and happened to see the last arena where the winner was decided one step behind them.

If calculated according to time, he ranks exactly 29th.


As for the next ranking battle, he has no interest in participating. He believes that no one will challenge his ranking.

Liu Xinghe finally accepted the reality and bowed to Han Yuan: "Thank you Han Zhenzhuan for your guidance. I have benefited a lot from this battle."

"Me too." Han Yuan nodded slightly.

Liu Xinghe took a deep breath, turned around and left with a sullen face, feeling slightly lonely.

‘It seems like the blow to him was a bit big. ’ Han Yuan muttered in his heart.

Han Yuan turned around, raised his hands towards the round arch, and then controlled the flying sword and flew up to the main hall.

Yue Mingxiong was still waiting for him here. He applauded when he saw him: "Awesome, your strength has reached the level of the early stage of foundation building and has reached the level of a first-class genius. But considering your age, you are definitely considered a genius." A special genius.”

Han Yuan's eyelashes moved slightly and asked: "Are there many special geniuses?"

"Of course not many. Our sect only produces one special genius every twenty years! Other sects have even fewer." Yue Mingxiong said.

When Han Yuan heard this, he spoke in a relaxed tone. In this way, there are quite a few special geniuses, so it's not a big problem.

Yue Mingxiong patted him on the shoulder: "In this war, you can't go out. You are the future of Lingwen Peak. If there is an accident, it will be a huge loss to Lingwen Peak. You should stay in Lingwen Peak to practice well." ”

He was worried that Han Yuan would become passionate. A monk of his age liked grudges and was easily impulsive, so he still had to give him a few more warnings.

Of course Han Yuan would not take advantage of it. Hearing this, he nodded and said, "I understand!"

If he can't go out, he won't go out.

He and Yue Mingxiong stood together and watched the last part of the competition.

After that, Yue Mingxiong appeared and distributed all thirty foundation-building pills. While announcing the end of the inner sect competition, he also announced that the war was about to begin!


Han Yuan quietly came to the Sutra-Tibetan Pavilion at the outer gate of Gumu Peak.

Then he saw that Patriarch Ziyun was still half lying on the chair, reading a book leisurely.

After Han Yuan came in, he coughed: "I'm here."

Ancestor Ziyun glanced at him and said, "If you don't make preparations for the battle, what are you doing here?"

Han Yuan was startled: "What do you mean by Fengli, I don't think I need to go out to fight?"

Ancestor Ziyun snorted and said disdainfully: "If you don't go out and practice, when you encounter thunder tribulation, inner demons, illusions, and bottlenecks, you will know that it is too late to regret it! Did that fool Yue Mingxiong call you Don't go out? He is tall and powerful, but he has a submissive nature and does not dare to fight. When he faced Zhao Yumu before, if he had fought with all his strength earlier, how could he have let Zhao Yumu escape easily? "

"I was ready to secretly help Zhao Yumu, but I didn't expect Yue Mingxiong to be so unsatisfactory. He was careless and hesitant to move forward. He had a bad character and didn't know it. Under the protection of his ancestors, his heart was completely protected! The road has been ruined. People like this are a lesson to you. If you stay in the mountains and don't see the world, even if your cultivation progresses by leaps and bounds, it will be like the moon in the mirror, which will be broken when you poke it!"

Ancestor Ziyun's voice, mixed with heavy Dao sounds, sounded in Han Yuan's mind like a morning bell and a dusk drum, giving him a wake-up call.

Han Yuan vaguely recalled the changes in his mentality after time travel. When he didn't activate the golden finger at the beginning, he planned for the future, worked hard to move forward, and actively responded. After activating the golden finger, he gradually immersed himself in the powerful effect of the golden finger, and gradually became more and more aware of it. This feeling of being hesitant to move forward, although it can be said to be steady, can also be said to be timid and timid.

Is he holding back? Is he cowardly?

Han Yuan asked himself.

However, after several breaths, he still found it difficult to come up with an answer. Perhaps, only through experience can he truly be at peace in his heart.

Ancestor Ziyun saw Han Yuan thinking and his expression softened. He said, "I'm not asking you to die, I just want you to experience more. This war is an excellent opportunity for you to gain experience." ,Should not be missed."

He waved his hand and a piece of mask was thrown out.

Han Yuan quickly took it.

"You came here to redeem a reward from me, right? Well, it's this Wutian Mask. It's a fourth-level mid-grade magic weapon. Its function is very simple. It can be disguised as another identity. Even if you are in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, you won't be able to see it. Under the disguise of this mask, I have prepared for you the identity of an elder in the early stage of foundation building. You can use this identity to participate in the war later," Ziyun ancestor Feng Qingyun said calmly.

The corner of Han Yuan's mouth twitched and he said: "Ancestor, please comment. I help you put on a big show and I have to expose my own strength. It's too shabby for you to reward me with such a mask!"

Ancestor Ziyun thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll give you another magic weapon."

Han Yuan's eyes lit up and he looked at Patriarch Ziyun expectantly.

Then Patriarch Ziyun waved his hand, and a small flying boat appeared in front of him.

Han Yuan looked at the flying boat in shock.

Ancestor Ziyun smiled and said: "Xiangyun Feizhou is a third-level high-grade magic weapon. It can be driven by mana or consume high-grade spiritual stones. I have stored a hundred high-grade spiritual stones in it, which is enough for you to use!"

Han Yuan took the flying boat and had a guess in his mind, whether this flying boat was originally meant for him!

He began to wonder if Patriarch Ziyun was an extremely stingy person!

Ancestor Ziyun seemed to feel something and frowned: "Is there any problem?"

Han Yuan sighed: "Thank you, ancestor, for the treasure!"

Ancestor Ziyun nodded with satisfaction.

Han Yuan left speechlessly.

When Han Yuan left, Patriarch Ziyun touched his chin and thought: "For defense, there is the Earth Star Vajra Talisman, for escape, there is the Xiangyun Flying Boat, for disguise and concealment, there is the Wutian Mask, plus the space teleportation talisman hidden in the secret token. The safety problem shouldn't be big. By the way, will this kid tell Yue Mingxiong what I said? If Yue Mingxiong can wake up, there may be a chance to break through Yuanying, otherwise my life will stop here. Likewise, the sect is both a responsibility and a constraint. I hope Han Yuan can break through as soon as possible and take over from me. "

Three more days passed in the blink of an eye, and all the information on supplies and personnel was ready.

The Earth God Sect was completely dispatched.

Jindan Zhenren, who was originally behind the scenes, took action one after another and led teams of troops to rush out of the sect.

Viewed from a high altitude, it looked like exploding fireworks, spreading in all directions.

Han Yuan has changed his appearance and is following one of the teams.

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