Steady Cultivation: My Buff Effect Is Randomly Doubled

Chapter 88 Han Yuan, The General Person In Charge Of Foreign Affairs (Happy New Year)

Zhou Renyi patted his head, woke up and said, "Your name is Han Muqin, right?"

Han Yuan coughed, nodded and said: "Yes, real person!"

Zhou Renyi said: "I know a little bit about the others. You seem to have joined me from behind. What are you best at?"

Han Yuan immediately said: "I'm telling you, Master, I have just reached the early stage of foundation building. I have never learned any attack spells at the foundation building level. I am better at refining talismans, and I also know some farming skills!"

Zhou Renyi frowned: "How can someone like you, who has just made a breakthrough, be assigned to the front line?"

Han Yuan said innocently: "I don't know either."

"That's it." Zhou Renyi said, "You are also stationed in Fangshi. You are mainly responsible for contacting the monks outside the sect, small families, and small sects, and coordinating the distribution of battlefield tasks, logistics tasks, and the distribution of task rewards. , Wu Baogang and the others are still responsible for the merit registration and reward redemption within the sect, so they don’t need to be distracted by matters outside the sect! They are also more organized, is there any problem? "

Han Yuan immediately replied: "No problem!"

Zhou Renyi's expression became stern: "Coordinate with Wu Baogang. Don't be clandestine in the declaration of resources. This war is a major event for the sect. You must not do anything you want to do, otherwise I will punish you severely!"

"Understood!" Han Yuan replied immediately.

Zhou Renyi's expression softened, and then he said to the twenty foundation-building monks: "In the next days, we will have to defend the rear of Fangshi. Defense may not be safer than attacking there. It is possible that Yunyang Sect and even Danxia There will be a sneak attack on Yunshengfang City by the people of Zong. I hope that you will all stay vigilant and keep communication open at all times. Once a situation occurs, you must report it immediately. I am in charge of Yunshengfang City. You only need to resist for a while. I can arrive within a quarter of an hour!"

"Yes!" The foundation-building monks responded in unison.

After the discussion is over.

A famous foundation-building monk walked out of the lobby and took the Qi Refining monks he selected from the sect to repair first.

Each foundation builder will lead ten to thirty disciples in the late stage of Qi refining and thirty to sixty disciples in the middle stage of Qi refining.

The team of two to three thousand people was quickly led away by the foundation-building monks one by one and dispersed into the surrounding buildings.

There are not many disciples left in the square in front of the lobby.

After the others went to take action, Han Yuan stayed to connect with Wu Baogang and others.

Wu Baogang said: "Junior brother Han, I will allocate you three courtyards for you to handle tasks assigned by outside the sect. In addition, I will also assign some disciples of the three arts of immortality to you to refine the cultivation treasures. ”

Han Yuan asked in confusion: "Wait, refining items? There are no finished products?"

Wu Baogang smiled bitterly and said: "The war started very suddenly. During this period, I quietly collected a lot of finished products, but they need to meet the consumption of our own sect later. The casual cultivators outside the sect can only think about it later!"

Han Yuan nodded when he heard this. He understood this and would definitely give priority to meeting the needs of the sect disciples.

Wu Baogang pointed at the pretty young woman and said, "This is Chang Yiran. You can contact her for your material application."

Han Yuan nodded towards her: "Then I'll have to trouble Senior Sister Chang from now on."

Chang Yiran smiled at him: "No trouble, but you have to be prepared. Most of the supplies I can transfer to you may be materials or semi-finished products, but don't worry, there are also many casual cultivators. I like to exchange materials directly!”

"Understood!" Han Yuan nodded.

Wu Baogang pointed at another person at this time and said: "Chang Huixiu is responsible for gathering intelligence and tasks. He will contact you about relevant tasks. He will tell you about the necessary auxiliary tasks."

Han Yuan cupped his hands in front of the young-looking Chang Huixiu and said, "I've seen Brother Huixiu!"

Chang Huixiu showed a smile: "Well, I hope you don't mind too many tasks."

"Of course not!" Han Yuan said with a smile.

The four of them chatted for a while, and they were almost all assigned.

The first batch of supplies has been sent to the warehouses of the three compounds in advance, and the task will be discussed later after the foundation-building elders submit their applications.

Han Yuan feels that this position is still very simple.

Just issue tasks and distribute rewards at the same time, and that's it.

However, when he came to the square and saw that there were only forty Qi Refining disciples left, he realized that things were not simple!

He could tell at a glance that these disciples were all the ones with the lowest quality in each realm. The ten in the late stage of Qi refining were only at the seventh level of Qi refining, and some of their auras were still a little floating. It seemed that they had just broken through.

He came to these disciples and asked: "How well do you master the three arts of cultivating immortals?"

The Earth God Sect has a system where every disciple above the outer sect needs to master a skill, so he asked this question.

"Well, to report back to the elder, I can only refine the lower-grade yellow elixir Qi Gathering Pill!"

"I can refine a low-grade yellow-level Qi-boosting talisman!"

"I can refine a medium-grade spear, but the quality is average."

"Well, I can only deal with elixirs, not elixirs..."

"Elder, I can make high-grade yellow-grade talismans, and my skills are not bad!"

Han Yuan held his forehead. Most of them were of average skill. To be honest, those disciples with high skill levels should have been gathered together to refine treasures. Most of those who came to the front line were good at fighting. Although these dozens of disciples It’s just that I’m not good at fighting either…

Just when Han Yuan had a headache, Wu Baogang came over with fifteen people from a distance.

"Haha, Junior Brother Han, you must have a headache. These are inner disciples who are good at refining elixirs, magical weapons and talismans. They are enough to support the operation of your place!"

Han Yuan looked here. There were more than a dozen inner disciples, all wearing unique clothes and with specific marks on their chests. They were all first-level high-grade alchemists, weapon refiners and talisman makers.

Han Yuan said gratefully: "Thank you, Brother Wu, for your help!"

"Haha, what a big deal, your job should have fallen on me from the beginning. You can help me, I should be grateful to you!" Wu Baogang laughed, "Come on, I will take you to the yard to see look."

"It's all for the sect!" Han Yuan also smiled.

Therefore, Wu Baogang took Han Yuan to the three courtyards in the north of Fang City. Behind the three courtyards were wing rooms for disciples to live in, as well as alchemy furnaces, weapon refining furnaces and talisman pulp pools, which could be used to make items for cultivating immortals. Prepare.

There is also a facade in front of the compound, which can be used to receive foreign monks. It was originally a shop, but has been transformed into a mission hall, a verification hall and an exchange hall. The mission hall is for casual monks to receive war missions, and the verification hall is for checking mission status. , settlement tasks, and the exchange hall provides exchange for various treasures.

The treasures in the exchange hall are very attractive to casual cultivators, and there are even exercises and spells that can be redeemed. Han Yuan even found that the exchange requirements for Foundation Establishment Pills are written on them, which shows that the sect also attaches great importance to casual cultivators.

This was all prepared by Wu Baogang before, and Han Yuan could be said to be enjoying the success.

After Han Yuan took charge of this place, he had already noticed that there were many casual cultivators poking around outside. It is estimated that many of them were well-informed and already knew that they could receive tasks here.

He didn't know when the mission would come, so he immediately arranged for disciples to station in three stores to familiarize themselves with the processing procedures.

At the same time, he frowned and found that the finished products in the exchange hall were less than expected, and many of them were materials or semi-finished products. If casual cultivators came to exchange, not only would it be embarrassing for the sect, but he also didn't like to be laughed at for his incompetence. .

A clever disciple next to him suggested: "Elder, do you want to invite those casual cultivating masters in Fang City to come and take charge? I heard that there is a second-level weapon refiner in the west of Fang City."

Han Yuan glanced at him appreciatively: "You have a good idea. Go ahead and invite them. If you can invite them, I will credit you with the credit!"

The disciple was immediately dumbfounded. He just suggested it, and now he got the job. A bitter look appeared on his face.

Han Yuan chuckled. He actually had no hope, because Wu Baogang and the others must have already recruited them. If they didn't agree to Wu Baogang, how could they agree to his invitation?

He touched his chin and took out a book "Earth Talisman Encyclopedia" from his storage bag. This was a prop book he had used casually when pretending to read a book, but later he unexpectedly discovered that he could actually understand part of it. Content, this is because spiritual runes and refining runes are very closely related.

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