Steady Cultivation: My Buff Effect Is Randomly Doubled

Chapter 85 Transformed Combat Skills, Precise Control Of Power

Han Yuan returned to the sidelines.

A look of reverence flashed in Qin Feng's eyes: "Master, you are so strong!"

Han Yuan smiled lightly and glanced at the disciples around him.

Originally, many disciples had a very average attitude towards Han Yuan. They were respectful on the surface, but most of them were dissatisfied in their hearts.

Now after a battle, everyone is convinced and their expressions have become respectful.

Even beside Chang Chun, who was waiting in the distance to come on stage, a few ninth-level Qi Refining monks gathered together and chatted pleasantly, seeming to be discussing the conditions for joining Cangming Cave Mansion.

The two hundred disciples who had joined Cangming Cave Palace were a little restrained at first. They also felt that it was a bit unjust and unjust for their palace master to obtain the position of true disciple. But now they felt confident and their mentality immediately changed. They all showed it on their faces. They looked confident and proud, and many people around them began to take the initiative to chat and make friends with them.

Even the expressions of the foundation-building elders became serious. The somewhat absent-minded foundation-building elders stood up straight unconsciously and carefully supervised the battle in the ring.

The disciples who were competing in the ring seemed to become more serious after feeling Han Yuan's gaze, as if they wanted to show off their abilities in front of Han Yuan.

When these changes were superimposed, the atmosphere in the entire Lingwen Peak Square immediately changed.

Inexplicably, Han Yuan even felt that Lingwen Peak's centripetal force had increased a lot, and everyone became more friendly with each other.

If the inner disciples were still a little idle before, now their cohesion has been significantly improved.

"Lingwen Peak's morale has improved!"

Han Yuan summarized these changes, thoughtfully.

In just one battle, he not only showed his extremely powerful strength in the Qi Refining Realm, but also showed his huge potential. From the speed of his strength improvement, it can be inferred that he is very likely to break through the Nascent Soul in the future. Come, everyone has expectations, and with a backbone, the centripetal force will naturally increase!

The first round of competition ended quickly, and eight hundred winners were decided.

Then the second and third rounds started.

Han Yuan was still watching the competition and learning how to use various spells. He absorbed combat experience like a sponge and improved his combat ability.

He was defeated several times in succession, winning consecutive battles, and many of his opponents were experts at the ninth level of Qi refining!

Most of the inner disciples also recognized Han Yuan more and more, and Han Yuan's status in their minds continued to rise, rising to a level second only to the peak master.

If he had only become the acting peak master in name with the help of the spare token at the beginning, now his status is not far behind even without the spare peak master token.

Finally, it’s the round of sixty to thirty.

At the end of this round, the top thirty were selected, and preliminary rankings were made based on the time to determine the winner. Then each disciple could challenge the top-ranked disciples on their own to determine the final ranking.

When Han Yuan walked onto the ring, he saw an "acquaintance" coming up to the opposite side - Liu Xinghe.

The two have actually never met officially, but they know each other well.

Han Yuan happened to hear the Liu family's conversation in a disciple courtyard before, so he naturally got to know Liu Xinghe. Liu Xinghe was well-known in Lingwen Peak. He was the top disciple of the inner sect before and became a true disciple. His voice was loud, and after he came to power, this person disappeared for a long time. Unexpectedly, he encountered him again today.

Liu Xinghe took the lead in saluting Han Yuan with his hands raised: "Core disciple, Liu Xinghe, please teach Han Zhenzhuan!"

Han Yuan nodded: "We are all from the same sect. We should not take the advice seriously. We are just learning from each other!"

Yue Daoyuan stood in the corner and said in a deep voice: "Get ready, the competition will begin in ten breaths!"

The two of them stood on each side, waiting for the competition to begin.

The surrounding disciples gathered one after another, all looking forward to this "peak battle"!

Liu Xinghe was a man of influence before Lingwen Peak. His strength was obvious to all, and he was one of the best among the inner sects. Han Yuan was a new true disciple, and also a new and powerful person!

The battle between the two is very exciting.

Even Yue Mingxiong in the main hall came out with great interest and stood watching from a distance.

Liu Xinghe glanced around and happened to see Yue Mingxiong's figure. At this moment, he was overjoyed. He recognized Yue Mingxiong's existence and was one of the three golden elixir elders of the Yue family. If he could get him With his appreciation, it will definitely be a smooth journey in Lingwen Peak from now on!

Han Yuan didn't think much about it. No matter how strong Liu Xinghe was, he would be defeated.


Give an order.

Liu Xinghe was the first to take action. He had a star bow in his hand. He stretched the bow and pulled the string. In the sky, there seemed to be stars echoing it!

A large amount of his spiritual power was poured into the spiritual bow in his hand, and an arrow emitting blue light was condensed out of thin air!


Liu Xinghe shouted softly, loosened his fingers, and the arrow flew out.

The light of the stars in the sky was suddenly attracted by it, and the power of the stars fell into the arrow.

The arrow was divided into three parts, and the three parts were divided into nine parts. Within a few breaths, hundreds of stars and arrows struck towards Han Yuan!

There was a burst of exclamation from the audience, and some disciples at the ninth level of Qi Refining were so frightened that they backed away, as if they were afraid of being affected!

Each of those star arrows has the power of the ninth level of Qi Refining. Hundreds of arrows cannot even be blocked by the eleventh or second level of Qi Refining, right?

Many people's eyes were focused on Liu Xinghe's spiritual weapon, and their eyes were extremely hot.

Hundreds of arrows struck, covering the sky and the sun, like a river of stars, leaving no escape!

Yue Daoyuan next to him was nervous and ready to take action at any time.

Han Yuan looked calm, and flicked his fingers on the yellow-grade high-grade long sword in his hand. Sword energy slashes flew out from the long sword, facing the river of arrow stars in the sky. In the blink of an eye, there were also hundreds of sword energy slashes. The momentum of the sky is no less than that of arrows covering the sky!

Liu Xinghe's face was full of confidence. The second-level low-grade spiritual weapon longbow in his hand was enough to double his combat power and would definitely give Han Yuan a big headache.

However, contrary to expectations, when the sword energy and the arrows collided one by one, they showed an evenly matched attitude. The sword energy and the arrows were equally powerful. After each collision, they just destroyed each other, no more and no less.

Liu Xinghe was stunned: "You, how could you..."

He then "guessed the truth" on his own and suddenly said: "You also have a spiritual weapon in your hand..."

His face was full of helplessness. He had made a mistake. He had obtained a spiritual weapon, so he thought he could easily defeat Han Yuan. However, as a true disciple, Han Yuan would also find it easy to obtain a spiritual weapon.

However, Han Yuan actually did not use the spiritual weapon. He did not even use the magical weapon in his hand, but only relied on spells to deal with Liu Xinghe.

What Han Yuan is most satisfied with is that his assessment of the power of spells and his control over spells have greatly improved. He can correctly judge the power of those arrows and at the same time control the power of the sword energy at the same level. , which allows him to save spiritual energy consumption, and also shows that his combat level has reached a certain level, which is different from before.

Liu Xinghe had no idea that he had become a tool for Han Yuan to test his combat prowess. After one attack failed, he immediately launched a second attack. He believed that with his spiritual power, even if the power of the spells were the same, it would be enough to drain Han Yuan. Achieve victory.

Unfortunately, the outcome was already decided from the very beginning.

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