Han Yuan opened his eyes, a glimmer of light flashing through his eyes.

He looked at the text in front of him.

[Random gain multiplier: 58]

[The effect of Yun Ling Grass on Yun Ling grass is increased by *58]

[Random gain multiplier: 32]

[The efficacy of Tongmai Dan is improved*32]

"Is it up to 58 times more powerful? Yes!"

Han Yuan lamented his own transformation, which can be described as reborn.

He felt like he was no longer human. The veins all over his flesh and blood made his flesh and blood look a bit like leaves. He could absorb and release spiritual energy through his flesh and blood!

At this point, he knew that the perfect level of Gu Mu's Qi Restoration Technique was already waving towards him.

When preparing to break through the Gu Mu Qi Restoration Technique, he glanced around.

The storage bags are all neatly placed. Wangcai is also practicing in the corner. The ground is also very clean, almost the same as when he came in before. The practice room has its own dust cleaning function, which is enough to ensure that he is spotless while practicing.

"I seem to have forgotten something?"

He looked around and made sure that there were no shortage of storage bags. He couldn't help but scratch his chin strangely.

“It always feels like something is missing, but it doesn’t seem like it is!”

Han Yuan looked at Wangcai again and found that its aura had increased a lot. He nodded with satisfaction.

"Forget it, let's break through the Ancient Wood Qi Restoration Technique first!"

Han Yuan closed his eyes again.

When he closed his eyes, Wangcai opened one eye with a guilty conscience, and he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he found that his owner didn't notice the disappearing blade of grass.

Then it looked at the Yunling Grass stems discarded by Han Yuan.

When Han Yuan swallowed, he only swallowed grass leaves. The grass stems did not have a permanent improvement effect, so they were discarded by Han Yuan and piled up next to him. However, these grass stems can also be used to refine Qi Gathering Pills and Condensation Pills. For Qi Dan, you just need to calculate the amount.

When Han Yuan fell into deep cultivation.

Wangcai was a little greedy again, and felt very uncomfortable with an empty stomach.

So, it quietly came to the haystack next to Han Yuan, picked up a grass stem, returned to the corner, and quietly swallowed it in its belly.

Wangcai was the spiritual beast contracted by Han Yuan, and he didn't have any bad thoughts towards Han Yuan, so Han Yuan didn't notice Wangcai's approach.

His spiritual consciousness is all focused on the changes in the earth's aura, and wealth cannot affect the earth's aura.

After Wangcai swallowed the stems of Yunling Grass, he suddenly felt extremely comfortable in his abdomen. A large amount of cool and pure spiritual energy spread from his abdomen to his whole body, making his body feel extremely cool and his cultivation became much smoother.

After practicing once, it will quietly come over and pick up a grass stem to eat, and the entire grass pile will gradually decrease in height.

Han Yuan was currently running the Ancient Wood Qi Restoration Technique at full strength.

This time, he was mainly modifying the direction of the Gu Mu Qi Restoration Technique.

The previous Qi Restoration Technique was to absorb and release spiritual energy through micro meridians to achieve spiritual energy recycling. In this process, micro meridians are both absorbers and releasers, so the operation is a bit messy. Even if it is controlled by the heart of the wood spirit, the efficiency will undoubtedly be reduced. Down a lot.

But this time, with the participation of the blood meridians, the situation is different.

After the earth vein spiritual energy enters the body from the skin, it circulates in the micro meridians. Part of it enters the small meridians along the micro meridians, and then transfers to the main and auxiliary meridians. Finally, it is refined into pure wood spirit power in the heart of the wood spirit and accumulated.

The other part of the aura is directly transferred into the blood veins through the connection between the micro meridians and the blood veins, and then disperses into the flesh and blood through the blood veins, integrating into the world, thus achieving a new spiritual energy cycle!

In this process, the blood veins mainly act as releasers, while the micro meridians mainly act as absorbers. The two do not interfere with each other, thus improving the efficiency of absorbing spiritual energy.

In the micro meridians, spiritual power would have been input into the blood veins to improve the flesh and blood. Now it is just adding another type of earth vein aura. And in the process of the earth vein aura dispersing in the flesh and blood, his flesh and blood are also being washed away by the earth vein aura. Next, become stronger.

Repeating this cycle, the exercises in Han Yuan's body became smoother and smoother. Gradually, the ancient wood nourishing skills and the ancient wood rejuvenation techniques were getting closer and closer to the perfect level. He felt that There is only one opportunity left for the Ancient Wood Spirit-nurturing Technique to reach perfection, but it has never been touched.

However, with the improvement of the spiritual energy loop in the Ancient Wood Rejuvenation Technique, it has gradually reached a perfect level. The spiritual energy loops are completed among his body, the earth, and the air, reaching a state of perfect harmony!

After tens of thousands of spiritual energy loops gradually succeeded, a much larger dice finally appeared in front of him.

Han Yuan stared at the rapid rotation of the dice and instantly issued an order with his mind.


The dice stopped moving instantly, and one side of the dice appeared in front of his eyes.


Han Yuan was overjoyed!

[Random gain multiplier: 20]

[The perfect effect of Ancient Wood Rejuvenation Technique is increased by *20]

Under the exaggerated doubling of 20 times, countless earth vein spiritual energy poured into his body, forming spiritual energy loops.

All the micro-meridians in which his technique operates are connected with the earth-vein spiritual energy. A large amount of earth-vein spiritual energy pours into the body, but is swallowed up by the micro-meridian network that has expanded several times. The micro-meridians are in the Yunling Grass and Tongmai Dan. After strengthening, it becomes wide and smooth, and a large amount of earth vein spiritual energy pours into it, but it can still be accommodated.

The spiritual power in his Dantian, which had been reduced by one-third, was quickly replenished during this process!

Soon, the spiritual power of Dantian returned to its perfect state.

This time, Han Yuan chose to break through without hesitation!

Break through!

The strong and powerful spiritual power impacted the barrier of Dantian. I originally thought it would take multiple impacts, but under the impact of the wood spiritual power, it was shattered in just one impact!

Dantian suddenly expanded several times!

The original spiritual power was suddenly reduced to less than a quarter, and the quality of the spiritual power was also condensed during the impact.

This time Han Yuan understood more clearly the changes in spiritual power when breaking through the realm, and couldn't help but suddenly said: "No wonder my Dantian reached the size of a tenth-level Qi refining monk before I broke through, but I never felt the feeling of breaking through the foundation. It turns out that every time you break through spiritual power, you will also undergo a transformation."

Although his spiritual transformation has also increased threefold, it is more of a quantitative change. The qualitative change is indeed not as effective as a serious breakthrough to the tenth level of Qi refining.

Despite this, his spiritual power that has now broken through to the seventh level of Qi refining has probably reached the effect of others at the ninth level of Qi refining. He is undoubtedly qualified to build a foundation!

"The role of spiritual essence is here. The improvement of the quality of spiritual power will increase the success rate of foundation building. No wonder one piece costs 800 spiritual stones! This is because there are restrictions on the use of spiritual essence by others. One person cannot take many pills. If you can take If you have a lot of them, the price will definitely be higher.”

Han Yuan looked at the storage bag marked Ling Cui and was about to stretch out his hand.

Suddenly he moved and looked somewhere beside him.

He remembered clearly that when he used Yunling Grass before, he threw the grass stems aside and built them very high.

But now, the original haystack is gone!

The ground was spotless, as if the haystack had never been there.

At this time, he remembered that he seemed to have forgotten something before. Where were the leaves of the Blood Grass that had lost their blood-colored veins? Even the stems of the bloodweed are gone!

He walked around the training room and looked suspiciously at Wangcai in the corner.

In the entire training room, except for it, he really couldn't imagine where those blades of grass would go.

After waiting for a while, the practice of Wangcai was over, and it habitually opened its eyes to look in the direction of Han Yuan. Then it saw Han Yuan squatting in front of it with his hands folded, looking down at it.

"Woof! Woof!" (Master, have you finished practicing?)

Wangcai's voice was filled with joy and his tail was wagging vigorously.

"Where are the leaves of the Blood Cord Grass and the stems of the Yunling Grass?" Han Yuan asked quietly.

Wangcai's expression did not show any change, and there was even a look of confusion on his face. However, the tail wagging twice as fast behind his back had exposed his behavior.

Han Yuan picked it up and planned to see where it had hidden the grass blades, but suddenly found that the dog was more than ten times heavier than before!

"I'll go, what did you eat? You're so heavy?"

At this time, Han Yuan probed his spiritual sense into Wangcai's body and could feel the extremely surging Qi and blood in Wangcai's body. Moreover, the fire spiritual power in his body was extremely huge. Wangcai had reached the late stage of Qi refining without knowing when. Perfection, the advancement of cultivation is even more exaggerated than his master!

Han Yuan looked at Wangcai's evasive eyes strangely.

He finally knew where those blades of grass had gone!

Ten thousand blood grasses and 300,000 spirit stones.

Ten thousand spirit-containing grass stems, excluding the blades, are worth almost 300,000 spirit stones.

This dog can eat a total of 600,000 spirit stones!

"Forget it, now that you have perfected your Qi refining, let me ask you how to make a breakthrough. If a spirit beast breaks through, you shouldn't need Foundation Establishment Pill, right?"

Han Yuan walked towards the practice room with Wangcai in his arms.

His aura connected with the aura of wealth, slowly blending into the surrounding environment, as if he was invisible.

He quickly arrived at the zoo without attracting anyone's attention. After walking around, he saw Liu Sixi.

At this time, Liu Sixai's temperament had changed a lot. She walked vigorously and resolutely, giving off the air of a strong woman. Behind her were two disciples who seemed to be reporting on the progress of the zoo.

"Deacon Liu, in the past five months, the zoo's production has been in line with the plan, and even exceeded it by one-tenth. It has completed the plan set at the beginning of the year without any problems!" a female disciple reported.

Liu Sixi nodded gently: "Report the growth status of the spirit beasts in a timely manner without making any mistakes."

"Yes." The two female disciples who followed nodded quickly.

Han Yuan was also very surprised when he saw the changed Liu Sixi. The original Liu Sixi had a senior sister look, generous and elegant, with obvious innocence and simplicity in her eyes. But today she is already a little familiar to Han Yuan The appearance of the deacon of the outer court.

With a little condescension and a little arrogance, although it looks the same as before, the taste has changed a bit.

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