Steady Cultivation: My Buff Effect Is Randomly Doubled

Chapter 52 The Clan Elder’S Instructions

Han Yuan did not rush forward to ask about the advancement of Wangcai, because he saw Liu Zexian standing in the distance, looking here expressionlessly.

Liuze didn't see Han Yuan first. If he wasn't looking for it, others would regard Han Yuan as a small tree with no sense of existence.

Liu Sisi also noticed Yanagisawa, waved his subordinates to leave, and then hurriedly walked towards Yanagisian.

Han Yuan and Wang Cai, one person and one dog, both looked over curiously.

"Elder of the clan, why are you here?" Liu Sixai smiled and saluted.

Liu Zexian said calmly: "I remember that you almost arranged the zoo two months ago. Why are you still busy here?"

Liu Sixi was startled and asked doubtfully: "Did I do a bad job?"

Yanagisawa shook his head first and said: "No, you did a good job and managed the zoo in an orderly manner. I never noticed before that you still have a certain talent in managing this matter, but you have missed the point of the matter."

Liu Sixai said blankly: "The important point? Please ask the clan elders to explain."

"Let me ask you a question, are you from Cangming Cave Mansion or Liu Family?" Liu Ze first looked into Liu Sixi's eyes.

"Um..." Liu Sixai's mind changed and she replied, "Of course I am from the Liu family."

"Wrong!" Yanagisawa said first.

Liu Sixi blinked and said, "Then I am from Cangming Cave Mansion?"

"Humph, that's wrong too!" Liu Ze snorted coldly.

Liu Sisi didn't understand what Liu Zexian meant.

Liu Ze sighed first and said: "You are Han Yuan! And it is not the Han Yuan in Han Zhen's biography, but simply Han Yuan!"

"I don't understand..." Liu Sixi said with a pale face, and she felt a faint sense of uneasiness.

"Let me ask you, what do you want to do by gathering connections and gaining power in the zoo? Do you really think that you can sit in this position of deacon because of your talent? Wrong, it's because of the relationship between you and Han Zhen Relationship! Without this relationship, you are no different from ordinary family members. You may eventually be able to get into a middle-level management position, or at most become a foundation-building monk, but so what?" Yanagisawa suggested first.

Liu Sisi vaguely understood what Liu Zexian meant. A few months ago, her mother came under her influence and the situation gradually improved. She sent him a letter telling her all the tips and tricks of managing connections. She was also deeply inspired. But now, it seems she did something wrong?

Liuze first looked at the busy people in the distance, then pointed at Cangming Tower and said, "Who do you think the owner of Cangming Cave is?"

Liu Sixi hesitated.

"Do you think that Cangming Cave Palace has been jointly controlled by the Liu Di family, the Chang family and other families, and Han Zhenzhuan is of no use? There is only one title left? The owner of Cangming Cave Palace has already been replaced? So? , you started to stop paying attention to Han Zhenzhuan? Do you want to focus on the Liu family?" Liu Ze first revealed Liu Sixi's thoughts!

Liu Sixi bit her lip and lowered her head, but she didn't know how to refute. Isn't this allowed? Can't people think about their own future?

Liu Ze sighed first and said: "If it were a mortal dynasty, you would be right to think so, but in the world of cultivation, only strength is supreme!"

He looked into the distance with a hint of solemnity in his eyes and said: "The reason why our Liu family has such a large territory and interests depends on the ancestor of the family, Zhenren Jindan! Once the ancestor reaches the end of his life or dies midway, If the family does not have follow-up additions from Jindan Zhenren, then our huge family will fall apart overnight, and the family will give away a lot of benefits. The main line will die, and the branches will go to other places to survive. In the meantime, many clan members will be killed. The hostile forces were killed, separated, and their power was greatly reduced. It was not until a real Jin Dan was born again in the family that all the branches could be restored. "

Liu Sixi took a deep breath, and she finally understood what Liu Zexian meant.

Sure enough, Liu Zexian continued: "As for Han Yuan, I asked you to become his person before, not because he became the true successor, but because he could become the true successor! The true successor of the sect is not set up casually, and those who can become the true successor Everyone has the potential of the golden elixir, and even the potential of the Nascent Soul. He must make friends with such people no matter what! If Liu Xinghe had this potential, he would have become a true successor long ago. He thought that the peak master was blocking him. But they don’t know that the peak master is not the final decider, but the real Jin Dan hidden in the mountain peak and even the ancestor of Nascent Soul are the deciders!”

"So, that Han Yuan became the true successor not long after he arrived at Lingwen Peak. This is not just a trick. It also shows that he has huge potential and does not even need to be observed for a period of time! No matter what is said outside Rumors, that doesn’t matter. Do you believe in the vision of Qi Refining and Foundation Building outside, or the vision of Master Jin Dan?”

"Once Han Yuan becomes a golden elixir, if something goes wrong with our Liu family, he will take care of it! The tragedy will not happen! Even if we become in-laws, the benefits that our Liu family can get will be greater than all the properties today. Ten times a hundred times!”

Liu Sixi understood, she heard what Liu Zexian meant, what she should do now is to get close to Han Yuan, help him, and work for him.

"But, clan elder, am I helping him now? This is what he ordered!" Liu Sixi said a little at a loss.

"Haha, Chang Chun and Qin Feng also served Han Zhenzhuan. Then did you know that Han Zhenzhuan had been out of seclusion once before? At that time, Chang Chun and Qin Feng both took action immediately before Han Zhenzhuan gave the order, but you were the only one. No idea!”

"That Di Qing..." Liu Sixi bit her lip.

"Can he be the same? To put it bluntly, he is an outsider and a latecomer. You three were originally the closest people to Han Zhenzhuan! But now, let alone saying that you are on good terms with him, even your status as a close subordinate has disappeared It’s the same as Na Di Qing!”

Liu Ze first hated the fact that iron cannot be made into steel, "You go to Cangming Tower, wait for Han Yuan to come out at any time, prepare hot food at any time, and let him see you as soon as he comes out. This is what you should do!"

Liu Sixi understood completely. The clan leader still asked her to take the initiative to get close to Han Yuan, but she wanted to prove herself with her ability!

Isn't she weak?

Her cultivation level has been able to jump twice in a row during this period of time, rising from the fifth level of Qi Refining to the seventh level of Qi Refining!

Her spiritual beast has also been upgraded to the late stage of Qi refining at the same time. She even contracted an additional spiritual beast with the help of her family's secret skills.

She was promoted to an inner disciple of Lingwen Peak, and she learned several spells!

Why does the clan elder think that she just needs to be a flower demon who can seduce people?

Han Yuan and the innocent Wangcai looked at each other.

Wangcai's eyes were blank.

Han Yuan's heart was calm. Liu Zexian's idea was quite good. If Liu Sixi approached him like this, although he would not directly let her become his Taoist companion, he would definitely take care of the place he could take care of. After all, he has always been very kind to his own people.

But now that Liu Sixai is half his own and half Liu family, the relationship has indeed become a little weaker.

Still getting better with age!

Han Yuan left quietly.

Neither of them noticed what was happening around them, and they had no idea that someone was eavesdropping on their conversation.

Han Yuan looked at the sky with some suspicion and murmured in his heart: "Don't tell me sooner or later, but when I show up, these two people say these things. Is it such a coincidence?"

He was relieved when he thought about his identity. At this time, he was very glad that he had not been out of Zonglang before. This kind of thing could happen just right, and other things were probably not bad either.

At first he felt that he was a little invincible, but after thinking about it, there were so many golden elixirs out there, so he still had to develop steadily.

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