Steady Cultivation: My Buff Effect Is Randomly Doubled

Chapter 50 The Blood Veins Mutate Again

Not long after Han Yuan was happy, his brows wrinkled.

He was surprised to find that his recovery speed could no longer meet the consumption speed of his spiritual energy.

The spiritual energy that originally filled the Dantian has begun to decline.

"what's going on?"

He looked inside himself and discovered to his surprise that all his flesh, flesh and even bones were absorbing the blood energy and increasing.

The source of this bloody energy is the spiritual power in his own body!

Those red and green veins were rapidly extracting his spiritual power.

The improvement of a piece of flesh and blood is nothing, but all the flesh and blood in the body are absorbing nutrients, and the demand for this has skyrocketed.

Dacheng's "Ancient Wood Rejuvenation Technique" can restore energy 150 times faster, but it can't catch up with his consumption speed!

Of course he can stop his flesh and blood from absorbing spiritual power, but since he is getting stronger, of course he won't stop, and the solution is also very simple.

At this time, beside him, there were two materials, Yunling Grass and Tongmai Pill, related to the meridians. The former could increase the speed of absorbing spiritual energy, and the latter could expand the meridians!

Han Yuan took out a piece of Yunling grass, took off the leaves on it, and put it in his mouth.

The blades of grass soon found their way into the belly.

He was a little curious about how the Yunling Grass speeded up the absorption of spiritual energy.

As the spiritual power is refined, a cool breath blends into the walls of the meridians.

He could feel that the spiritual energy was running faster as it passed through his meridians.

Han Yuan suddenly realized: "It turns out that it speeds up the passage of spiritual energy, thereby increasing the speed of absorbing spiritual energy."

He knew that the descriptions of the effects of these herbal medicines were not precise enough, but the effects were sufficient.

The medicinal power of a spirit-accumulating grass quickly spread to the eight main veins, increasing the speed of spiritual energy by 10%, and the effect was quite good.

Not long after Han Yuan refined it, several more strands of the medicinal power of Yunling Grass appeared and began to spread to the twelve secondary meridians.

After refining this part of the spiritual power of the herbal medicine, Han Yuan found that his spiritual power was being consumed faster!

Because only the main and auxiliary meridians have increased in speed, and the small meridians and micro meridians have not been strengthened, the speed of spiritual energy absorption has not increased significantly. The majority of the spiritual energy absorbed by his technique is those micro meridians.

However, Han Yuan did not panic. Once he strengthened the micro meridians, the speed of spiritual energy absorption would increase.

He thought for a while and swallowed a pulse-opening pill.

After the medicinal power of the Tongmai Pill was refined, it emitted a scorching medicinal power that blended into the walls of the meridians, causing them to expand a little!

The cross-sectional area of ​​the meridians has naturally increased a little, which has increased the instantaneous amount of spiritual energy passing through.

After looking at the effect, sure enough, the Tongmai Pill only strengthened the size of the main and auxiliary meridians. After the expansion, it made it easier for spiritual power to spread into the blood veins, and the consumption of spiritual power intensified again.

Han Yuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Fortunately, he could continue to take Yunling Grass and Tongmai Pill, and the effect could cover all meridians.

Time passes slowly.

Han Yuan silently refined the Yunling Grass and Tongmai Pill.

Among them, Tongmai Dan has erysipelas, but Han Yuan can often shake it to a multiplier of more than 10. There is no erysipelas at all, but an extra 10 multiplier. It seems to convert all the erysipelas into medicinal power, making the medicine more effective, plus detoxification ability With the improvement, the impact of erysipelas on him has been reduced to minimal.

at some point.

Han Yuan felt that his micro meridians had been washed by the medicinal power of Yunling Grass, and was about to stop refining the Yunling Grass.

But his spiritual consciousness was shocked to see that some cool energy extended to the blood (green) veins along the ends of the micro meridians.

"There won't be any problems, right?"

Han Yuan looked nervously at the veins covering the flesh and blood. These veins came from the blood vein grass. Under the transformation of the wood spirit heart, they were a little mutated, but they could still convert the wood spirit power into blood and increase the strength of the flesh and blood. If The medicinal effects of these Spirit-accumulating Grasses caused changes, and he had to stop refining the Spirit-accumulating Grasses immediately.

I saw that the cool energy clung to the blood (green) veins very skillfully, like strengthening the meridians, strengthening these blood veins. When the cool energy was exhausted, Han Yuan stared at the blood veins closely, wondering what was going on. abnormal.

He found that there seemed to be nothing abnormal. The blood and flesh where the blood veins were located was just a small piece of flesh and blood on his abdomen. From the outside, it seemed that there was no change.

Han Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and was about to look away.

Suddenly he noticed something was wrong.

The skin on that piece of flesh and blood is absorbing the spiritual energy, which should have been transferred to the micro meridians, and then refined and transported to the higher level meridians through the micro meridians.

But he suddenly discovered that the bloody veins attached to the piece of flesh and blood also absorbed this part of the spiritual energy. The spiritual energy circulated in those bloody meridians, and actually converted into part of the spiritual power and part of the blood!

He was dumbfounded to see that the blood naturally blended into the flesh, while the spiritual power followed the connecting parts and transferred into the micro meridians.

"Wait a minute! Something terrible seems to have happened!"

Han Yuan stared at the small piece of flesh and blood, watching the bloody veins repeating the process again. After confirming that he was not blind, he looked surprised.

These blood-colored veins cannot absorb spiritual energy or circulate spiritual energy in the future. They can only convert spiritual energy into blood energy through the terminal connections for absorption by flesh and blood. But now, after absorbing the cool energy, it can actually circulate spiritual energy. It can even refine spiritual energy and transform it into spiritual power and blood energy!

Although the spiritual power delivered to the micro meridians circulated for a moment, and then converted into blood through the connecting parts, and continued to flow back into the blood veins to supply flesh and blood. It seems that this effect is of little use to him, but what if it expands the size of the meridians of the blood veins? ?

The Tongmai Pill can also increase the instantaneous absorption speed of the blood veins!

He controlled the power of Tongmai Dan to transfer to this area. The burning power of Tongmai Dan flowed into this bloody vein, and sure enough, it began to expand the diameter of the blood veins!

And the speed of absorbing spiritual energy is indeed increasing!

Han Yuan was dazzled by this scene. As if he had discovered a new world, he began to absorb Yunling Grass and Tongmai Pill at a faster pace, transferring the power of the two medicines to the bloody veins.

How many bloody veins are there?

But fortunately, Han Yuan had a random doubling in hand, and the medicinal power was continuously supplied for his strengthening project.

Wang Cai in the corner raised his head from time to time to look at Han Yuan in the center. Seeing that he was still practicing, he immediately lowered his head helplessly and continued to practice.

In such a strong state of spiritual energy, it can also live without grains, but it feels a little uncomfortable in its stomach if it doesn't eat anything.

Then its eyes focused on the blades of blood-leaf grass that were swept aside by Han Yuan.

It can sense some of its owner's emotions and knows that these blades of grass are useless to its owner, so it hesitates, picks up a piece of blood grass blade, chews it a few times, and then swallows it.

Although the grass blades without blood veins cannot improve the physical qualifications, the grass blades themselves still have the effect of forging the body. If swallowed, they can really resist hunger.

Wangcai thought the taste was average, but he felt warm in his stomach after eating it, so every time it finished absorbing the spiritual energy, he would eat one or two, and then continue practicing.

As it practiced, the energy of the Blood Cord Grass blades gradually integrated into its body, strengthening its body, but it didn't think much about it, it just didn't want to starve.

Pieces of blood grass entered Wangcai's belly, and the aura on his body had unknowingly risen to a small level.

But Han Yuan didn't notice Wangcai's little move, otherwise he would definitely feel ashamed that his pet was reduced to eating grass and leaves.

Although this blade of grass is a bit expensive, four leaves are equivalent to one Blood Cord Grass, and one leaf is worth 7 spirit stones. These Blood Cord Grass leaves can still be used to refine elixirs, even without the process of removing impurities. .

Probably no one thought that someone would use tens of thousands of blood grass to feed spirit beasts in the Qi refining stage. It was really too extravagant.

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