Blood Cortex Grass is a low-grade yellow-grade spiritual grass, and its grade is not high. Even the ten-year-old Blood Cortex Grass costs only 30 spiritual stones per plant.

But Han Yuan felt that this grass was not simple.

He didn't even care about the random gain multiplier, and carefully observed the formation of the blood veins, trying to figure out the principle.

It's just that if the principle was really so easy to see, it would have been hidden long ago, and it would still be so common on the market.

"The veins formed so naturally. If you look at the shape of the veins, they are completely different from those on the blades of grass. The blood-colored veins on every inch of flesh and blood are also different. They are shaped according to local conditions, just like they were carved by heaven and earth. Natural and harmonious.”

Han Yuan scratched his head. He had tried his best to observe, but still couldn't see the meaning inside. This thing was a bit similar to an inscription and a bit like a spiritual inscription, but it was not the same thing at all.

"The secrets of the world of immortality are no less than the physics of the previous life, and are even more mysterious and difficult to understand."

Han Yuan even mobilized the wood spiritual text and the forest spiritual text in his mind, but the two added little to the blood veins.

Han Yuan opened his eyes and watched the number "3" dim quickly.

He also discovered that these words would not disappear until he actually saw them, no matter how long he waited. If the dice were not locked in advance, they would select numbers on their own, and usually such numbers would be very small.

"Forget it, since you can't figure it out, just absorb the special power of the Blood Grass."

Han Yuan waved his hand, and ten blood grasses flew out.

"Qi Sword Slash!"

With a thought, ten air swords passed by in an instant, and forty blades fell down.

Han Yuan opened his mouth and inhaled, and all the leaves were sucked into his belly.

He opened his eyes and refined while looking ahead.

Forty dice flashed away and turned into a dice that was one point larger.

The dice rotated rapidly, but Han Yuan still couldn't see the numbers clearly.

"Wait until I practice a certain type of magic..." Han Yuan's eyes fell on the storage bag of the snake gallbladder.

He specially selected "Spiritual Snake and Snake Gut" in order to practice a certain type of spell in the future so that he can clearly see the numbers on the dice. There is no other deep meaning. There is no good type of magic in hand at the moment, so he is not in a hurry. Wearing and taking this material was originally for future consideration.

Han Yuan came to his senses and locked the dice with his mind.

next moment.

A number "7" appears on one side of the die.

The blood-colored energy in the body became even larger, quickly spreading to the flesh and bones throughout the body.

The blood energy this time is already very obvious. From the perspective of spiritual consciousness, when the blood energy adheres to the flesh, it will quickly form some blood veins, and connect with the blood veins that have been formed around it to form a larger blood vein. , and some veins and micro meridians are connected together again, and the parts that meet each other form a very magical rune-like structure.

After the spiritual power changes through this position, it will change into blood energy, which will flow in the blood veins and nourish itself and the surrounding flesh and blood.

As the scale of the blood veins expands, the speed of absorbing spiritual power also begins to increase greatly.

Han Yuan did not stop him, but instead activated the technique to let part of the spiritual power flow to the connection position, allowing the blood veins to transform and absorb it.

The bloody energy of the blood grass is digested very quickly, and the power of ten blood grass cannot make any waves at all.

During the refining process, Han Yuan also gradually discovered why this blood grass must be swallowed alive to be effective.

The blood veins on the leaves are a whole. If they are destroyed, the blood energy will disappear, and what it absorbs is the blood veins themselves. The leaves are just carriers. Although the leaves also have the effect of enhancing the physical body, this effect will affect the blood color. Absorption of veins.

Han Yuan's heart moved and he took out four leaves again.

This time, he did not swallow it into his stomach, but held it in his mouth. His spiritual power directly wrapped around the blood veins on the leaves and extracted them directly.

After these blood veins separated from the leaves, they turned into red energy and merged into Han Yuan's body.

He found that these blood energies cannot be without a carrier. They must be transferred from one carrier to another. If they are suspended in the mouth, they will also be destroyed.

He took out the leaves again and placed them on his palms. His spiritual power refined the blood veins on the leaves. Sure enough, they turned into blood energy again and merged into his body along the skin.

In this way, refining is easy.

He took out a hundred blood vein grasses in one breath.

Qi Jian Zhan was sacrificed, and invisible sword qi peeled off the leaves completely. Then Qi Jian Zhan restrained his aggressiveness and pulled the leaves to fall on Han Yuan's body.

Han Yuan quickly mobilized his spiritual power to refine it. After the blood veins on the leaves were refined, they would fall off by themselves and float around Han Yuan.

Han Yuan quickly refined the blood vein grass in this way.

Without realizing it, the Qi Sword Slash had been used to perfection. The sword energy was like an extension of Han Yuan's fingers, extremely flexible. When it was sharp, it could cut gold and jade, and when it was soft, it would not hurt plants or hair. The Qi Sword Slash had been perfected without realizing it.

Han Yuan did not notice this, and his attention was focused on the blood veins.

Each group of blood energy can form a blood vein. After doubling, there are several or even dozens of veins. Each vein can be connected to a micro meridian.

One or two blood veins are inconspicuous, but when Han Yuan's body, millions of blood veins are truly condensed into a complete blood vein system, Han Yuan's physical qualifications have reached an incredible level.

Millions of blood veins are connected to millions of micro meridians, forming an extremely complex network.

However, the Wood Spirit Heart can still coordinate the operation of the meridians perfectly, and the operation of spiritual power is still smooth.

Especially in the liver, the blood veins are also spread throughout the liver, but the power of the Wood Spirit Heart is also spread throughout the liver at this time.

The interweaving between the two is undoubtedly countless times tighter than the flesh and blood in other places.

A large amount of wood spirit power is transported to the blood veins through the connection, and the transformation speed of the blood veins is not as fast as the transmission speed of the wood spirit power. These blood veins gradually turned light green.

Han Yuan was shocked to find that the Wood Spirit Heart was "refining" these blood veins and incorporating them into its management scope.

To be honest, these blood veins are indeed a little difficult to control. Although they are all in Han Yuan's body, they also feel like foreign objects, but in the liver.

These blood veins have gradually been governed by the Wood Spirit Heart.

And Han Yuan can also mobilize these flesh and blood veins more naturally. After discovering that the color change did not disappear after the effect of transforming qi and blood became stronger, Han Yuan did not stop this change, but instead accelerated the "refining" speed of the Wood Spirit Heart.

When all the blood vein grass was consumed, Han Yuan focused on accelerating the integration of the Wood Spirit Heart and the blood veins.

Time flies, and I don't know how much time has passed.

Han Yuan opened his eyes, and there seemed to be a dense green network in his eyes, turning his eyes into green eyes. But after a while, everything became normal, and the black and white eyes revealed a lively spirituality.

He glanced at the few lines of numbers that flashed in front of him.

[Random gain multiplier: 72]

[Blood vein grass enhancement effect * 72]

"72 times?"

Han Yuan's eyes widened. This was the largest multiplier he had ever seen!

He had never imagined that there would be such a large number before. It seems that the huge number of 10,000 blood vein grasses really increased the upper limit of the dice's multiplier.

Han Yuan skipped the text and felt the surging vitality in his body. He was very satisfied. The breath he breathed seemed to carry the fragrance of grass leaves. Well, it's not as if, at this time he was indeed buried in a large number of abandoned blood vein grass leaves...

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