Chapter 172 : The consequence is that the entire family of Huang Clan is annihilated! [Purchase customization)


But before the drum in her hand rang, the old man who had slowed down suddenly broke away from the boy’s change of arms, exhausted his whole body and ran up, kicking the girl out.

“Grandpa, you hit me?”

“You hit me for two unrelated people!?”

The girl looked at the old man in disbelief.



The old man yelled twice again.

Shouting hysterically, screaming heartbreakingly, and yelling incomparably self-blame, his whole body trembled violently: “Irrelevant person? This is your second grandfather. Without him, you can’t exist in this world now, you You say he is an irrelevant person? How dare you use force against your second grandfather? You beast! Cough cough cough cough cough

The extremely excited old man coughed violently.

“Grandpa, calm down first.”

The young man slapped the old man’s back again, and quickly comforted him.

“Second Grandpa?

The girl was also stunned, and came to mind what her grandfather had told herself since childhood, about her second grandfather, and she understood why her grandfather was so excited to beat herself.

However, after a moment of stunned, her expression became dissatisfied again, and even aggrieved: “I don’t know that he is the second grandfather, who made him speak so badly to you? Isn’t it right for me to beat him?”

“You say it again? I don’t know how to repent, but I still feel so confident?!”

The old man gritted his teeth and said: “Even if you don’t know that he is your second grandfather, even if he is not your second grandfather, can you do it casually? You will get a whip if you curse, am I the emperor?”

“I have been accustomed to you for so many years, but I haven’t taught you less about how to behave in the world. Have I taught you all about dogs?”

After the old man said this, he wanted to kick the girl again.

The girl was a little scared and wanted to dodge, but it was too late.


One foot fell.

It was not a girl who flew out.

Instead, he swooped down to block the young boy.

“elder brother ”

The young girl hurried up to help the young man, but the young man grabbed her wrist: “Don’t help me, go and talk to Grandpa Second.

“Why are you still stunned? Go ahead!”

He pushed the girl hard and whispered: “Hurry up, or grandpa won’t be able to calm down.”

The girl’s fear just now was not because she was ashamed of the old man’s reprimand, but she was afraid of her own behavior.

But I was afraid of the pain after that foot fell just now.

Seeing that she has no other choice, she bends down slightly to the old village chief with great reluctance, without the slightest sincerity, even full of resentment: “Second grandfather, I’m sorry, I didn’t know it was you. Please forgive me.”

The old village chief ignored her, but just looked at the old man and said, “I have two things to do when I come back. I don’t have the time to watch you discipline my granddaughter.”

The younger brother, who had been away for fifty years, reappeared in front of him.Although his attitude towards himself is still farther away than he is towards strangers, the old man obviously does not want to be too entangled with this episode, thinking about telling first. In a paragraph, after the incident, he will slowly discipline and punish the girl, nodded and said: “Let’s talk about the advanced family.

The old village chief blurted out and wanted to say, this is your home, not my home. My home ceased to exist fifty years ago, but he opened his mouth and still didn’t say anything.


The old man wants to come to an end.

The girl didn’t want to.

She picked up the whip and shook it angrily, slapped it, and stopped Zhang Qingxuan who was going to follow the old village chief.

“Sister Ying, don’t be fooling around!”

The boy quickly tried to stop, but was hysterically pushed by the girl: “Brother, you get out of the way!”

“This is the second grandfather, but he is not!”

“Dare to slap me and slap my face today I must slap him.”

“shut up!”

The last four words have not yet been exported.

There was another burst of shouts in the rear!

But this time, it did not come from the older brother of the village chief.

But the old village chief shouted.

When he knew that Zhang Qingxuan had wiped out the entire Huangxian Temple and killed Huanghuangpizi’s ancestors almost by one person.

The old village chief was deeply shocked.

At the same time, he also understood Zhang Qingxuan’s strength.

Although Zhang Qingxuan was kind from beginning to end, the old village chief knew deeply that being kind does not mean he can be provocative.

If the girl doesn’t know what it is at the end, but she can also guess what it is in four words, and then directly shoot Zhang Qingxuan.

Then maybe she will become a corpse directly!

Not only her.

Even the entire family may be implicated.

People in the family cannot be inactive when someone is killed.

And once there is a movement, and fight with Zhang Qingxuan, there will be only one consequence at that time.

That was the entire Huang Family of the Xian Ma Xian, suffering heavy casualties, and even completely wiped out!

The old man glanced at the old village chief in disbelief.

Brothers, even if they haven’t seen each other for fifty years, the mutual understanding is indelible.

His pupils shrank, and he immediately understood something. Before the girl could return to her senses, he could do anything rebellious. He yelled, “Now roll me back to face the wall, or I will break your leg!”

The young girl shuddered, her face full of grievances and reluctance, but after giving Zhang Qingxuan a vicious look, she left angrily.

“Grandpa, grandson also resigned.

The boy said it, and then he ran after him.

Looking at the back of the two, the old village chief said silently: “That’s how you control the younger generation?”

“3.7 If my son is still alive, my grandchildren will be a thousand times stronger than yours!!

The voice fell.

His expression went dark suddenly.

The old man sighed deeply, and Zhang Zhang wanted to say something, but in the end it only turned into a sigh.

After a moment of sigh, the old man turned around and fisted Zhang Qingxuan, who was too excited to see the old village chief Huang Erzhu and had forgotten to say hello, and said: “This Daoist, the old man Huang Dazhu, discipline is fine, don’t blame it.”

Huang Dazhu, Huang Erzhu?

Zhang Qingxuan chuckled and shook his head: “It’s okay.”

“Master Dao has a lot of people!”

The old man heaved a sigh of relief and nodded: “Dao Master, let’s go in first.”

Zhang Qingxuan’s forehead.

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