Chapter 173 : Twenty years ago, the tricky thing that made the world’s Taoists do their best?! 【Customization】

The old man Huang Dazhu walked in the forefront.

Zhang Qingxuan followed the old village chief from left to right.

Shuttle in this mansion that looks like a big family mansion in ancient times.

Zhang Qingxuan, who had never been here, kept looking ahead.

On the contrary, it is the old village head who has lived here since childhood, always looking around, as if grandma Li entered the Grand View Garden.

He was comparing in his mind.

This place is now the same as it was 50 years ago.

It is still covered by heavy snow all year round.

It is still the original furnishings that have not changed much.

The only green plant in the yard is still holly.


I guess I can only grow some holly


Under the leadership of the old man, the three people came to an ancient lobby.


And as soon as she walked into the lobby, a twenty-year-old woman greeted her.

“serve customer.

The elder Huang Dazhu beckoned to the maid. The woman leaned slightly and immediately left for the back of the hall.


07 Zhang Qingxuan condenses his eyebrows.

As if he was aware of Zhang Qingxuan’s slight suspicion, Huang Dazhu said: “These women are all orphans we adopted. They are nowhere near the south, and they are helpless. There is only the fate of freezing to death and starving to death. It was snatched back from Hades.”

“After these children are brought back, the gifted, we have provided resources for cultivation, and for those who are not gifted, we will also teach them to read. When they reach a grade that can be self-reliant, we will use the resources in the world to let them Go down the mountain to live a normal life.

“But there are also some who are unwilling to leave and want to stay, so they become maids and handymen.

At this time, the maid came back, served three cups of tea, and left again.

The old village chief agreed: “It is true, the Huang family has been like this since ancient times.”

Zhang Qingxuan glanced at the servant girl’s back, did not speak, just nodded.

The old village chief’s mouth echoed and surprised the old man.

He realized that his brother, who didn’t want to say a word to him, rarely agreed with him, in order to make this Daoist believe his own words!

Why does my brother care about this young Daoist master so much?

The old man was puzzled and became more interested in Zhang Qingxuan’s identity.

After considering it, he asked, “I have forgotten to ask.”

“I don’t know the name of this Dao Chang Zun, from which Xianshan Taoist temple?”

Zhang Qingxuan bowed his hand in return: “Zhang Qingxuan, from Longhu Mountain, Tianshi Mansion.”

Suddenly, the old man once again folded his hands and said, “It turned out to be the Taoist Chief of the Heavenly Master’s Mansion, disrespectful and disrespectful!”

Hearing Zhang Qingxuan’s identity, he felt that he understood why his younger brother cared about Zhang Qingxuan so much.

At the same time, I also understood why my younger brother would bring Zhang Qingxuan back to the clan.

They are the hermit family.

Although the hiding place of the family is not a secret, it is not known to everyone.

If it is not for extreme trust, and the other party has a very decent and decent identity, it is impossible to bring people back.

But if it is a member of the Tianshifu, everything will make sense.

“This is the contemporary celestial master of the celestial master’s mansion.”

At this moment, the old village chief suddenly spoke from the side.

Huang Dazhu, who thought he understood but didn’t really understand, suddenly stiffened, his eyes lifted up and looked at Zhang Qingxuan in disbelief.

Heavenly Master?!

How can it be?!

My brother will not lie about this, Huang Dazhu knows.

But even so, he still couldn’t believe that Zhang Qingxuan was the contemporary celestial master of Tianshifu.

He has not seen the celestial master of the celestial master’s house.

But when you mention the word celestial master, you don’t even have to think about it. What comes to mind is an old Taoist with white hair and white beard.

But Zhang Qingxuan in front of me

So young?

Such a young Taoist celestial master?!

How can this make people believe

The old village chief didn’t care whether he believed it or not, and continued: “Zhang Tianshi saved me and saved my village. He has some questions to ask. I don’t know, but you may know, so I will He brought it back.”

“This is the first thing I come back this time.

He didn’t say much.

It seemed that I didn’t want the old man to know that he was actually living in seclusion at the foot of the mountain.

A mountain apart, I haven’t seen it in fifty years

Zhang Qingxuan shook his head secretly.

What an unsolved hatred that can make brothers fall here

The old man withdrew his incredible gaze from Zhang Qingxuan’s face and nodded: “Zhang Daochang Zhang Tianshi has such a great kindness to his younger brother. If you have any questions, please tell me it doesn’t matter. Old man, I absolutely know everything.

Zhang Qingxuan nodded, and didn’t do much politeness, and asked straightforwardly: “I don’t know if the old man knows, if you are out of the house, you can ask the immortal to go to the ghost.”

“Please immortal, go to the ghost body?!

Huang Dazhu was taken aback, his old eyes narrowed and asked, “How come Tianshi Zhang asks this? Could it be Tianshi Zhang, you have seen this kind of ghost that can invite immortals?”


Zhang Qingxuan said truthfully: “I have indeed seen it. This ghost may be related to a secret in the Heavenly Master’s Mansion, so I need to know the identity of this ghost.

320 Huang Dazhu’s eyes narrowed deeper.

But he didn’t ask too much, thinking that Zhang Qingxuan had only seen it by chance, and then he remembered it in thought.

“There is indeed such a thing.

“Probably, twenty years ago, the Patriarch of the Hui family of Dead Rats suddenly sent someone to contact me, asking me to help investigate whether there was a precedent in the history of the immortal family where a ghost could invite an immortal.”

“I have been investigating for a long time, and I have sent someone to contact the other three, but I haven’t found any clues at all.

“At that time, I felt that something was false, so I wrote to the dead mouse and asked if his mind was squeezed by the door, and came up with this kind of fantasy.”

“The dead mouse’s reply tells me that he asked this question, not what he thought of, but what happened!”

“He told me that a major event had happened in the world, so great that the world would go all out.

“And in that incident, a traitor in their family who should have died a long time ago became a ghost, and was able to get the Xian family to the upper body, which caused a lot of trouble to the Dao Sect, so I let me investigate. ”

“Seeing the statement in his reply, I felt a little shocked, so I put away my emotions and re-investigated the matter. In the end, there was only one conclusion.

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