Chapter 171 : The side door of the world who is concerned about the world! I drew the whip of the old village chief! [Purchase customization]

This half of the mountain is a gentle slope, there are not many trees, so you can ride a snowmobile.

But if it is a small road going up the mountain from the direction of the town, there are trees all around, and it is basically impossible to ride a snowmobile up the mountain.

After descending the gentle slope, the snow-capped mountains with only outlines in the line of sight gradually enlarged, and they also entered the scope of the snow-capped mountains.

The speed of going up the mountain was naturally much slower than the downhill, but it was not too slow. It didn’t take long for them to reach the side of this snow-capped mountain, which is not too steep.

And after circling around the mountain half a circle on the mountainside, after reaching the back of the snow-capped mountain -.

In the front, there appeared several buildings connected together, just like a few houses in Star Point on the outskirts of a small city, but this house is located on a snow mountain, and you can see it when you get closer. The building is-ancient times Style.

The white snow covers the red tiles, and when seen from a distance, it is quite a poetic and picturesque artistic conception.

“Going out of horses is divided into five major factions, foxes, yellows, whites, and willows. It has a history of thousands of years.”

Amid the roar of the motorcycle engine, the old village chief murmured and explained to Zhang Qingxuan: “Some families are hidden in the mountains and forests, and some families are hidden in the world. Our Huang family has lived on this mountain for hundreds of years. The history of the book is gone. Although it has not severed contact with the outside world, it is still advancing with the times, but few people have gone down the mountain in a few books. I know that only eighty years ago,

Go down the mountain once and fight against the special forces of the Kingdom of Flies, those dwarf ninjas. ”

Zhang Qingxuan replied: “Yeah.

Going out of the horse fairy house is the same as the Taoist gate. Although it is going to invite immortals, it is a side door, but it also has a heart for the people of the world. Long ago, it was classified as one of the decent forces by Longhushan’s dossier.

But the Huang family has not been out on this mountain for many years, but the old village chief is under the mountain, Zhang Qingxuan did not ask much.

The reason is not hard to guess.

It must be the same reason why the old village chief is unwilling to come back!

Soon, the snowmobile drove to the continuous building.

This building is surrounded by a stretch of city walls.

After stopping the motorcycle, he looked up at the huge wooden door in the middle of the vermilion high wall. The old village chief seemed to have made some very important decision. He took a deep breath and walked forward and buckled the door. Two tiger’s mouth rings.

Tuk tuk

For a long time, there was no movement.

However, the old village chief did not knock on the door again.

Zhang Qingxuan didn’t know why, but he just stood under the steps and waited quietly.

Not long.

With a keen hearing, he noticed that there was a rapid footstep approaching here.

With a bang, it was the sound of the door being opened, and then the two wooden doors were suddenly opened.

The figure of an old man is standing behind the door.

He seemed to have just ran past, and the face that was three-point similar to the old village chief was sickly pale.

“Grandpa, slow down!

“You run slowly!”

A pair of young girls who are fairly good-looking hurried to catch up.

They kept yelling, which confirmed Zhang Qingxuan’s judgment based on everything he heard.

The old man at the door ignored the young girl who came after him and turned a deaf ear.

After opening the door and seeing the old village chief outside the door, he was already stunned as if struck by lightning.

Immediately, his body trembled extremely.

Tears poured out of the old eyes, and the teeth seemed to be shaking and asked: “Back, are you back?”

“Come back and see, when will you die

The old village chief’s face is still full of coldness, but his eyes are also a little red.

A simple sentence.

He hasn’t said it for fifty years.

He hasn’t heard it for fifty years

“You old man, dare to be rude to my grandfather, you should fight!!”

Suddenly, a shout sounded.

After the young girl heard the old village chief’s words, her eyebrows were coldly erected, she actually took out a whip from her waist, and drew the whip at the old village chief!

“Sister Ying, stop!”

The boy’s pupils shrank.

He could make his grandfather look like, he had guessed the identity of the old village chief outside the door, and when he saw that his sister had acted like this without warning, he quickly yelled to stop it.


The old man inside the door also roared.

However, this whip has long been taken out, and there is no room for recovery.

0……Look for flowers…

And it seemed that the girl didn’t mean to stop at all!

The old village chief was expressionless, he just looked at the whip drawn towards his door, his eyes didn’t blink, his eyes were full of gazes called dead silence.

And just inside the door, the old man was about to carry it back in one breath, the young man rushed up to block the whip, but it was too late, and a smug smile appeared on the corner of the girl’s mouth.

Zhang Qingxuan didn’t know when he got behind the old village chief, stepped out one step, and reached out his hand to catch the whip.

The smug smile on the girl’s face suddenly solidified.

The young man was relieved.

The old man’s hanging heart suddenly fell, and during this fall, it turned out to be black in front of him, and his figure was about to fall over.


The young man hurriedly went up to help the old man who had almost fallen.

“Are you okay, grandpa?


The old man opened his mouth wide, but couldn’t speak at all, his eyes were full of anger.

The ultimate anger!

“Grandpa, you first calm down, you first calm down

The young man slapped the old man on the back, giving the old man a favor.

The girl looked at Zhang Qingxuan who had caught her whip, and tried to pull it out with force, and then she was pulling Zhang Qingxuan’s whip.

But Zhang Qingxuan’s hands were like iron pliers, no matter how hard the girl tried, she couldn’t move at all.

Gradually incompetent and furious, she shouted angrily: “Let go!’

Her voice fell, but Zhang Qingxuan suddenly let go of the whip, and the whip that she was pulling hard to pull back suddenly, a whip was drawn on her face, making her white, but the features are not exquisite. , It can only be said that a deep blood stain was left on the face that covered the ugly face.


With a cry of pain, the girl stumbled back a few steps.

She clutched her painful face, her anger was extremely angry, and she was also a bit wronged and unbelievable, as if it was unbelievable that Zhang Qingxuan dared to beat herself. She threw away the whip in her hand and drew a head from her waist. Then he took out a drum with the other hand and was about to knock it up with the handle of the dagger. He shouted hysterically, “I’m going to kill you!!” Go up.

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