Chapter 131 : The first revenge target, if you are not afraid of death, just go [for customization]

“Master Zhang.”


Zhang Qingxuan nodded and asked, “Are everyone here?”

“It’s all here.”

Zhao Duofeng nodded.

“go in.

Zhang Qingxuan signaled from his forehead. The two got into the police car and drove towards the factory. While in the car, Zhang Qingxuan told about his experience when he came down, and then asked lightly, now Zhongling, the public security is so bad. Is it? If I don’t pay, I’m afraid of being beaten to death~.

It can be said to be an old yin and yang person.

Zhao Duofeng’s expression was not too ugly to mention. He took out his mobile phone and dialed the phone number of the traffic control captain. He scolded and asked you to rectify the taxi. How did you rectify it, and it was in the head of Zhang Tianshi. Coming up

The captain who was scolded was depressed and angry, and began to monitor and search the appearance of the taxi throughout the city, and then dispatched the nearest Tie-Qi immediately.

But three minutes.

Zhao Duofeng received a call back.

Has been caught.

Zhang Qingxuan pulled a smile at the corner of his mouth.

This is why the license plate must be recorded.

Zhang Qingxuan is not a temperament that will reciprocate, but he never suffers.

Moreover, this is also a solution to a scourge.

This time it’s him, what about an ordinary person next time?

The driver is not a good stubborn. If he refuses to pay the fare and disputes again, the final result may even be that there is another lonely ghost in the world!

“You are dying.

And not long after driving in the huge chemical plant, Zhang Qingxuan said nonchalantly.

Zhao Duofeng shook his hand holding the steering wheel and almost drove the car to the wall.

He looked at Zhang Qingxuan extremely pale: “Master Zhang, are you talking to me? I’m dying?”

Zhang Qingxuan nodded: “Who else can anyone besides you?”

“You, how did you see it? Could it be that you can see the life of a person?” Zhao Duofeng asked with a bloodless face.

“Can’t see it.” Zhang Qingxuan shook his head.

“Then how do you know that Zhao Duofeng is puzzled.

“But I can see that if you don’t sleep, you will die suddenly.” Zhang Qingxuan said.

Zhao Duofeng was taken aback for a moment, and he was relieved again, and said with a smile: “It is indeed time to rest. After this matter is completely resolved, I must have a good night’s sleep.”

Zhang Qingxuan also laughed.

But what he said next made Zhao Duofeng unable to laugh anymore.

“You thought I was teasing you, but in fact what I said was the fact that you are in a very poor state, and your anger is very thin. When the matter is resolved, you estimate that you have suddenly died and turned into a corpse.”

Zhao Duofeng’s smile will cease.

Zhang Qingxuan shook his head, stretched out his sword to point to Zhao Duofeng’s back and neck, and swept a wave of Yuan Qi for him.

Zhao Duofeng’s ugly face suddenly rose with two blushes.

“Thank you!” He looked at Zhang Qingxuan and thanked him sincerely.

Zhang Qingxuan waved his hand: “It’s okay, I just don’t want to see a conscientious people’s public servant, just fall into the post, but this Yuanxi can only help you for twelve hours, this time. After the end, you have to rest for a long time to recuperate your body, otherwise

Zhao Duofeng nodded deeply.

Zhang Qingxuan didn’t say anything.

He didn’t panic so much, and deliberately frightened Zhao Duofeng.

Just don’t let him know the seriousness of the matter, he is afraid that it is impossible to rest.

And now.

His goal has been achieved.

Being so scared, Zhao Duofeng will definitely go to rest after the matter is over.

Just as Zhang Qingxuan thought, Zhao Duofeng also has the same idea now.

He is not afraid of death and can sacrifice.

But that’s when it’s time to sacrifice.

This sudden death…

If he really died suddenly, it would be really shameful.

Zhao Duofeng cursed secretly in his heart, and at the same time was even more grateful to Zhang Qingxuan.


Zhao Duofeng drove the police car down to the office building.

Everyone gathered here.

Li Yangguang, Feng Zhiguang, the police officers who were on duty here last night, as well as Wei Dawei and his secretary and bodyguard.

Dozens of people stood downstairs in the office, waiting for Zhang Qingxuan’s arrival.

This, naturally Zhang Qingxuan asked Zhao Duofeng to arrange in advance.

Tonight, what they have to do is not only find Xie Chong to solve the matter, but also uncover the truth about the tragic death of the family.

Of course, only Zhang Qingxuan and Zhao Duofeng knew about the latter point.

0………Look for flowers

“Zhao Ju, Zhang Tianshi”

The police car opened the door, and after the two got out of the car, everyone came forward to greet them.

Only Wei Dawei said in a tone of anger on the side: “What do you mean? Shouldn’t it be your own business to solve all this? What are you telling me to come out for? It’s midnight, you don’t sleep, and you don’t let me sleep? Damn!”

Zhao Duofeng turned his head and glanced at Wei Dawei: “If Wei always feels that this matter has nothing to do with you, then you can go back now, but then Zhang Tianshi will do something to draw out the ghosts. Then, you will be The target of revenge, if we are really in danger, we are afraid that we will not be able to save you.”

Zhao Duofeng’s tone was cold, and the content made Wei Dawei shiver.


The first revenge target:

After swallowing, almost instantly, Wei Dawei gave up the secretary who was waiting for him upstairs with shyness.

Life is more important!

People like him are most afraid of death.

Zhao Duofeng’s statement was undoubtedly what Zhang Qingxuan told him. If Wei Dawei is unwilling to stay here, tell him this statement.

The effect is immediate.

Zhang Qingxuan stood in front of everyone, and under everyone’s gaze, he wrote a talisman with his fingers. , And then pinched a hair of no more than two centimeters with his fingers and pressed it on the symbol. superior.

When necessary, the whole sign. The red light masterpiece illuminates all the surroundings.

Wei Dawei watched this scene with wide-open eyes full of novelty, and at the same time he became even more excited.


Four libraries and one!

Such a powerful look, should he be able to transform the family that has turned into a ghost?

But what he didn’t know was.

Zhang Qingxuan actually took a piece of his hair and pressed it on the seal.

Then, use the symbol. , Magnified his breath and swept the entire huge chemical plant.

If Wei Dawei is really the murderer of this family, then this family will definitely appear anyway!


Suddenly, a stray wind blew, and everyone’s backs were numb. Then, they seemed to realize something, and all of them suddenly rounded their eyes. superior.

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