Chapter 130 : Can’t refund anymore! B-grade yellow leather only! 【Customization】

at the same time.

Thousands of miles away in the northeast mountains and forests, a team of five people in supernatural combat uniforms shuttled concealedly and quickly.

They seemed to be following something, but they didn’t dare to get too close, because their feet would make creaking noises when they stepped on the thick snow.

In the sky, the goose feathers of foreign wine and wine were still drifting, and the sight was seriously blocked. It didn’t take long for them to move forward quietly. The things they wanted to track completely disappeared from their sight.

“Lost again, damn it! What the hell is this place, it snowed so much in October!”

A middle-aged man in his thirties, with a resolute appearance, slammed a vicious punch on a tree, causing the remaining snow on the tree to fall into pieces.

His name is Liu Jinyuan, and he is the captain of the twentieth team of the Supernatural Bureau, and a D-level water system ability.


A large piece of snow fell on one of the players’ heads. The player rubbed his head and looked innocent, opened his mouth, but didn’t know what to say.

“I can only look for another opportunity. This yellow skin has killed so many people, and it will kill them for anything.

With another anger, Liu Jinyuan took out the number of Wei 197 star and dialed it.

Soon, on the other end of the phone, Han Qingde’s voice rang.

“Hello? How is the mission progressing?”

“I was chased and lost again. The snow in the mountains is too heavy, making noises when I walk, and my vision is blocked.”

Liu Jinyuan reported the details of the task and said.

Han Qingde frowned: “Can it be solved? Do you want to send a C-level over? Miao Jiang has something to do. Although a large part of the team has gone out for missions, there are still a few free C-level teams.

“No, Director, a few yellow skins, next time he comes out, I will definitely be able to catch it, and then find its nest, and bring them in one pot!”

Liu Jinyuan promised.

“Team, Captain”

However, his voice just fell off, and a slightly flustered exclamation sounded. It was the player who was hit in the head by the snow just now.

Liu Jinyuan heard the sound and turned his head to look at him, only to see that he was pointing in one direction, his face was panicked, Liu Jinyuan’s brows condensed, and he turned to look in the direction of his fingers.

And this look.

There was a sudden glaring in his heart!

Not only him, but not only the player who was hit in the head by the snow, but the expressions of the other three of the team were all hard to see the extreme at this time.

I saw that in that direction, there was a figure full of yellow hair standing there.

And take a closer look, where is the figure?

It is clear that a weasel who is waiting tall is standing there!

It hugs its arms and only looks at the outline, it is completely human, but the eyes are full of green light in the dark!

And, around its body, there was a black air, which was very conspicuous in the snow, like the outline of a super Saiyan explosion, but it was black.


Everyone only felt a huge sense of oppression sweeping over them.

One of the team members subconsciously glanced at his hands.

In his hand, there was an instrument that was just researched by the scientific research department of the Supernatural Bureau, and it was just delivered to them during the day.

The function of this instrument is to analyze the level of evil deeds.

And this look.

His face changed even more as if he had been struck by lightning.

“B, Class B!”

As soon as this statement was made, the faces of the rest of the people were instantly pale.

But something that made their faces even more ugly happened.

From a short distance from the B-class weasel, another figure walked slowly into everyone’s eyes.

Instrument display

Still B grade!

“Liu Jinyuan, what happened? What level B?”

The sudden silence (ahdh) on the other end of the phone made Han Qingde feel bad. After hearing the exclamation, his heart suddenly glared and asked quickly.

Looking at the two B-levels, Liu Jinyuan, who knew he was bound to die, flashed a touch of calmness on his pale face.

He spoke extremely calmly: “Director, we are in danger.”

Han Qingde stood up abruptly: “If you encounter danger, you will retreat immediately, saving your life is the top priority, and everything else can be given up!”

“It can’t be withdrawn. We encountered two B-level yellow skins.” Liu Jinyuan apologized: “I’m sorry, Director, it is my Haikou that has missed the fighter opportunity. I am afraid that I don’t know how many people will die. You should hurry up and arrange. Send someone else.

“Also, don’t take it lightly, and send as many worships as possible. I have a hunch that these yellow leathers are not only the two B-levels.

The more he talked, the calmer he became, and Liu Jinyuan made the final analysis for Han Qingde.

The final analysis of his life.

And he didn’t know whether he was finished speaking, Han Qingde only heard the whistling of the wind, and immediately after that, there was no more movement on the other side of the phone.

“Little Liu!”

“Little Liu!!”

“Liu Jinyuan!!!”

Han Qingde roared at the phone several times, but no one responded at the end of the receiver. He seemed to have been exhausted and sat back on the chair again, his face pale.

But soon, he picked up the phone on the table again.

This news was exchanged for a bloody life, and he could not delay, nor was he qualified to delay.


Zhang Qingxuan left the complex and took a taxi to the chemical plant where the incident occurred.

The driver talked eloquently along the way, asking Zhang Qingxuan all kinds of inquiries, he could even say that Zhang Qingxuan was a fake Taoist priest.

What the hell do I really have to do with you? I really worry about eating carrots. Zhang Qingxuan almost greeted this guy, but he endured it, and didn’t pay much attention to his question all the way.

But what Zhang Qingxuan never expected was that after seeing that he ignored him, this guy stopped talking to him. Instead, the meter rushed upwards as if sitting on a rocket.

very good!

After arriving at the place, Zhang Qingxuan paid the other party according to the meter, and then wrote down the other party’s license plate.

Why do I need to record the license plate?

At the gate of the factory, a police car stopped. After seeing Zhang Qingxuan, the door of the main driver opened. Zhao Duofeng walked over after getting out of the car.

His eyes were dark and red, and he looked like he hadn’t slept until now.

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