Chapter 132 : Justice has its own proof, and the person who walks the way for the sky is me! [Pleasing customization]


All of them stared wide-eyed and looked around vigilantly.

Wei Dawei was also frightened, his fat face became very pale.

However, he didn’t even mean to panic at all?

Zhao Duofeng watched Wei Dawei’s expression secretly, and frowned.

at this time.

A black air suddenly rose, and went straight to Wei Dawei, but it was about to sweep Wei Dawei.


On Wei Dawei’s body, a Sanskrit sound suddenly rose!

I saw a burst of extremely dazzling golden light erupted from his body.

It’s not that Zhang Qingxuan used the Golden Light Curse for this guy.

This is the golden light of Buddhism!

A golden light was shining on Wei Dawei’s neck, he stretched out his hand and pulled it out, it was a golden Buddha!

Moreover, it is not an ordinary golden Buddha.

It turned out to be a “2000” artifact!

An unexpected look flashed through Zhang Qingxuan’s eyes.

Wei Dawei was damned yesterday.

But he did not die, but the vice president died.

The only one, there is only one possibility.

On Wei Dawei’s body, there were things that ghosts could not harm him.

A ghost that can withstand such a strong resentment must be a magic weapon, and it is definitely not just a magic weapon.

At least there are auras injected by strong people above the innate realm!

It was to prove this point that Zhang Qingxuan watched Li Gui’s attack on Wei Dawei without making a move.

Of course, if not, Zhang Qingxuan wouldn’t be able to watch Wei Dawei die like this.

A moment later, if the golden Buddha doesn’t light up, he will save Wei Dawei.

This guy should not die, it shouldn’t be the way to die.

After the swept black energy was forced back by the golden light, it quickly retreated into the distant darkness.

Wei Dawei, who was wiping the golden Buddha pendant on his neck, saw this and hurriedly shouted: “Long path, they are going to run, grab them!!”

Obviously, Wei Dawei didn’t need to remind him of this.

Zhang Qingxuan’s fingers twitched, and a magic talisman came out of nowhere, and he moved one finger horizontally and turned it into three.


With a soft drink, all the three town magic talismans flew out like a sharp arrow, and entered the retreating black energy at an extremely fast speed.

Three white lights flickered, and three iron blue phantoms appeared.

As the secretary said, there are three people, two men and one woman, parents and sons.

“Grab! Grab!”

Wei Dawei was so excited that he shouted with excitement and excitement on his face: “Little Daoist, let them fly away, quickly let them fly away!

But this time.

Zhang Qingxuan did not move.

Wei Dawei turned his head abruptly to look at Zhang Qingxuan: “Small Daoist, what are you waiting for, kill them soon! Kill these three evils!”

The eyes of the rest of the people also looked surprised at Zhang Qingxuan.

Zhang Qingxuan remained unmoved, but just glanced at Wei Dawei, with an indifferent expression: “I have said that, justice has its own proof.”

Wei Dawei couldn’t understand.

But he had a very, very strong bad feeling.

He quietly glanced at Feng Zhiguang in the crowd.

Feng Zhiguang caught his gaze, and a hint of worry, panic and hesitation flashed in his eyes, but in the end, he slightly raised the arm that was trying to reach his waist and put it down again, then moved his head aside, not going to contact Wei Dawei. Full of profound eyes.

“What are you doing!!”

Wei Dawei roared in his heart and clenched his fists tightly.

And the next moment, he turned out to be the Buddha pendant that was pulled off his neck, clenched in his hand, and quickly rushed towards the three Xie Chong controlled by the ghost talisman!

“Take him!”

Zhao Duofeng shouted to Li Yangguang.

Everyone didn’t understand what was going on. Li Yangguang was also confused, but he still set off and rushed forward, using the same trap as Zhao Duofeng last time, and letting Wei Dawei who smashed into a wild pig was released. Fell to the ground.

“Grass! What are you doing!”

“The ghost is over there. If you don’t hurry up, do you want to wait for them to run away before harming people!?”

Zhang Qingxuan took two steps forward and smiled lightly: “In my hands, they can’t escape, Wei always? You are so anxious to destroy them, are you afraid of what they say?”

“You fart, what am I afraid of! I want to avenge Lao Shi!”

Wei Dawei snarled frantically: “Let go of me and kill them quickly, otherwise, I will report you, report you to Jiangnan, and let you all be removed and removed!!

At this time, Zhao Duofeng came out.

“Mr. Wei just report it.”

He smiled deeply and said: “Don’t do anything wrong, don’t be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, don’t you?”

Watching this scene.

After the three were controlled, the face of the roaring Li Gui became astonished.

At this time, Zhang Qingxuan stepped forward two more steps and walked in front of them.

The three ghosts knew that the young Taoist priest in front of them had the ability to destroy them, and it was enough to see that they were completely immobile by restraining them.

They thought that Zhang Qingxuan would do something to destroy them.

After all, they all watched horror movies before they were alive.

When Taoist priests see ghosts, they don’t care about three or seven and twenty-one, they will do it directly.


Zhang Qingxuan didn’t mean to do anything at all, just the corners of his mouth curled up, and he laughed: “Three, good evening.”

He actually said hello to the three Xie Chong?

Everyone regrets it!

The family Xie Chong is even more reluctant to force.

The elder Xie Chong squinted his eyes and looked at Zhang Qingxuan. He wanted to be stern, but he didn’t have much courage. In the end, he just asked in a low voice, “What do you want to do?”

“do what?”

Zhang Qingxuan raised his eyebrows and smiled: “I just said that justice has its own proof, and you must have heard it too.”

“Although the sky can’t speak, there will be 3.7 people who will walk the way for the sky.

“Today, at this moment, this person who walks for the sky is me.,

“However, my way is reasonable.”

“The reason is not that whoever has a mouth is there, and it is not that whoever said it first, it is not whoever is alive, it is not whoever is alive.”

“So, I can uphold justice for him, and I can uphold this justice for you.


“As long as you don’t think that this justice comes too late.”

Zhang Qingxuan’s voice fell.

The three Li ghosts all opened their eyes wide.

It was tears that filled the eyes, blood and tears were unusually conspicuous.

“You, are you going to help us be fair?

The woman asked with blood and tears falling down her cheeks in disbelief. .

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