Chapter 103 : Spike? How did the girl invite him to come? Is it [please customize]

What is the concept of 480,000 points?

Zhang Qingxuan has drawn a total of 14 prizes in the gold prize pool so far, and it is still 6 times before he can unlock the next platinum prize pool.

A lottery draws 10,000 points.

Six times, only 60,000 points.

In other words, if you don’t even need a fraction of the points, you can unlock the platinum prize pool!

Even if the platinum prize pool goes up, 50,000 points will be drawn once, and the remaining points are enough to draw him ten times eight times.


Everything hasn’t subsided yet.

The points he can get are far more than 480,000!

Do not press down if you have more points.

Zhang Qingxuan was extremely happy.


Use points to improve the cultivation base and promote the rank of magical equipment?


The lottery is so fragrant that fools will directly use points to improve something.

For example, the Xiaocheng of Tai Chi swordsmanship.

Why do you spend 80,000 points for something that you can get with 10,000 points?

“It’s all gone!”

“How could it be so fast?”

The hissing sound was full of incredible.

It’s that they are too weak, not fast

Zhang Qingxuan smiled: “Why so fast, you will know it on 07!”

The toes touched the ground, the stone bricks on the ground suddenly cracked, and Zhang Qingxuan was about to have only one afterimage left, and rushed towards the Gu worm.

“So fast!”

Everyone only felt that Zhang Qingxuan had disappeared in place with a flower in front of them.

“Hissing hissing”

Ju Jin’s voice was faster and denser, but everyone could not understand what it meant. The five wicker-like tentacles above his head were airtight and slammed down toward the front.

Tentacle p1ay is not what you play!

Zhang Qingxuan, who was almost vague, appeared in the blink of an eye. He sneered, his whole body covered with golden light, his arms were covered by lightning, and a purple-gold lightning that was thick as a water urn suddenly advanced in front of him.

Fortunately, the Miaojiang villagers who watched the battle in the golden light cover had never played the King of Fighters. Otherwise, someone would exclaim, “Big, big snake?!”

Before the five tentacles touched the thunder and lightning, he was directly melted by the intense temperature.

Seeing that it could not be stopped, a strange fleshy flower appeared on the top of the giant Gu’s head again.

The flower was about one meter in diameter, and after it appeared, it broke away from the body of the giant, and collided with the thunder and lightning!


There was a loud noise.

The huge flower of flesh shattered and fell all over the ground, but the thunder and lightning was also resisted. Above the rotten flesh, a touch of thunder and lightning flashed continuously.

Can actually block it? Zhang Qingxuan’s sword eyebrows are slightly.

That giant body was a disgusting strange body shrinking, as if it was painful for the bursting of the flesh flower, and it seemed to be angry.


A frustrated voice sounded.

During the contraction, the giant Gu’s body shrank extremely, and in the blink of an eye it seemed to become a frosted eggplant, which was wilted.

Then, there was another strong inhalation sound.

A big mouth appeared above Jujin, and the sound of inhalation came from above.

The shrinkage of the body is actually accumulating energy!

Seeing it’s current pair as if it was trying to suck the world into the stomach, Zhang Qingxuan’s eyes flashed a suspicion.

He didn’t know what this guy was doing.

But don’t worry about what you are doing, die first!

Heart fire, lung gold, spleen soil, kidney water, liver wood.

The five internal organs and Yuan Qi are born together, and the five qi leads to Yuan Zhen transforming the first Qi.

Zhang Qingxuan’s purple-gold thunder and lightning circulated frantically, and finally gathered into a point, turned into a touch of thunder and lightning hit the giant body in an instant.


Ju Jin’s huge body shattered into pieces of meat on the spot, just like that fleshy flower.

“Second, kill in seconds?!”

The Miaojiang villagers stared at all of this. They didn’t know what happened or what it meant, but the old lady Lu and the other Gu masters knew it too well. They were all dumbfounded. Looking at all this dumbfounded.

In fact, since Zhang Qingxuan’s arrival, they have always been as dumbfounded as they are now.

How did you invite such a fairy?

Seeing Zhang Qingxuan walking slowly, several old men swallowed saliva.

Among them, the burly old man Xie Chong who was crushed by Zhang Qingxuan’s head was also among them.

He hasn’t used any two-handed cart punching right now, but there is also a car in his mind that is slowly moving

Could it be that the girl talked to him

Damn it!

He suddenly widened his eyes, as if he realized something. The Taoist priests of Longhushan are meaty Taoist priests. The possibility of this is very great!

No, not very big!

Yes for sure!

Otherwise, why did he travel all the way to Miaojiang to help us, otherwise, why did he give so many seals to Yuyao?

and also

Where the talisman seals are posted

The more he thought about it, the more the old man opened his mouth, the size was probably at least large enough to fit two eggs in!

Of course, it is certainly not known that there is such a burly old man who can use the two-hand cart boxing method to have this strange idea.

And the one who had a crush on the old lady when he was young, and then peeked at the old lady’s daughter in the bath when he was old

If Zhang Qingxuan knew how to read minds, he would definitely be very emotional now.

Miaojiang Dashan, Eno, Gu Sect, all talents!


“My generation, thank you Zhang Tianshi for taking action

Of course, there are still some people who don’t have the color. For example, Mrs. Lu, it may also be because she is a female.

“Master Zhang, this is my grandma!

Lu Yu’s face was full of joy, and the desperate despair of the ass had already disappeared without a trace, he introduced to Zhang Qingxuan.

Zhang Qingxuan gestured on his forehead, just about to speak.

Suddenly, his two sword eyebrows rose to the sky, and he suddenly turned his head to look behind him.

Those scattered flesh and blood, after the afterglow of thunder and lightning disappeared completely, seemed to come back to life again and began to wriggle violently.

But their creeping intent is not to converge.

But when Zhang Qingxuan didn’t know why, they exploded one after another, exploding into blood mist in the sky!

In the blood mist, countless strands of blood lingered like hair, spreading all over the sky in an instant!

Zhang Qingxuan does not move like a mountain, but the golden light of the whole body is already masterpiece, the golden light protects the body, all methods are invaded, and everyone is still in the golden light cover, the same is true.

However, what everyone did not expect was.

This haunting bloody bloody mist did not intend to attack Zhang Qingxuan, but quickly spread to the gate and drifted out!

Want to escape?

Zhang Qingxuan’s sword eyebrows are light. .

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