Chapter 102 : It’s not getting out of trouble, it’s killing them all! 480,000 points! [Purchase customization]


From the huge Gu worm, a sound rang again.

It’s saying, Damn it!


Although this lightning can only withstand its one attack, the cost of losing a tentacle for him is also extremely heavy for him!

However, even so, it still raised its tentacles resolutely, and hit it with a whip on the lightning cage.

It doesn’t believe it, they can still have a third of this kind of talisman.


The lightning cage has just disappeared, and it hasn’t even disappeared neatly. A new lightning cage has appeared.

The giant gu worm was silent.

Similarly, it is also angry!

“It’s really not pressing down if there are too many things!”

Seeing that Lu Yu kept taking off the talisman and making this huge, suspected sacred gu worm “Zero 80” completely helpless, a group of old Gu masters showed gratified smiles.

After the tentacles hit the thunder and lightning cage, they became scorched again, and from the top of the giant Gu worm’s head, they began to condense again.

But something unexpected happened

After the first tentacle burnt, the tentacle fell off Xie Chong’s head.

This time, the same is true.

But after the second tentacle fell off, the one that came out again was no longer just one tentacle.



The look of everyone suddenly became a little ugly.

The tentacles have become three, what do they represent?

If the power is equal to that of one stick, it means a symbol. They will be consumed faster, and they also have a great chance of being seized and taken away at the moment the talisman is breached.

Lu Yu is even more aware of this.

Therefore, before the giant Gu could launch an attack, she took a talisman from the bear on the right.

They must now be double-insured.

Otherwise, once caught in a sneak attack on the right time, there will be a lot of death and injury!

This time, what she took off again was a golden mask top charm.

After urging this talisman to protect everyone’s heads with golden light, she tore another talisman from the left side of her fart, and hit the golden light with her hand.

Six Ding Liujia Exorcism and Yin Yin Talisman.

Sticking on the shield on top of the golden light shield can make the shield more stable.

Coupled with the five thunder cage talisman and triple insurance, it is enough to withstand this huge offensive for a while!

Ju Jin launched an offensive.

Three tentacle whips were pulled out at the same time, and the huge sound snapped, shaking the mountain.

This time, the momentum has been drastically reduced, compared to the previous offensive of 1+1+1=3.

These three tentacles are as if they are condensed into one body, and their strengths complement each other.The power drawn by this whip is at least five times the previous one!

When a tentacle is beaten three times, the golden shield will shatter.

But this time, more power than the total of three whippings hit the golden shield, but it did not break the golden shield, or even dim the golden shield a bit.

It was just a burst of obscure white light curse marks lit up, and then disappeared completely.

It was Liu Ding Liujia’s Exorcism and Yin Yin Talisman that blocked the blow, and was also directly consumed by this blow, and the talisman disappeared.

Then, snap!

Three tentacles came together again.

The shield on top of the golden light shield really couldn’t resist another blow, and it shattered.

With three lines of defense, there was only one lightning cage left in the blink of an eye.

Lu Yu hurriedly fart from his right side. He pulled a talisman seal from his thigh, and also from his thigh.

The golden shield keeps condensing.

The thunder and lightning cage keeps condensing.

The white and obscure spells kept flashing.

But, still can’t resist the offensive of that huge insect.

After all the three tentacles died again, he condensed four tentacles again.

And there is not much left in Lu Yu’s body

Her face gradually became more and more ugly, and she prayed in her heart.

Come hurry up!

If you don’t come again

It’s all going to die!

She turned her head countless times to look in the direction of the door, expecting to see that figure come into view, but she turned her head again and again, only disappointed again and again.

“Sizzle” (Waiting for the one who comes to rescue you?)

“Sizzle” (No need to wait, he was dragged by more than 20 of our innate pinnacle realm experts. After a while, it is impossible to come over. Of course, he will eventually come here with his strength. , There is no doubt, but after he comes, he can see only one that is condensed with your blood)

“Sizzle!” (Sacred Corpse of Grand Master Realm!)

Everyone’s heart glared at 0.

Was dragged

Is it finished

Lu Yu pulled down the last two seals from his slender ankles, his face turned ashes, and turned his head again to look in the direction of the gate.

She could hear Ju Jin’s words clearly.

But she believes in Zhang Qingxuan more.

Believe in the strength of Zhang Qingxuan.

Believe in Zhang Qingxuan’s strategizing

However, she is about to see the autumn water, why, Zhang Qingxuan hasn’t come yet?

In a trance.

She saw a young Taoist priest in white standing at the door.


Have hallucinations already occurred?

Lu Yu’s eyebrows were sad.

She saw that the hallucination was smiling at her.

That smile is still so bright as the sun, full of security.

But it’s just an illusion.

“You want to contain me with those rotten sweet potato stinky bird eggs, isn’t it a bit naive?”

And suddenly.

She saw Zhang Qingxuan in the hallucination open his mouth and talk, and the voice still passed into her ears.

Like a bolt from the blue, her eyes widened sharply, and her blurred vision refocused.

Then she saw it clearly.

After Zhang Qingxuan was really losing with one hand, he stood there at 3.7…


The giant Gu’s voice sounded again, and the strange voice was filled with deep consternation, confusion, and panic.

He was talking.

How can it be?

Why did you rush over so quickly?

Even if you are a strong master, facing more than 20 half-step masters, you should not get out of trouble so quickly

Zhang Qingxuan interrupted its hissing: “It’s not getting out of trouble.”

“It is to kill all those evil worshipers.

“I have to say, I really want to say thank you!”

20 B-level peaks.

Although each one only gives 10,000 points.

But this is also a full 200,000 points!

Zhang Qingxuan now has a total of 480,000 points in the points column!.

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