Chapter 104 : The blood mist absorbed by the egg! Grandmaster Qi machine! The Gu God appeared?! [Customization]

Want to escape?

Zhang Qingxuan wanted to start and rush out with his toes, and at the same time pinched a talisman written in Tongtian seal in his hand.

Taishang Laojun Sanwei True Fire Talisman.

He wants to roast Gu worms!

Although Tongtian Seal can’t exert much of the true power of Talisman Seal, it is enough!

That’s right.

The blood mist in the sky is all Gu worms.

Zhang Qingxuan inferred that this should be the last means of self-protection for that ugly sarcoma.

In the body of the mother Gu, turn into the child Gu, after escaping from the birth, rush in to complete the aggregation

“Tai Shang Lao Jun is as anxious as a law,

Zhang Qingxuan hadn’t said the last edict yet, and the direction of the gate suddenly changed again.

When the bluestone board turned to the ground, a pool of thick black liquid suddenly appeared out of thin air, and then in the liquid, a pure white egg-like ostrich egg emerged.

Although the egg is like an egg, the surface is not as smooth as a beast egg. Instead, it is covered with dense small holes, which are scarlet and densely dense. shoot.

The moment this egg appeared, I don’t know if it produced a suction or the blood mist’s self-motion, which caused a huge cloud of blood mist filled with sub-gu to be sucked into the egg in a blink of an eye!

“This is, this is the mother of the Ten Thousand Army Spirit Devouring Gu!”

Looking at the egg, the Gu masters in the golden light hood were stunned for a short while, all of them stunned and their eyes widened.The old village chief reacted the most and shouted directly!

“Myriad Army Spirit Devouring Gu Mother Gu!

Zhang Qingxuan had heard the name said by the old patriarch of Guoerzhuang, and he was very impressed.

next moment.

The thunder and lightning proceeded suddenly, and blasted at the mother Gu of the Ten Thousand Army Spirit Devouring Gu at an extremely fast speed.


This time, the egg broke.


What no one thought was that after the egg was broken, it really looked like an egg, and a puddle of egg yolk flowed out. Although it was black, it looked extremely like an egg.

The egg yolk fell on the ground, all infiltrating into the ground weirdly, as if all the water poured on the dry soil was absorbed.

Zhang Qingxuan immediately noticed the clue.

He originally thought that the black pool below was the special effect of the egg.

But now it seems.

It should be the black liquid, which appeared here with the egg-like substance wrapped in it.

The egg absorbed the blood mist.

And the thing that flowed out after the egg was smashed was absorbed by the thing below!

Fingers hooked, Zhang Qingxuan shook out three sleepy fairy symbols, hitting on the black liquid.

The sleepy fairy burst into a burst of light for a short time, but the three seals together, only played a role for a short time, and was quickly swallowed by the black liquid.


At this moment, it is enough!

Zhang Qingxuan’s figure transformed into a thunder and lightning has already followed one after another.He held the lightning strike Zaomu Sanqing Sword in his hand.

Jujube is the same as Peach, both of which belong to Yang. After being struck by lightning, Jujube can stimulate positive multiple times, and there is also the effect of lightning strike wood activation spell.

This sword is not only a thunder sword, but also embodies the power of Xiaocheng’s Tai Chi swordsmanship. On the tip of the sword, a basketball-sized Tai Chi mark circulates crazily.

It was the sound of the red soldering iron falling into the water again.


Layers of white smoke rose, and the black mist on the ground instantly melted.


Zhang Qingxuan’s expression did not alleviate in the slightest.

He turned his head and looked behind him.

In the huge open space in the workshop, a pool of black liquid filled up again.

And this time, from the black liquid, a huge black ball of flesh resembling a silkworm chrysalis popped out like a submarine.

“What is this? 々 “!”

“I felt a very palpitating, but very familiar feeling

“I’m not familiar with it, but I feel a terrifying sense of oppression!”



The Gu Masters all stared with eyes wide open, and the holes in their pupils seemed to be frantically searching for the memory in the brain, looking for the identity of this black meat ball.

Ordinary villagers were very scared.

The courageous ones are even scared to pee.

Although the golden light shield isolates the horrible atmosphere from the outside world, the oppressive force emitted by the not too fierce-looking meat ball brings fear to people, no less than walking night road, a face suddenly appeared in front of you. A terrifying ghost with blood on his face.

“Old lady, what kind of Gu is this?”

It was already certain that this was a Gu worm, but no one could think of any clues as to what this might be, the old village chief turned his head and asked Granny Lu.

Everyone also looked at Mrs. Lu.

Although Old Lady Lu was the youngest in Gu Sect back then, she was agile and eager to learn. Compared with all the stupid brothers, she knew more, and she was not even a little bit more.

“‘”I don’t know, but it’s definitely a kind of legendary Gu worm!”

Old lady Lu replied solemnly.

Nonsense! We know something too!

Everyone cursed secretly in their hearts, and all of them withdrew their gazes.

Zhang Qingxuan looked at the black meat ball from a distance, narrowing his star eyes slightly.

He felt a breath of energy, a breath.

First of all, this meaty egg has the same breath as those black gu worms with big palms.

Not surprisingly, this thing should be the mother Gu of the so-called Black Lotus Inverse God Gu.

And that air machine

It’s a grand master!

At this time, within the black meaty egg, a voice sounded: “I am the Gu God, and I am punishing the traitor of Gu Sect. You (of money) are the Heavenly Master of Dragon and Tiger Mountain. But you have repeatedly prevented me from punishing me and killing my believers. The sin is so deep that it cannot be forgiven! Today, I will punish you for the same sin, and the ashes will be wiped out, and the soul will be scattered.

Listening to these words, the faces of Old Lady Lu and the others have already turned pale!

Gu God!!!

Gu God has appeared!

Gu God showed up in person because of Zhang Qingxuan’s rescue of them!


In an instant, a deep despair swallowed everyone’s hearts.

Old lady Lu staggered and almost fell, Lu Yu quickly reached out to support her.

“Grandma, are you okay.”

“Master Zhang!”

The old lady Lu ignored Lu Yu’s concerns, but with a deep silence in her tone, she shouted to Zhang Qingxuan: “Tianshi Zhang! You are not a perfect opponent, don’t care about us anymore, go back quickly!”


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