Starting With Tanjiro, The Head Pillar, A List Of Strange Nicknames In Anime

Chapter 92: The Power Of Nine Ultra Warriors! The Supreme Holy Sword Of Orb: Origin Galaxy!!! (Pleas

Juggler held Magama Yamata Orochi tightly, but he still tried his best to expose Magama Yamata Orochi's weakness.

" Guy!! Attack with me!!!"

Accompanied by Juggler's shout, Orb froze in place, staring at Juggler blankly.

As a partner (opponent) with Juggler for many years, he naturally knew what Juggler meant.


Is he redeeming his previous mistakes!?

Orb took a deep look at Juggler.

But he knew that he had to do something, after all, this was an opportunity that Juggler had exchanged for his "life".

"Hurry up!!! Ultraman Orb!!!!"

Juggler felt Magama Yamata Orochi's struggle, and he tried his best not to follow Magama Yamata Orochi's rhythm and tried to expose the opponent's weakness.

Orb no longer hesitated at this moment. He didn't want to waste the opportunity that Gagula created for him with his life!

"I understand......"

Red Guy's eyes were firm. He understood Gagula's belief!


I will never let him down!!!

Orb raised the Holy Sword of Orb in his hand!

The holy power of light burst out at this moment!

The camera switched, and Red Guy appeared in the picture!

He took out eight power fusion cards from "903" in his hand!

"Seniors! Show me your power of light!!! Lend it to me!!!"

As he said, Red Guy threw the eight most powerful fusion cards in his hand high!

The Holy Sword of Orb in his hand was raised high, and the power of light pulled the eight power fusion cards!!

Along with the pull of Orb's power, the power of the eight power fusion cards began to be guided into Orb's body!

One after another, the projections of Ultra Warriors appeared beside Red Guy!

From left to right!

Ultraman Belia, Ultraman Zero, Ultraman Mebius, Ultraman Tiga, Orb Original, First Generation Ultraman, Ultraman Taro, Ultraman Jack, Ultraman Zoffy!!!

The power of the nine Ultra Warriors radiates dazzling light!!

The camera switches again!

Beside Ultraman Orb, the projections of these Ultra Warriors also appear.

Orb holds up the Orb Holy Sword, and the elemental power on the Holy Sword gathers together instantly!

At this moment, Orb swings the Orb Holy Sword and draws a colorful halo in the sky!

"Orb!! Supreme Holy Sword!!!"

Accompanied by Orb's roar.

The other eight Ultra Warriors also displayed their own light skills!

Ultraman Belia·Belia Thunder!!!

Ultraman Zero·Zero Focusing Beam!!!

Ultraman Mebius·Mebium Ray!!!

Ultraman Tiga·Zepelion Ray!!!

Ultraman Jack·Speisium Ray!!!

Ultraman Taro·Stream Ray!!!

First Generation Ultraman Specium Ray!!!

Zoffy Ultraman M87 Ray Type A!!!

And Orb Ultraman Olrigm Ray!!!

Nine kinds of ray skills merged together, turning into a huge ray that flew towards Maga Yamata no Orochi!!

Orb Supreme Holy Sword Olrigm Galaxy!!!

The ray instantly came behind Gagra, and Gagra turned his head slightly, looking at the ray skill behind him with terrifying pressure, and laughed softly:



The ray instantly swallowed Gagra and hit Maga Yamata no Orochi's jaw directly!!!

The terrifying energy completely exploded at this moment! !

The powerful dark force and light force began to collide!

A transparent energy condensed from the body of Maga Yamata no Orochi, and it even wanted to struggle in this terrifying light!!!


The light instantly broke through the energy barrier and ravaged its body!!!

Boom boom boom!!!

The terrifying oppressive force completely erupted at this moment!!!

The Maga Yamata no Orochi was almost instantly torn into pieces under the destruction of this terrifying light. Not only that, the dark energy on its body also formed a huge energy ball in the collision with the light!

The energy ball began to expand rapidly as the Maga Yamata no Orochi was torn into pieces.

Boom boom boom boom!!!

The extremely terrifying explosion instantly spread throughout the city at this moment.

Countless buildings were swallowed and destroyed by the energy ball!!

On the street, some bodies that were devoured by Maga Yamata no Orochi before they could take shelter were instantly decomposed by the violent energy!!

The energy ball expanded to a radius of dozens of miles!!!


Accompanied by an explosion, a beam of light burst out from the energy ball and rushed straight into the sky, and then exploded in the sky!!

Countless green lights poured down on the earth of this planet like raindrops.

And then, a beautiful picture appeared in the video!


There is vitality everywhere!

There are green spots in countless places destroyed by monsters!

This is the life of the earth reviving!!

In a high mountain, a monster suddenly appeared. It stared blankly at the crystal energy falling from the sky like raindrops. After feeling it carefully, it turned and walked deeper into the mountain.

It avoided humans and just wanted to find a place where it could live safely.

On the earth, monsters were awakened one by one, and their life energy absorbed by Maga Yamata no Orochi was returned at this moment.

But the first thing they did after waking up was not to go to the city where humans were and wreak havoc, but to turn around and live in a more remote place.

They...although they are monsters, they are also part of this planet.

I don't know when the energy ball dissipated, but the rain-like energy in the sky did not dissipate, and it was still replenishing vitality for the planet.

Ultraman Orb stood quietly in the ruins of the city.

The battle is over………………

Maga Yamata no Orochi died without a trace.

But Orb's heart is extremely complicated.

He defeated the monster, but his best friend also died………………

Although they have been fighting each other, in Red Guy's heart, he still regards Gagra as his best friend, no one else………………

And now………………

He can only walk this road alone………………

After taking a deep look at the Snake Heart Knife stuck upside down in the ruins, Orb raised his head and looked at the afterglow of the sunset.

"Wash socks!!!"

The next moment, he soared into the sky!!

His battle.......

It's over!

At the end of the picture, it was frozen in the afterglow of the sunset and the huge samurai sword in the ruins.

The video ends!

Ultraman Orb World.


Red Guy looked at the last frozen scene in the picture with a complicated expression. He saw that this was something that would happen in the future, but he didn't expect that the final outcome would be Gagra's victory at the cost of his life……………………

This made Red Guy's heart very complicated.

On the other side.

Gagula punched the wall, making a huge hole in the wall.

He said with an unhappy face: "How is it possible!!! How could I help that guy Guy!! How could it be like this!!!"

Gagula gnashed his teeth. It was hard for him to believe that he would fight side by side with Red Guy again in the end........!


He just wanted to defeat that guy!!

On the other side, the Kurt team.

The senior executives of the Kurt team were silent collectively.

What they cared about was the last scene in the picture, and those terrible monsters actually looked a little cute at that moment.


The appearance of monsters brought destruction to human cities, but why……………………

"Perhaps, monsters and us humans can coexist, after all, they are also part of the earth." A senior executive sighed and said.

She is one of the staff officers, but she is also a mother.

In the picture, a monster holding its child and walking towards a more inaccessible place instantly broke her defense.


Monsters are also part of the earth.

"We, the Kote team, will have a bigger burden next." One of the senior executives chuckled and took off his glasses. "Yes... not only do we have to protect the city, but we also have to find a way to coexist peacefully with monsters. "But I believe... we can do it." Ultraman Tiga World. Iruma Hui and others looked at the big word "end" on the screen with complicated expressions. The previous screen shocked them. Of course, they were not shocked by the light that Orb cast at the end. Seeing the new Ultraman was just a surprise to them, but what touched their hearts was the scenes of the earth in the last screen. Everyone in the Victory Team thought of a monster at the same time... A monster destroyed by excessive exploitation by humans. Rock Monster Gakuma. Because of the excessive exploitation by humans, 0.2 Gakuma had no food source and eventually chose to attack humans.

Not only Gakuma, but also the lightning people living in the clouds were caused by humans.

These monsters living on the earth have impacted the development needs of humans. This is also what the Victory Team needs to consider carefully, how to coexist peacefully with monsters.

"How is the condition of the team member Daigu?"

Suddenly, the door of the command room opened, and Lina, who went to visit Daigu, walked in. Iruma Hui asked immediately.

"Daigu... is in a more depressed state. I don't know what's going on. I went for a check-up and the doctor said it was because he didn't rest well.'

Lina shook her head and reported the situation of the big tongue.

Iruma Hui nodded, without any surprise.

"Then, let's have a meeting next to discuss how to coexist with monsters.

In addition to the various worlds in the Ultraman universe beginning to discuss the coexistence of humans and monsters.

Other worlds were deeply shocked by the terrifying light that Orb finally displayed.

When the video ended, many powerful people in the heavens and the world began to discuss the light skill that Orb displayed at the end!

Especially a crazy scientist in the Hokage world, the greed in his eyes was about to overflow!

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