Starting With Tanjiro, The Head Pillar, A List Of Strange Nicknames In Anime

Chapter 91: Gagras Gagra's Determination! ! Let's Die Together! ! ! (Please Customize)

As Red Guy roared, Ultraman Tiga and First Generation Ultraman's light power instantly poured into Red Guy.

And the shadow of Ultraman Orb appeared above Red Guy!

The next moment!

The three merged into one!!!

Ultraman Orb·Chongguang Form~!!!



Orb flew in the air and rushed towards the Maga Yamata no Orochi.

In the air, Orb raised his hand without hesitation to create a circular barrier.


The Maga Yamata no Orochi below had already released the terrifying Maga Yamata Thunder!

The first thunder was redirected by Orb using the Ultra Barrier and shot into the air.

The second lightning bolt was directly rebounded by Orb using the mirror reflection effect of the Ultra Barrier and hit Maga Yamata Orochi!


The lightning bolt directly hit Maga Yamata Orochi below, and violent sparks exploded on its body!


It didn't break the defense!?

This terrifying attack didn't even break Maga Yamata Orochi's defense. How strong is this guy's defense!?

Oub landed with a bang and slid forward with the help of inertial impact!

"My name is Orb! I will illuminate the darkness and repel evil!!!"

Spiri Ao Light Wheel!!!

While shouting his exclusive slogan, Orb released the Spiri Ao Light Wheel towards Maga Yamata Orochi.

The purple sawtooth light wheel appeared in front of Maga Yamata Orochi almost instantly.



The Maga Yamata Orochi actually opened its scarlet mouth and bit the Spiri Ao Light Wheel.

Then, it actually started to eat with a grunt!!! actually ate Ultraman Orb's attack raw!?

Seeing that his attack was resolved in such a hardcore way, Orb decisively gave up the means of long-range output, and he rushed towards Maga Yamata Orochi!

"Ultraman Taro!!"

"Ultraman Mebius!!"

"Lend me your light power!!"

Accompanied by a flash of fiery red light from Orb, Orb's Explosive Form appeared!!

Almost at the moment of the transformation, Orb's body began to burn with raging flames, and then...

Stebim Bomb Kick!!!

Orb jumped high and performed the combination of Stebim Bomb and Style Kick!


This kick directly hit Maga Yamata Orochi's head.

Almost instantly, Maga Yamata Orochi's body began to burn with raging flames!!

Boom boom boom!!!

The terrifying flames instantly swept Maga Yamata Orochi's body.


Just then!

Magama Yamata no Orochi roared, and then his whole body trembled!

The raging flames burning on his body dissipated directly!

The Stebim bomb flying kick was also cracked!?


Oub was stunned. He never expected that the strength of Magama Yamata no Orochi was so strong that his attacks were easily resolved.

Facing the aggressive Magama Yamata no Orochi, Orb's body lit up with a white light!!

"Wake up! Orb Original!!!"


With the light on, Orb's form changed again, and in his hand, the Orb Holy Sword quietly appeared!!

Oub Original!!



As soon as Orb Original appeared, he waved the Orb Holy Sword in his hand and chopped at Magama Yamata no Orochi.

As the violent sparks exploded, Orb was directly bounced several meters away by the powerful reaction force!!

Even Orb's Holy Sword could not cause damage to Maga Yamata no Orochi!?

Oub was shocked, but he still did not believe in evil, and swung Orb's Holy Sword towards Maga Yamata no Orochi's head!!

Orb's Holy Sword Wheel!!!

Orb made the wheel of Orb's Holy Sword rotate at high speed, and at the same time released powerful light energy, "directly cut Maga Yamata no Orochi's head!!!

Countless sparks exploded from Maga Yamata no Orochi's head, but it still seemed to have no effect!!

Maga Yamata no Orochi was angry, and suddenly rushed forward, directly hitting Orb's abdomen!!


Ultraman Orb actually flew backwards and smashed a building behind him in an extremely embarrassed manner.

The gap in strength...

Too big!!

The Kingdom of Light.

"The gap in strength is too big. "

Ultraman Zoffy crossed his arms and spoke in a serious tone.

Anyone can see that there is a huge gap between the strength of Ultraman Orb and Namaga Yamata no Orochi.

If nothing unexpected happens, Ultraman Orb will definitely lose.

Taro and Mebius on the side focused their attention on the attack that Orb had performed before.

The move called Sterbiam Bomb Kick is actually a combination of Swallow Kick and Sterbiam Bomb.

Such a move is very suitable for Taro and Mebius.

Because they both know Sterbiam Bomb and Swallow Kick.

Taro showed an admiring look in his eyes, and exclaimed: "This Orb is really a talent!!"

Mebius also nodded and agreed: "Ah, right, right, right!"

Seven on the side was speechless. Orb was fighting to the death in the video and was almost killed, and you two guys were still chatting here...

At this moment, Orb's wailing suddenly came from the screen!

All Ultramen looked over!!!

In the video screen!

Oub, who was repelled by Maga Yamata Orochi, was bitten on the shoulder by Maga Yamata Orochi before he could fight back in the next second!


Then, everyone could see that Maga Yamata Orochi actually regarded Ultraman Orb as food and began to continuously absorb the energy from Orb!!!


This is going to eat him alive!!!

Oub struggled hard and attacked Maga Yamata Orochi's jaw with the Holy Sword Wheel again, which made Maga Yamata Orochi open his mouth.


The colored timer on the chest of Orb, whose energy was absorbed, began to flash.

Maga Yamata no Orochi was in a fierce and aggressive manner, ready to kill Orb.

The terrifying dark energy condensed from the mouth of Maga Yamata no Orochi!!!


Just then!!!

A flash of cold light passed by!!

It actually made Maga Yamata no Orochi retreat several steps in pain, and the terrifying dark energy condensed in its mouth also dissipated!

"Get up!"

A demon held a samurai sword in one hand and handed it to Orb with the other hand.


Oub looked at the newcomer in astonishment. He didn't expect that Jagura would actually take action.

" Guy, this is the last time I will help you."

Jagura lifted Oub up, raised his samurai sword, and aimed directly at Magama Yamata Orochi!!

0…………Please give me flowers…………………………

Maga Yamata Orochi was also angry. It didn't expect that when it was about to deal with Orb, it would not interfere!

The energy of Magama Yamata Thunder instantly condensed in its mouth and shot towards Gagura at a high speed!


Oub took a step to the right, holding the Holy Sword of Orb and directly condensed the Holy Sword Shield!!


The moment the Holy Sword Shield blocked Magama Yamata Thunder, Orb immediately squatted down with the help of the smoke and dust from the explosion, and Gagura stepped on Orb's back and jumped high to the front of Magama Yamata Orochi and slashed with a sword!!


Violent sparks exploded, and Magama Yamata Orochi stepped back several steps in pain.

Magama Yamata Orochi looked at Gagra angrily. The person who hurt it twice was the demon in front of it. How could Magama Yamata Orochi not be angry!!

In his mouth, Magama Yamata Thunder was released again!

Oub appeared again, holding the Holy Sword of Orb and blocking Gagra in front of him!!

Then, Orb held the Holy Sword and began to swing it. The power of light instantly wrapped around Magama Yamata Thunder, and then smashed down at Magama Yamata Orochi!!



The violent explosion instantly submerged Magama Yamata Orochi. Did this move cause heavy damage to it!?

The spectators in the heavens and the worlds were all eagerly waiting. They were very curious about what would happen in such a terrible attack. What kind of damage would Maga Yamata no Orochi suffer from the blow!?

However, the result was...

No damage at all!!!

Maga Yamata no Orochi suddenly rushed out from the smoke and dust, and it was wrapped in terrifying scarlet lightning, and directly hit Orb and Gagra!


The terrifying impact instantly blew Orb and Gagra away!!

At this moment, dozens of fighter jets flew over Orb and Gagra, aiming at Maga Yamata no Orochi's jaws and starting to attack!


Intense sparks instantly exploded on Maga Yamata no Orochi's body, which seemed to cause great damage to it, causing it to wail subconsciously.

This is... its weakness!?

Oub and Gagula stared at the gap exposed by the attack!

They found the weakness of Maga Yamata no Orochi!

The two looked at each other, and the next moment, the power of light and darkness wrapped around their fists respectively!

While Maga Yamata no Orochi was still struggling, Orb and Gagula's fists had already hit the gap in the jaw!!


More terrifying dark energy instantly overflowed from the gap, and the surging blood even directly dug a huge hole in the ground!!

Oub and Gagula took a step back, and they were both excited!

That was indeed the weakness of Maga Yamata no Orochi!!

"Okay, shoot all the light at him!"

Gagula patted Orb's shoulder and said coldly.

Orb nodded and was about to act!

A sudden change occurred!!

Maga Yamata no Orochi suddenly burst out dozens of tentacles and directly wrapped around Gagra!


Gagra looked at the tentacles that tightly wrapped around him with a look of astonishment!

The Maga Yamata no Orochi actually wanted to use his body to cover his weakness!?

After Gagra realized Maga Yamata no Orochi's idea, he showed a disdainful smile on his face.

It underestimated Gagra too much...

" Guy!! Attack me together!! Long!"

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