Starting With Tanjiro, The Head Pillar, A List Of Strange Nicknames In Anime

Chapter 93, ‘The Strongest Saiyan’ Son Goku Appears!!! (Please Customize)

Hokage world.

In a base somewhere.

"It's really hard to deal with... Jiraiya."

Orochimaru licked his lips. He never expected that Jiraiya actually knew the location of so many of his secret bases, so he had to come to a newly built secret base to temporarily settle down.

"But... what is the energy of the light in the video? And why does the last green light have such a terrifying breath of life?"

Orochimaru sat on the chair, not caring about being chased by the Konoha Shinobi before. All his attention was focused on the content of the video.

Yes, even in the face of being chased, Orochimaru still had the leisure to watch the video, and was attracted by the terrifying light and the tempting life energy at the end of the video.

Orochimaru had a hunch that if he could figure out the last life energy like raindrops, then he would not be far away from immortality.

"It's really itchy, immortality... If possible, I really hope to experience the terrifying life energy myself."

Orochimaru's eyes showed a greed.

He is a very complicated person, or a very simple person.

He has done many things that seem unforgivable, but in fact he has never deviated from his pursuit.

He just wants eternal life, nothing more...

Life is too fragile, but it is also very charming. It is this charm that makes him pursue it so hard.

"It's a pity... I can't feel that power myself, and I have no way to detect that substance."

Orochimaru's face showed a trace of regret. If possible, he really hopes that he can travel to that world, to those strange worlds, and truly pursue immortality!!

"But... just relying on the video, there may be some ideas."

Orochimaru took out a sealing scroll.

08 This is his genius idea. If it weren't for this genius idea, he would not be able to seal the special energy overflowing from the video.

This is the material for his research!

Orochimaru stood up. He had almost rested. He was eager to study what the difference was between the strange energy of the Otherworld and their ninja world.

Detective Conan World.

"What an amazing light." Dr. Agasa wiped the sweat from his forehead. The terrifying light released by Ultraman Orb made even a scientist like him feel hot. If... If this light can be analyzed and applied to technology, technology can at least advance by decades! There are so many technologies that can be applied to light. Photolithography disks, chips, etc. can all be used. If he really analyzes the special nature of this light, it can not only be applied to technology, but even weapons, which can emit light and heat. Of course, Dr. Agasa will not make weapons, especially weapons with power that is difficult to control. He is a scientist with a bottom line and deeply understands what should be touched and what should not be touched.

That's why, although he is not famous, he is doing well in the circle of scientists and even knows many "friends" with deep backgrounds.

"Dr. Agasa, what are you daydreaming about?"

Huihara Ai looked at Dr. Agasa with a silly smile on his face and spoke without hesitation to pull him back to reality from his daydream.

Having lived with Dr. Agasa for so long, Huihara Ai knew that this old man would have some unrealistic fantasies in his mind all day long.

She knew very well that Dr. Agasa smiled like this because of the terrifying light released by Orb, and he probably got some inspiration from that light.


With Dr. Agasa's brain, it can be made naturally, but with the scientific research power mastered by Dr. Agasa...

It's very difficult to make a lot of money!

After all, there is not only one smart scientist like Dr. Agasa in the world.

For example, there are no less than ten powerful scientists in the Black Organization.

Huihara Ai knew very well that what Dr. Agasa could think of, the one in the organization could also think of naturally.

In terms of technology, connections, and funds, Dr. Agasa is completely overwhelmed. Haibara Ai doesn't know what Dr. Agasa can use to compete.

"Hey, Haibara, it's not good for you to attack the doctor like this." Edogawa Conan Hanyue looked at Haibara Ai and said speechlessly.

"What's wrong with that? And you should worry about yourself. Since Dr. Agasa can think of analyzing that kind of light and applying it to technology, do you think the people in the organization can't think of it? Even... they may do something more excessive and apply it to weapons. "

Gray Hara glanced at Edogawa Conan expressionlessly and continued:

"If it is really used as a weapon, let alone the FBI guys, even the RB Public Security and the FBI will not be the opponents of the killers in the organization. At that time, once they find out that Kudo Shinichi is not dead... Not only you, but also the people around you will be killed!"

Gray Hara's words made Edogawa Conan sweat coldly, and he suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem.

"A, R..."

Gray Hara stretched lazily: "Don't look at me, I just remind you, the confused detective who doesn't care about anything when encountering a case, just in case. You'd better think more about the people around you, understand?"

Conan was silent, looking at the dark screen with complicated eyes.

What should I do if I suddenly want to smash this screen???

Ultraman Universe.

The Kingdom of Light.

"I didn't expect that the guy named Gagula would make such a choice in the end. "

Taro said with a sigh, his feeling towards Jagger improved a lot, although many of the things he did were not in line with the justice of their Ultra Warriors, but in the last battle, Jagger was cleared.

"Jagger... He is also a man with justice in his heart. '

Goss sighed and said with some emotion.

He recalled the previous things again...

Although Jagger cut down the Tree of Life with a knife, which made Dyna very angry, in a sense, Jagger did nothing wrong.

"Goss? Do you know this Jagger?"

Hearing Gao Si's sigh, Mebius asked curiously.

"Well... I've seen him before, Gaigula... is a very interesting cosmic person."

Dragon Ball Universe.

Frieza's face was horrified, he was frightened by Ultraman Orb's attack.

Although he called himself the emperor of the universe, these Ultra Warriors seemed to exist to maintain the peace of the universe.

At this moment, he was extremely terrified. Would these Ultramen know that he had destroyed various planets? If they knew, would they come to him???

Various doubts arose in Frieza's mind, and he couldn't help but panic when he thought about it.

After seeing the power of Ultra Warriors, he really didn't want to meet these guys in the universe!


What if someone can't beat him and he calls for help!?

Or, what if that Ultra Warrior starts to use the power of other Ultra Warriors to shine on him!?

"Forget it... Just be quiet for the time being."

Frieza sighed. Although it was embarrassing to be afraid to act because of Ultraman, it was better than losing his life.

Frieza could still distinguish clearly in this regard.

"Then... Let me see, who will be the protagonist of the new video!? Will it be my universe emperor Frieza!?"

Frieza's mouth corners rose again, he looked at the new video and couldn't wait to click it.

But the next moment, his face became extremely ugly!!


The title of the new video reminded him of some very unpleasant memories!

The screen in front of him had a title hanging there.

[Top 2 of the most bizarre nicknames in the world: Wu Chi!? I am the strongest Saiyan!!!————Son Goku/Kakarot]

"Saiyan...Son Goku!? Who is this guy!!!"

Frieza stared with his eyes wide open.

A nameless fire burned in his chest!!!

Countless viewers in the world received the news of the new video at the first time, and curiously clicked into the video after seeing the title.


What race is this??

With such curiosity, more and more people joined the ranks of watching.

The previous videos opened their eyes and saw all kinds of magical existences in the world.

Ultra Warriors who maintain peace in the universe, Kamen Riders who travel through various worlds, Danzo who plays conspiracy but has poor strength, etc.

And this Saiyan is another race that they have never heard of, and they couldn't help but feel curious in their hearts!

The video begins.

It is still the familiar narration.

[In the universe, there is a planet called Vegeta Star, where a race called the Saiyans live. ]

[Every 503 Saiyan is a warmonger, and they are a fighting nation [They are born to destroy everything. ]

[A portion of each batch of newborn babies will be ordered by King Vegeta, the supreme leader of the Saiyans, to be released to various planets in the universe. ]

[When they grow to a certain point, they will begin to destroy this planet and eventually destroy everything! ]

[This is... the fighting nation in the universe - the Saiyans!! ]

[And by chance, among the many babies released, there was a Saiyan who accidentally landed on Earth. ]

[Unlike other Saiyans, this Saiyan was picked up by a human after landing, and his brain was damaged during the struggle. The concept of the Saiyan group disappeared from his mind from then on, until one day, he finally knew his identity as a Saiyan through the mouth of his Saiyan brother who came to Earth. 】

【But he had already deeply loved the land where he lived, and resolutely stood on the opposite side with his ‘compatriots’!】

【His name is————‘The Strongest Saiyan’ Son Goku!!!】

As the narration ended, an adult man who was training madly appeared in the picture.

And seeing the man in the picture, Dragon Ball World, many people exclaimed!

Dragon Ball World.

“Wukong!!? Is that Goku!?”

Krillin widened his eyes and looked at the Son Goku in the picture in disbelief. When he first saw the title, he thought it was the same name.

As a result, it turned out to be Son Goku!!!

“Wukong… But where is the place in the picture?”

Master Kame nodded, he adjusted his glasses, and a trace of confusion appeared on his face.

He was very curious about where the Son Goku in the picture was.


The sky on Earth is not red.

And soon, the video also gave Master Kame and others the answer.

[Kai Wang Planet]

On the other side………………

Son Goku, who was training, was suddenly stopped by King Kai. Just when he was confused, he saw King Kai pointing at the transparent screen in front of him with a look of horror.

"Goku!! Look!!!"


Son Goku turned his head and immediately saw a being exactly like himself on the screen.


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