Starting With Tanjiro, The Head Pillar, A List Of Strange Nicknames In Anime

Chapter 90, Orb's Supreme Holy Sword! ! Shocking The Heavens! The Super Demon King Beast Maga Y

In the picture!

In the Orb space.

A dazzling light bloomed on a pure white card in Red Guy's hand!

Soon, the light faded, and Ultraman Orb holding the Orb Holy Sword appeared on the card!

A smile appeared on Red Guy's face, and he found his former self!

The next moment, he put the card of Orb's most inherent power into the Orb Circle Minister.

Then, a huge force of light instantly poured into his body!

This was something he hadn't felt for many years... his own power!

"Awaken! Orb Original!!!"

Accompanied by the roar of Red Guy, the dazzling light completely bloomed at this moment!!!


Orb's entire body began to emit a powerful force of light!

At the same time, a crack suddenly appeared at the tail of Ponchton!

As if sensing the call of Orb's power, the crack grew larger and larger!


Jagula felt something was wrong with his body, and the next moment, a ray of light passed by him!!

"This light is!!!"

Jagula's face changed, and he subconsciously wanted to catch that light!

The light he had most desired!


The light still abandoned him and flew towards Orb!


The light entered the timer on Orb's chest and turned into a holy sword!

"Orb Holy Sword!!""

Accompanied by Red Guy, Guy shouted, and a holy sword appeared in Orb's hand!

At this time, the light on Orb's body completely dissipated, revealing his original appearance!

Red, black, and silver colors flowed on Orb's body, the gem on his head turned blue, and in his right hand, a huge long sword was held in his hand.

Afterwards, Orb waved the Holy Sword in his hand and loudly announced his return!

"My name is Orb!! I am Ultraman Orb!!!"

After that, Orb raised the sword and slowly transformed towards Gagra


Gigula roared with a ferocious face, controlling the Pangzhiton to release 100 trillion fireballs towards Orb.



Two shots missed, directly destroying the mountain behind Orb!

The third shot went straight at him, but was easily cut in half by Orb!!

At this moment, Orb had closed the distance with Pangzhiton, wielding the Orb Holy Sword in his hand and slashing it down!!


The defense that could not be broken by all kinds of attacks in Orb's Dark Form was actually directly cut by Orb's Holy Sword. Violent sparks flew!

Pangzhiton took a few steps back in pain, looking at Orb in front of him fiercely.

But Orb only raised the sword with one hand, and the dense ten-element energy burst out from his body!!!

"Oub Earth Sword!!!"

Accompanied by Orb's roar, the dense earth-element energy attached to Orb's holy sword.

The next second, he thrust the Orb holy sword with earth-element energy into the ground!

At the moment when Orb's holy sword pierced into the ground, yellow electric energy was released from the blade, and the destructive shock wave energy instantly split the earth, and the energy from the earth-element energy was released from the earth-element energy. It shot out in a circular trajectory from the left and right directions, attacking the Pangzhiton in front from both sides.

"Pangzhiton Shield!!!!"

When Gagula saw the terrifying shock waves from both sides rushing towards him, his face changed and he quickly opened the shield.


This shield that could withstand the Setshium light of Orb's Dark Form was actually shattered by the shock wave of Orb's Earth Sword!

The terrifying shock wave directly hit Pangzhiton's body, causing a violent explosion!!

Gagula also looked at Orb in front of him in shock.

"The shield... was actually broken!?"

And Orb took advantage of the victory and raised the Orb Holy Sword in his hand.

The dazzling light bloomed from the Orb Holy Sword!

"Liberate! The power of Orb!!!"

Accompanied by Orb's roar, the Orb Holy Sword in his hand began to emit red, green, yellow and blue light.

At the same time, the huge disc of the Orb Holy Sword also showed the symbols of the four elemental powers of fire, wind, earth, and water!!

Finally, the four powers gathered to form the pure white power of Orb!!!


The power of holy light!!!

Using the Orb Holy Sword, Orb turned the sword grid wheel on the holy sword, gathering the four elements of fire, wind, earth, and water, and then overlapped the attribute power of light and darkness [drawing ten circles of colorful light in the air!!!

The Supreme Holy Sword of Orb!!!

The colorful light instantly gathered on the Orb Holy Sword, and along with Orb's movements, it was aimed at Ponzhiton!!!!!


Colorful rays poured out from the Orb Holy Sword, carrying a terrifying light pressure, and almost instantly fell on Ponzhiton!!

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!!!!!

The terrible energy instantly destroyed Ponzhiton's defense, along with its extremely thick armor!!

Boom boom boom boom!!!

A huge explosion exploded under Ponzhiton's feet!!!

The terrifying smoke and dust instantly splashed up and poured around!!!

Accompanying the explosion of Ponzhiton, Orb held the Orb Holy Sword in his hand, and Xiaoxi turned his head incomparably.

A real man never looks back at the explosion!!

The battle is over………………

Oub regained his own strength again.

He looked down at the woman holding the harmonica on the ground, and then raised his head………………

'Wash socks!!!

With a light shout, Orb opened his arms and soared into the sky!!

The world of the king of the undead.

The Bone King was shocked and wiped out all the BUFFs on his body, and then waved his hand to cancel the shields in front of his subordinates.

Orb exuded that terrifying light power [which would cause great harm to these undead creatures.

But basically all the people present were subordinates cherished by the Bone King, and he naturally did not want his subordinates to be injured.

Before the sense of crisis came, the Bone King frantically stacked BUFFs for himself and stacked layers of shields for everyone.

But he still underestimated the terrifying light power of Ultraman Orb.

Everyone present except him suffered some minor injuries.

(aida) "Is this the power of Ultraman Orb himself? It's really a powerful light power."

The Bone King said softly, raised his hand and began to heal the injuries of his subordinates.

It must be said that Ultraman seems to be able to restrain these undead spirits. Even if they look directly at the light emitted by Ultraman, it will cause considerable damage to them.


It is also very troublesome to treat.

"Since he has regained his own power, then this Orb Ultraman should not need to rely on the power of others, right? After all, his own power is much stronger than the borrowed power."

Bone King pondered in his heart, but he always felt uncomfortable fighting without the power of other Ultramen.

It seems a bit unworthy of his title of "Ultra Debt King"...

But then, he felt an extremely terrifying dark power coming from the picture!

"What is this!?"

Bone King was stunned, and his whole body subconsciously straightened.

Incredibly terrifying dark power!!!

The Kingdom of Light.

"What is this!?"

Ultraman Jack stood up subconsciously, unbelievable Ultimate dark power gathering!!

"No mistake, it's definitely Maga Snake!"

Zoffy nodded and said seriously.

"But wasn't Maga Snake destroyed by Orb?"

Taro looked puzzled and his tone was also very solemn.

"I don't know if it's an illusion, I always feel that on this dark power, I feel a power that doesn't belong to Maga Snake, a bit like... Gomes? No... a bit like Dima? Or is it Telleston?"

Ultraman Cosmos looked at Maga Snake in the picture with astonishment. He has been with monsters for a long time and can feel the breath of monsters.

This time he was invited by Hikari to the Kingdom of Light to do research, but he didn't expect to be pulled over by Ultra Father to watch the video and see such a thing.

"Is this... the breath of life absorbed? This Maga Snake is evolving !?"

Ultraman Cosmos looked at the Maga Snake that was constantly absorbing life force in the city with astonishment...


It is no longer Maga Snake now!!!

It should be called...

Super Demon King Beast Maga Yamata Snake!!!

And this guy is actually eating the entire earth and all life on the earth!!!

Is it...

Want to destroy the entire earth!?

In the video!

The Super Demon King Beast Maga Yamata Snake is huddled in the city.

It unconsciously mobilized the dark power and set off a terrible thunderstorm that raged in the city.

It is absorbing all the life force of this earth, it wants to evolve! It wants to destroy!!!

Destroy everything!!!

At this moment...

The camera suddenly changed, and a running man in leather clothes appeared in the picture!

Red Guy!?

He was covered in dust and seemed to have been injured.

But at this time, when everyone was desperately running away from the giant demon beast Maga Yamata no Orochi.

He was the only one, running against the flow of people towards Maga Yamata no Orochi!!!

While running!

He took out the Orb Ring!!

"Let's fight again!!!"

Red Guy looked serious, even though he knew that his strength was no match for the giant demon beast Maga Yamata no Orochi.

But he still had to go!!!


He is an Ultra Warrior!

He wants to protect this earth!

He wants to protect the people he cherishes!!!


He absolutely will not allow............……

Someone to destroy it!! Even if!!! The enemy who destroys the earth is a powerful opponent that he can hardly defeat!!!

"First Generation Ultraman!!!"

As Luffy ran, Red Guy took out the First Generation card!

The figure of First Generation Ultraman appeared beside him, flying at a low altitude!!

"Ultraman Tiga!!!"

The figure of Ultraman Tiga was accompanied by Red Guy's roar appeared on the other side of him, also flying at low altitude.

Red Guy looked at Maga Yamata no Orochi destroying the city in the distance with a firm gaze.

The next moment!

He raised the Orb Ring!

"Give me your power!! Lend me!!!"

[Fusion Upgrade!!!]

Ultraman Orb·Chongguang Form!!!


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