Starting With Tanjiro, The Head Pillar, A List Of Strange Nicknames In Anime

Chapter 89, Orb's Original Appearance, Orb's Holy Sword!!! (Please Customize)

Shinigami world.

Inside the Palace of Night.

Aizen's face was covered with a hideous and crazy smile. He stared at the violent Orb in the picture and began to tremble with excitement.

"This kind of power!!! This kind of power!!! Hahahahaha!!!!"

He was gloating. Ultraman Orb, who could not control the dark power and whose reason was devoured by the dark power, looked extremely embarrassed at this moment.

But Aizen was happy no matter how he looked at it.


That Orb killed many of his subordinates and seriously injured them?

This scene was simply the retribution of Ultraman Orb, which instantly vented the breath that Aizen had been holding in his heart.

What kind of messenger of justice? Just like this?

The world of Ultraman Tiga.

"Is this really an Ultraman Warrior?"

Lina was shocked by the brutal battle, and the cold breath emanating from Ultraman Orb made her feel very uncomfortable.

"The giant in the picture seems to have lost his mind?………………It seems that there is still a trace of reason, but he can't control the power in his body?" As a scientist in the Victory Team, Dijing is naturally very interested in the appearance of the new Ultraman, and the power borrowed by Ultraman Orb "also contains Ultraman Tiga, who they are very familiar with. Maybe Ultraman Tiga knows this giant? Lina didn't take Dijing's words to heart, but looked at Dagu, who was sitting next to him with a look of kidney deficiency. I don't know what happened. It seems that after watching this video, Dagu's spirit began to wane. The whole person walked in a daze. I don't know if he caught a cold. "Dagu, are you okay?" Lina looked at Dagu worriedly, because Dagu's face really made people worry. "No... It's okay, maybe I caught a cold. ' Dagu heard Lina's words and tried to force a smile, but this smile also showed weakness. Captain Iruma Megumi glanced at the weak Daigo, and then at Orb in the screen who did not dare to use the power of ‘Ultraman Belial’.

After Orb turned into the heavy light form again, Iruma Megumi looked at Daigo again, and Daigo’s state became even more sluggish.

Hmm... She seemed to have discovered something……………………

“Team Daigo, how about giving you two days off first, go back and rest?”

Iruma Megumi sighed. Although her guess was confirmed, she couldn’t help but say it when she saw Daigo’s sluggish face.

“Ah... Captain… I………………” Daigo didn’t expect Iruma Megumi to say this suddenly, and was at a loss for a moment.

“Go back.”

Iruma Megumi glanced at Daigo lightly, and then focused on the minister in the screen again.


Daigo scratched his head and looked at Ultraman Orb in the screen with a face full of resentment.

I don't know why, after Ultraman Orb borrowed Tiga's power, he felt his physical strength was madly draining away... After watching the video for a while, he was almost exhausted. Could it be that... he borrowed Tiga's power and could also borrow it from us??? With such doubts, Da Gu stood up weakly and left the Victory Team Command Center. "In the future, if you meet this Ultra Warrior... it's better not to borrow power... No! Let him return some power. [!" Ultraman Orb World. Red Guy looked at the screen with an extremely complicated expression. The self who dared not use the power of Ultraman Belia was a portrayal of his past... Although he has now completely overcome it and found himself, when he saw this past again, he still sighed in his heart. "What exactly is this inventory list? Why does it know so much about my affairs??" Now, this is the most confusing thing in Red Guy's heart. After all, he has been wandering in the universe for so many years, and he also knows the countless "treasures" in the universe, such as the treasure of the Tree of Life. Even triggered a war!

So, he was even more curious about the origin of this inventory list.

After all, he didn't feel any recording of his existence before.

And at this time...

"Ah!!! Captain! So you already knew that Guy was Orb!"

Hayami Zenta and Matsuto Mori looked at the red guy who transformed into Ultraman Orb again and fought with Ponchton transformed by Gagula after Naomi's encouragement, and they all cast their eyes on Naomi on the side.

"Shut up! Watch the video!!"

Nasi immediately showed the majesty of the captain!

In the picture.

Red Guy took out Ultraman Belia's power fusion card, and his eyes showed a firm look.

"I will no longer be afraid of the darkness! I will embrace the darkness with the courage Naomi gave me!"

Red Guy looked at the Ponchton transformed by Gagula in front of him, and took out the Orb Ring!

The Orb Ring emits a faint light!!


The camera switches to the Orb space!

"Ultraman Zoffy!"

Red Guy took out the power card of Ultraman Zoffy, and Ultraman Zoffy appeared on his left!!

"Ultraman Belia!"

Then, Red Guy took out the power card of Ultraman Belia without any hesitation, and Belia appeared on his right!!

"Please lend me the power of light and darkness!!!"

As Red Guy held up the Orb Ring!

The power of darkness and light instantly poured into him!!

[Fusion Upgrade!!!]

[Ultraman Orb·Dark Form!!!]

Once again, the hideous Ultraman Orb Dark Form appeared in the picture!!


As Orb landed, a cloud of dust splashed up!!

But this time, the breath emanating from Orb was not as cold as before!

Instead, a faint power of light attached to him!!!

"Embrace the darkness!! Transform into light!!!"

Accompanying the words of Red Guy, he took a fighting stance towards the Pongeton in front of him.

"That's right~"

Seeing Red Guy using the power of darkness, Gagula smiled.

The next moment, Ultraman Orb took the lead in launching an attack!

He rushed towards Pongeton quickly, and every step shook up huge dust on the ground around him!!


Accompanied by Orb's low roar, he jumped high and punched Pongeton on the head!

This time, although Orb's fighting style was still wild, everyone clearly felt that Ultraman Orb was no longer as crazy as before!

Every punch and every kick was fought with his solid fighting skills.

However, the strength of Pangzhiton seemed to be very strong. Even after being punched and kicked by Orb, it did not retreat a step. It even punched Orb back and knocked him back dozens of meters! Seeing this, Orb immediately rushed up, grabbed Pangzhiton's neck, and grabbed the opponent's abdomen with his other claws, and lifted Pangzhiton up with force. He wanted to throw this guy out!! B... Boom boom boom!!! Fireballs shot out of Pangzhiton's mouth, and Orb, who had just lifted Pangzhiton, was accurately hit in the chest by the fireball. The attack was blocked, and Orb quickly took two steps back, looking at Pangzhiton in astonishment. Next, it was Pangzhiton's turn to attack! Orb, who was hit by the fireball, was unable to recover for a while, and was kicked away by Pangzhiton, and his body slammed on the ground beside him. "Hey, hey, hey!!!"

At this moment, Orb seemed to be on the verge of losing control again!

He stood up and looked at the electric tower next to him...



He grabbed the electric tower and went to hide in it!

"`"It's great, you look crazy!!"

Jagula said, but he certainly couldn't let Orb get close to him.

Countless fireballs blasted at Orb, directly repelling Orb!

For a moment, Orb was drowned in the countless fireballs of Pangzhiton!!

Then, Orb had no way out!

Pull the distance, and the power of darkness and light appeared on him!

"Setshum Ray!!!!"

The scarlet light rushed towards Pangzhiton with terrifying black lightning!


"Pangzhiton Shield!""

A thin light green barrier appeared in front of Pangzhiton, and it actually blocked Orb's Setshum Ray directly!!

This scene shocked countless people who watched the video.

They knew the power of the Setsium beam!

But this Pangzhiton actually resisted it so easily...

This is incredible!!!

Not only that, at the moment of resisting the beam, two rays with a strong dark aura shot out from Pangzhiton's head and hit Orb's body!

"Too weak, your dark side is too weak!!"

Gagurula looked at Ultraman Orb who was struggling on the ground and laughed sarcastically.

"Oub!! I believe in you!! No matter what you become! No matter what kind of power you are swallowed by!! I will always believe... believe in you who saved my life (good king)!!!"

Suddenly, a voice came from the screen.

The camera switched over, but found that not far from where Orb and Pangzhiton were fighting, Naomi was standing there holding a harmonica.

After hearing Naomi's words, Orb, who was already a little crazy, stopped his actions and turned around to look over.

Seeing that he dared to be distracted in the battle with himself, Gagurula was instantly unhappy.

Countless rays of light and fireballs shot out from the side of Pangzhiton and bombarded Orb!

"It's all over! Goodbye! Ultra Warriors!!"

The terrifying 100 trillion fireballs instantly engulfed Orb and everything around him!

The raging fire shot up into the sky!

The heat could be clearly felt even through the screen!


Is it going to fail!?

The flames gradually died out.......

Orb's figure gradually appeared in the picture!

And his surroundings were already charred.


Under him, there was actually a green grass!


He actually protected Naomi!?

"Believe in your own courage! Only then can it be transformed into strength!!"

In the picture, the voice of Red Guy suddenly came out!!


The brilliant light instantly bloomed from the dark glow form of Orb!!!

"This is...the real me!!!"

"Wake up!! Orb original!!!".

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