Starting With Tanjiro, The Head Pillar, A List Of Strange Nicknames In Anime

Chapter 88: Brutal Dark Glow Ultraman Orb! Dark Power!! Brutal Fight!! (Please Customize)


Ultraman Orb appeared on this land, and his form was completely different from before.

Ultraman Orb's body color in Dark Shine is red and black.

The crystal on his forehead is blood red.

He has the same evil red eyes as Belia!

The muscles and sharp claws on his body look extremely scary!

Ultraman Orb looks very strong, and he has the same Ultra Medal on his shoulder as Ultraman Zoffy.

After landing, a cloud of dust was splashed, and he kept making rough and wild noises.

Ultraman Orb looks a bit violent!!

And opposite him is the big demon beast Maga Snake that keeps wreaking havoc in the city.

"Hah ah ah ah!!!"

Ultraman Orb roared angrily, and rushed towards the Maga Snake in front of him!!


One punch!!!

Ultraman Orb's punch actually knocked Maga Snake's heavy body away!

Then, extremely terrifying energy burst out from Ultraman Orb's body!


The power of darkness!!!

His eyes became even more scarlet, and the dark power continued to float on his body, as if eroding his heart!

At this moment, Ultraman Orb rushed towards the fallen Maga Snake again.

He pressed Maga Snake, who was struggling to get up, to the ground again, and then straddled it and sat directly on it!!

Accompanied by his violent and crazy roar, Orb punched Maga Snake on the head one by one.

Every time the force of the punch landed on Maga Snake, the ground around it shook and dust flew everywhere!

"Hahahah!!!" 08 was still roaring like a roar. At this moment, Orb looked like he was completely dominated by the power of darkness, and every punch seemed to carry endless anger.

Maga Snake was hammered by Orb for a while and couldn't resist!



The crisp sound seemed to represent that Orb's heavy punches broke all the bones of Maga Snake.

"That guy... can actually use dark cards!?"

Suddenly, a very handsome alien appeared on the screen. He stood on the top of a tall building and looked at Ultraman Orb who was wreaking havoc on Maga Snake.

It seemed that he found it incredible that the Ultra Warriors used the power of darkness!

However, the focus of the picture was still Ultraman Orb. After borrowing the power of Belia, he actually pressed the previously completely irresistible Great Demon Beast to the ground and abused it!!

However, this picture made many Ultramen who were watching the video frown.

Land of Light.

"Oh no... I didn't expect that he really used Belia's power!"

Father of Ultra could no longer watch the video calmly. He knew how evil Belia's power was. Orb, the young Ultraman, might not be able to withstand the power of Ultraman Belia.

You know, although Orb is not an Ultraman from the Land of Light, he has been maintaining peace in the universe for so many years. Naturally, the Land of Light welcomes this Ultraman to join the Land of Light.

If such a promising Ultraman finally falls into darkness, it will be unacceptable to the Land of Light.

"Tairo, let's go!!!"

Father of Ultra made a prompt decision and immediately looked at Ultraman Taro. Only Taro could rush to Earth immediately.

"Father of Ultra, don't worry." Suddenly, an extremely majestic voice appeared in the entire conference room. All Ultramen subconsciously looked up and saw a silver-white Ultra Warrior with a terrifying aura of light slowly falling. King of Ultra!!! "King of Ultra!" Father of Ultra saw the arrival of King of Ultra and showed anxiety on his face. He didn't understand why King of Ultra told him not to worry. That was an Ultra Warrior who was about to be eroded by darkness!! "Father of Ultra, don't worry, Ultraman Orb is not so easily dominated by darkness. Now he just can't control the power of darkness. The words of King Ultra made all the Ultra Warriors in an uproar. They never expected that King Ultra actually wanted that Ultraman to control the power of darkness!?

But, hasn't the power of darkness always been hostile to the power of light!?

Father Ultra was also stunned. He knew how terrible the power of darkness was, but he didn't expect that King Ultra actually wanted that Ultraman Orb to control the darkness!?

"King Ultra! That's the power of darkness! Why do you want that young man to control the power of darkness!?"

Father Ultra couldn't help but speak.

"Father Ultra, don't worry, that child, he has a heart of light that can control darkness, no... In his words, it should be embracing darkness and turning into light. This is his opportunity, and you shouldn't interfere."

King Ultra said lightly: "In the future, there will be more Ultra Warriors who can try to turn darkness into light."

After speaking, King Ultra suddenly turned into countless light particles and fell on the Ultra Brothers present.

In just a moment, these Ultra Brothers felt full of strength!

Ultraman Jack, Ultraman Zoffy, First Generation Ultraman, Ultraman Taro and Ultraman Mebius suddenly felt that their waists and legs were no longer sore, and Orb could lend them a hundred or eighty times without any problem.

"Is this... a gift from the King of Ultra!?"

First Generation Ultraman felt the huge power of light in his body with a surprised look on his face. His strength was even stronger than before!?

Ultrafather was also silent. He didn't know how to evaluate the words of the King of Ultra. Although he was the leader of the Kingdom of Light, he still had great respect for the mysterious Ultraman in the universe, the King of Ultra.

"Father, then I............"

Taro looked at Ultrafather. He didn't know whether he should set off now.

"Forget it...Taro, then I won't go. Let's continue the video."

Ultrafather sighed, and his eyes fell on Orb who was in a frenzy in the picture again.

Embrace the darkness and turn it into light...

Oub, I hope you can really do it!

In the video.

Every time Ultraman Orb attacked, the terrifying dark power on his body was revealed.

It was an extremely cold power. After everyone felt this power, they inevitably developed a little negative emotion.

This is the horror of the dark power!!

Of course, this is a great opportunity for those who practice the dark power!!

Every strong man who practiced the dark power gained the terrifying dark power equivalent to their own years of experience in this battle!!!

And the Maga Snake in the picture was severely injured by the Orb who turned into darkness!!

After a lot of effort, Maga Snake struggled to stand up, but the next second, Orb in the picture directly lifted a building and threw it at Maga Snake!!

Seeing this scene, Ultraman Mebius immediately shouted anxiously.

"Stop it, Orb!!! Look at what you have protected!!!!"

However, the video naturally cannot hear the sound in Mebius's ears. The building fell on Maga Snake. "The terrifying impact force pushed it several meters away again!


Orb suddenly grabbed Maga Snake's tail!

"Hah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Accompanied by Orb's roar, he actually grabbed Maga Snake's tail and threw it towards a tall building!!!


Maga Snake's head directly hit the building and destroyed it!

But Orb did not choose to let the other party go. He continued to hold Maga Snake's tail, and a scarlet halo suddenly appeared in his hand!!


A light sound!

Accompanied by With the blood spurting!!

The tail of Maga Snake was actually cut off by Orb with the scarlet halo!!

Then, Orb raised the tail of Maga Snake and smashed it directly towards the head of Maga Snake!!


The terrible force hit Maga Snake again, knocking it away!


Incredibly brutal!!!

Orb's battle can only be described by the adjective "brutal"!!

At this moment, he no longer looked like the experienced Ultraman, but turned into a beast that had lost its mind!!!



890 Every punch.

Revealing madness!!

All bursting with wildness!!

Every counterattack of Maga Snake was not painful to Orb, and he would even be hit by his own counterattack Accidental injury!!

And every attack of Orb landed on Maga Snake, just like real damage!

In the picture, Orb slapped away the light wave emitted by Maga Snake, directly grabbed the opponent's neck and threw it away!!


Accompanied by Orb's low roar!!

Two terrifying black and blue energies instantly attached to Orb's hands!!

The two colors of energy, like the Spyrio ray, showed a red and blue wheel of light around his chest!!

The next moment, Orb's two black claws formed a cross on his chest!!

Setsium ray!!!!!

The terrifying light burst out from the wheel of light that was wrapped around Belia's 'dark' energy!!!

The terrifying power erupted at this moment!!

This light!!

The power is far higher than the other three fusion upgrade forms of the ultimate move!!!

The light fell on Maga Snake!!

Boom boom boom!!!!

The black and red lightning wrapped around Maga Snake, making Maga Snake wail!!

The next moment!

The dark energy completely exploded!!

The terrifying explosion rose instantly!!!

The huge explosion actually swallowed everything around!!!

In the city, countless buildings were destroyed by the explosion at this moment!

The smoke and dust splashed, blocking the sky of the city!!

The red and black lightning kept flashing, as if constantly destroying everything around!


Out of control!!!

Boom boom boom!!!

In the violent explosion, Orb quietly looked at the ruins in front of him.

This is the consequence of his battle.



Accompanied by a low shout, Ultraman Orb took off into the air and flew towards the horizon.

Left behind...

There was only a mess!!!

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