Six thousand angels are produced every day.

The number of angel legions can finally be increased.


Fountain of Life.

A mysterious light lit up.

Sixty bottles of Fountain of Life came out.

The Chaos Angel Arms Tower flashed with divine light.

It absorbed sixty bottles of Fountain of Life.




Three thousand light angels were born!

Three thousand dark angels were born!

The angel legion expanded by six thousand in an instant!


Chen Ge raised his hand and threw out two hundred thousand divine stones. Six thousand new angels swallowed the divine stones and were promoted to demigods in the blink of an eye.


Godhead is still in urgent need!

Star Witch Gloria, fish for a star in the star realm for me. As long as you get a star, the Valkyrie King can at least create ten thousand godheads! If the Godhead

Critical Hit Ring hits again, it will be at least hundreds of thousands of godheads!

Come on!

My witch!

Chen Ge called in his heart

【Damn it!】

【The Broken Heaven is changing!】

【A Hercules has arrived! Hercules is crazy! Hercules is possessed by something! Oh my god! Hercules has turned into a muscle monster! So disgusting! I'm going to run away!】

【Akira! Hercules turned into Araki! A muscle monster! Devouring everything! Indescribable! Can't look directly at it! Too scary! I'm going back to my territory first!】

【Is it possible that this is the true face of the gods in the weird world! They are usually bright and beautiful, but in fact they are all monsters, including those beautiful goddesses, who are essentially indescribable monsters!】

【No! The Goddess of Light and Life of my Luo Guangming faith cannot be a monster! Damn! The monster that Hercules turned into is so fierce that it has already devoured one-fifth of the Broken Heaven! Where are the other gods? Aren’t you going to take care of them! 】

Lord Channel. 367 suddenly exclaimed.


Hercules appeared in the Broken Heaven?

Chen Ge's eyes lit up.

"Broken Heaven!"

"Hercules has fallen!"

"God's fall? After a hundred thousand years of peaceful life, I had forgotten that there was such a thing as God's fall! God's fall is more terrifying than madness. Madness still has a chance to wake up, but God's fall can never wake up!"

"Who will go to the Broken Heaven to see if Hercules can be saved?"

"Forget it! There is no hope for the fallen gods!"

Chatting group of gods.

Messages from the gods flashed by.

The fallen gods?

More terrifying than madness?


【Hercules swallowed half of the Broken Heaven!】

【It has turned into a huge rotten meat ball!】

【The monster of the series!】

【Damn it! This can’t be the final destination of the gods! If we, the Lords of Blue Star, become gods, will we end up like this?】

【I am Norton, I’ll leave first as a sign of respect!】

【I am Mei Xi, I am so panicked now! Forget it, I will go back to the territory. The meatball monster that Hercules has turned into is not something I can handle! 】

Lord channel.

There were all kinds of exclamations again.


Angel Legion!

Get on board the God Emperor!

Chen Ge thought, and nine hundred true god angels instantly gathered on the God Emperor. He boarded the God Emperor and called the Mermaid Princess and the Swan Princess, using the exploration opportunities obtained from the previous sea raid!

""My Lord, wait for me!"

The Divine Emperor was about to be teleported, and the statue of the Valkyrie King flew up. Almost at the same time, in the Fallen Angel Temple, the Angel King Dusk flew onto the Divine Emperor!

""My Lord, I am your bodyguard!"

The Angel King winked at Chen Ge!


The God Emperor!

It was transported with nine hundred True God Angels!


The next second!

The God Emperor landed in the Broken Heaven!


There was only a roar!

A rotten giant meat ball creature!

Like a huge meat mountain! It was madly devouring the Broken Heaven!


The mermaid princess Ajani and the swan princess Sophia, two stunning beauties with beautiful flesh, couldn't help but look away at this moment!

How could there be!

Such an ugly monster!

"Hmm? A fallen god? Which god is this?"

The Angel King Dusk raised his eyebrows slightly.

"God Fall...It's so ugly....God is fallen and there is no hope..."

The Valkyrie King statue gently shakes its head

"Damn it!"

"Ten thousand meter magic ship!"

"The guy who slaughtered the Poseidon during the Poseidon Festival is here!"

"The war between gods is about to break out!"

"The ten thousand meter long ship, you can only vaguely see its shape, you can't see what's on it! What level of magic ship is this ten thousand meter long ship, I really want to own one!" There are still some lords on the Broken Heaven. At this moment, when they saw the ten thousand meter long ship, they exclaimed. Roar! Hercules turned into a super meatball monster! Another roar! Broken Heaven! It has been swallowed by it for two thirds! The meatballs swelled again!


On the deck of the Divine Emperor, Chen Ge raised his eyebrows and gave an order. Nine hundred True God Angels came out in full force!




Nine hundred True God Angels!

Line up in a row!

Raise their hands and cast forbidden spells!


Nine hundred forbidden spells!

A volley!

Bombed the giant meatball monster!


The rotten meat exploded!



Roar! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The giant meatball monster roared!

Grabbed towards the angel army!


The angel army!

Throwing forbidden spells!

The giant meatball monster's flesh hands were blown to pieces!

All kinds of rotten substances!

Things like pus!

Scattered on the Broken Heaven (bcci)!

Just right!

Scattered on a lord's magic ship!

The magic ship was corroded instantly!

"Fuck! My magic ship! Damn it! Why is Andre so unlucky!"

With a cry of surprise!

The lord threw away the magic ship and teleported away!




One after another, the teleportation lights lit up!

In the blink of an eye!

There were only two lord magic ships left in the Broken Heaven!

One scarlet magic ship! Belonged to Poseidon!

The other magic ship!

Belonged to Anya!

The two beauties frowned slightly!


The meatball monster roared again! The meat hand wanted to condense again!


Nine hundred true god angels turned on the endless mode, and the light forbidden spells bombarded like crazy, and the terrifying howls resounded throughout the Broken Heaven!

Three minutes roar!


A howl that resounded throughout the weird world sounded!


The Hercules, who had fallen into the form of a meatball, was completely blown up!

The hideous and ugly head exploded!

The fire of the gods also exploded!


The Broken Heaven shook!


Above the weird world, a kingdom of God emerged!

With a loud bang!

The kingdom of God collapsed!

Turned into starlight and fell into the world!


【The fall of Hercules in the strange world! 】

Lord Channel!

The world notice with red letters has been refreshed!

【Damn it!】

【Killing gods again!】

【The master of the ten thousand meter giant ship, the master of the mysterious angel army, hunted another god!】

【I suspect that the owner of the 10,000-meter-long ship is the legendary Lord of Heaven! The Lord of Heaven has been resurrected, and the Lord of Heaven wants to take back everything that has been lost!】

【Angels! The absolute top military force! I, Luo Guangming, must get the angels!】

【I am Xerxes! My initial troop type is an angel! Unfortunately, I followed Chen Ge and was backstabbed! 】

Lord Channel!

There was an uproar!


On the God Emperor, Chen Ge grabbed the godhead and golden gloves that fell after the death of Hercules, and they flew in front of him!


The God Emperor teleported!

The next second, it was back to the territory!


【The Divine Critical Hit Ring is triggered!】

【The critical hit multiplier is 399!】

【You have obtained 399 Godheads! 】

Bronze ring!

A mysterious light shone!

One Godhead became 399 in a second!




Chen Ge raised his hand, and the latest critical hit Godhead flew towards the newly added angel legion. In a few seconds, the angel legion had 399 more true god angels!

""My Lord, the golden gloves are the symbol of Hercules' authority. This thing can be used as a supernatural potion! My Lord, take it quickly!" The

Valkyrie King statue rolled its eyes and blew a breath at the golden gloves. The golden gloves actually turned into a bottle of potion. The Valkyrie King statue even urged Chen Ge!



Hercules potion?

Why does it feel like the Valkyrie King statue has done something fancy?

Chen Ge took the potion and swallowed it.


【You swallowed the potion of divine authority!】

【You have gained the power of Hercules!】

【Your power is permanently increased a hundredfold!】


【The divine authority potion you took has mutated!】

【Your power is permanently increased by 10,000 times! 】


Permanently increased by 10,000 times!




Chen Ge felt something was wrong, and he flew into the Seraphim Temple. The next moment, the Goddess of Light cried out in the Seraphim Temple. A few seconds later.

Inside the Seraphim Temple.

The Goddess of Light begged for mercy.


The Valkyrie King statue smiled.

Swan Princess Sophia.

Mermaid Princess Ajani.

The two stunning beauties were stunned for a moment.

The next moment, their faces turned slightly red..

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