
Instantly, the Sacrifice Temple responded.

Two objects flew in front of Chen Ge.

"Tsk tsk!"

"I go!"


"Young man, you have such an evil heart! Offering sacrifices to the temple's reward! It's related to your innermost heart! You have such an evil heart!"

"No! This is not evil! This is manly nature! Young man! I believe in you! When you go to the Chaos God Realm in the future, you will definitely conquer those high and mighty goddess queens!"

"Hush! You want to die! Those goddess queens are all destroyers!"

In the mist behind, the evil gods laughed strangely.


Chen Ge raised his eyebrows slightly.

Looking at the two items given by the sacrificial temple, he didn't know what to say for a moment.

【Dirty underwear: This is something used by an extremely powerful goddess in the Chaos God Realm. It can easily stir up the Chaos Sea and allow you to easily obtain the bones of the original god from the Chaos Sea! 】


I don’t want the goddess’ clothes!

I want to dominate the godhood!

I really don’t have that hobby!


Continue to sacrifice!

Chen Ge sighed and threw the dirty underwear into the Sacrifice Temple again.

Speaking of which.

The female exterminators of the Chaos God Realm.

Do they wear many things once and then throw them into the Sacrifice Temple to exchange for things.

These female exterminators.

Can they have a little bit of the image of exterminators?


The Sacrifice Temple!

Responded to Chen Ge again!


This time!

Give Chen Ge a magic ship!

The magic ship is pure white!

As if it was made of bones!

It exudes a cold breath!

"Creator-level magic ship!"

"Oh my god! Young man! You made a fortune!"

"This seems to be the magic ship in the legend!"

"Bone Emperor!"

"This magic ship is extremely ominous!"

"All the previous owners of this magic ship disappeared mysteriously. It is said that they were sent to some place by the Bone King!"

In the fog, the evil gods exclaimed.


Eye of the Arcane!

【Bone King: A Creator-class magic ship, with the name of an unknown magic ship, all the owners of the past generations are well-known bigwigs in the Chaos God Realm! Although the Bone King is only a Creator-class magic ship, it can withstand attacks at the level of the Destroyer! 】

The magic ship is good.

Unfortunately, it is not the Dominant Godhead.



Chen Ge flicked his finger lightly, and the Bone King flew into the Sacrifice Temple. This time, the Sacrifice Temple did not respond immediately.

"Young man, what do you want?"

"I don’t quite understand!"

"Young man, you have already sacrificed more than three times. Listen to your uncle Octopus' advice and stop now! The Sacrifice Temple cannot be provoked. If you anger the Sacrifice Temple, you are likely to be sacrificed!"

The evil gods whispered.

Chen Ge did not respond.

He stared at the twisted Sacrifice Temple. No matter what, he must get the Dominant Godhead today.

【Haha! I'm Luo Guangming! I explored Broken Heaven today! I got the special unit Holy Light Knight! I also got the Holy Light Knight unit tower! The Temple of Light directly gave me the title of Earl! I feel good now!】

【Damn it! I, Andre, was also in Broken Heaven, but why didn't I encounter anything from beginning to end, only ruins and ruins!】

【I saw Miss Asakura Yui! Miss Asakura Yui has such long legs! Guess what kind of soldier Miss Asakura Yui is! Forget it! I won't be a riddler anymore! Miss Asakura Yui's soldier is a night elf! Miss Asakura Yui has more than a dozen night elves around her, all of them are black-skinned and have long legs!】

【Night Elf? I am Mei Xi from God Academy. I found a Broken Godhead in Broken Heaven. I think I can be promoted to Demigod!】

【I am Norton, and I picked up ten bottles of light potion!】

【I am Xerxes from God Academy. I met two beautiful girls from Yanlong Academy, Bo Saixi and Anya! I wanted to add the two beauties to their private messages, but I was rejected!】

【I am Selina. I am trapped in an abandoned temple. Can Chen Ge come and save me who is weak and helpless? Oh no! This abandoned temple seems to be a prison cell! I am hung up! I am tied up! This posture is so embarrassing! Ouch! There is a whip hitting me! 】

Lord channel.

Various messages flashed.

There is no doubt.

This time, 99% of the lords chose to explore the Broken Heaven.

Chen Ge frowned.

Staring at the twisted sacrificial temple.

This time, the sacrificial temple still did not respond.


"The Sacrifice Temple obviously doesn't want to pay attention to you!"

""Alas! Young man! You must learn to be content!" The evil gods whispered in the fog behind. Wow! Suddenly! The twisted sacrificial temple! A divine light flashed! Responded to Chen Ge! An object! Flying in front of Chen Ge! It was a crystal!


"I go!"

"It’s the Godhead again!"

"Wait! It doesn't seem to be the true Godhead!"

"Damn it! The Sacrifice Temple actually gave you a Dominant Godhead!"

"This unscientific!"

"Damn it! We are evil gods! Can you please stop mentioning the word science? Be more professional!"

The Overlord Godhead!

It's finally here!

【Ding! 】 (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【You have obtained a master godhead! 】

The prompt message appeared!

Chen Ge grinned!


Godhead critical strike ring!

Give me a hard critical strike!

Chen Ge twisted the godhead critical strike ring in his hand!


The ancient holy object that looked like a bronze ring!

A mysterious light lit up!


【The Divine Critical Hit Ring is triggered!】

【The trigger multiplier is 12!】

【You have obtained 12 Domination Godheads!

Here it comes!

One Domination Godhead!

Instantly became 12!



Chen Ge was not satisfied!

Because the Godhead Critical Hit Ring had been strengthened and upgraded twice!

The Critical Hit Multiplier range is 1-500!

Critical Hit Multiplier 12 is too rubbish!

"Oh my god!"

"The ancient sacred relic, the Godhead Critical Hit Ring! Too amazing!"

"A few minutes ago, you critically hit 500 divine attributes, and now you critically hit 12 dominant divine attributes. Young man, you are really risking your life!"

"Young man! I have to give you a piece of advice! Satan, the Lord of the Abyss, an extremely terrifying original creator, was ruthlessly wiped out by the Supreme Will because he used the Godhead Critical Ring!"

"Even a great demon like Satan cannot escape the curse of the ancient holy object. Young man, you don’t think you are stronger than Satan, do you?"

The fog behind us twisted.

All the indescribable faces retreated, as if they were afraid of being affected.

"I am indeed better than Satan in saving my life."

Chen Ge put away the 12 Dominant Godheads, smiled and teleported. With a flash of white light, Chen Ge had returned to his own territory.




The beautiful princess Ajani! The swan princess Sophia!

Three angels, the blood clan lady Gulina, the blood clan girl, the statue of the Valkyrie King, etc. looked over!

Chen Ge made a move, and the 700 Godheads in stock emerged and were distributed to the angel army at once. Only to see the divine light lit up. In less than a minute, the angel army had 700 more true god angels!

Adding the previous 200 true god angels!

The angel army now has 900 true god angels!


Chen Ge made another move, and the Dominant Godhead emerged. One flew to the little seraph Avril, one flew to the little fallen angel Emile, and one flew to the angel of death Ymir!


Chen Ge swept over Ajani and Sophia, the mermaid princess and the swan princess, and each of them got a Dominant Godhead!

".Oh? Dominant Godhead? The quality of the Mermaid Princess and the Swan Princess has been improved again? After tasting it, Lord, please share your feelings with me!"

The Valkyrie King's eyes lit up.




Lady Gulina of the Blood Clan, the Blood Clan Girl, and the Griffin Queen widened their eyes!

Damn it!


You went out for a trip!

You actually brought back so many Dominant Godheads!

Did Lord slaughter twelve Dominant Gods!

"Dominant Godhead?"

The Goddess of Light, the Goddess of Elves (good King Zhao), the Goddess of Love, the Goddess of Luck, and the Goddess of Magic all appeared at the same time, their eyes full of surprise.


Chen Ge opened his mouth!

He swallowed a Dominant Godhead!


The sky above the territory!

Thunder roared!

God's punishment came!

But the God's punishment disappeared before it fell!

Chen Ge's body flashed with divine light!

Promoted to Dominant!




The Fountain of Life in the center of the territory!

At this moment, it erupted like a fountain!

The Fountain of Life expanded several times!


The goddess of life in the Taoist temple opened her eyes!


Chen Ge swept towards the fountain of life!


【You are promoted to the Lord God!】

【Fountain of Life expansion!】

【The Fountain of Life can produce 60 bottles of Fountain of Life every day! 】

The Fountain of Life has increased its production by 30 times!

One bottle of Fountain of Life can summon 100 angels through the Chaos Angel Arms Tower!

Previously, it produced 200 angels every day!

Now the Fountain of Life has increased its production by 30 times!

The angel production has also increased by 30 times!

Now the territory automatically produces 6,000 angels every day!

A legion of 10,000 angels can be formed in two days!

One million angels!

It is just around the corner!.

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