"Swan Princess!"

"Mermaid Princess!"

"The Goddess of Light is no longer able to do it!"

"You two, hurry into the temple and take over!"

The Valkyrie King statue rolled its eyes. Before Sophia and Ajani could react, they were sent to the Seraph Temple.

A few seconds later, a cry came from the Seraph Temple.

Huh? The little fallen angel Emile frowned, glanced at the Valkyrie King statue, and thought to himself that this bad woman must be planning something bad.

This baby!

I really want to kick this bad woman away!


I can't beat her!

This bad woman is too strong!

By the way!

There are several bad women in the Lord's territory!

The Goddess of Light!

The Goddess of Elves!

The Goddess of Love!

They are all bad women!

When this baby becomes stronger in the future!

I must find an opportunity!

To teach all these bad women a lesson!

A few hours later, Chen Ge flew out of the Seraph Temple.

He has regained his sanity.

""My Lord, who is the most delicious?"

The Valkyrie Queen stared at him.


Chen Ge thought.

Comparing women to beef, if we divide them according to the grade of beef, then the meat of the Goddess of Light is not as good as that of the Mermaid Princess Ajani or the Swan Princess.

As for the Mermaid Princess and the Swan Princess, if we really want to rank the meat quality, then the Swan Princess' meat is a little more delicious.

If we have to give a score, the meat quality of the Goddess of Light is 90 points.

The Mermaid Princess' meat quality is 97 points.

The Swan Princess' meat quality is 98 points.

With the improvement of Ajani and Sophia's extraordinary levels, such as being promoted to the Pillar God and the Creator, it is not a problem for the two to score more than 100.

By the way, the God of Love can score 97 points.

But the physique of the God of Love is not as good as that of the Mermaid Princess and the Swan Princess


【Your legion of angels has slain the Undead Emperor!】

【Your legion of angels has conquered the empire of the dead!】

【Your territory expands to a radius of three thousand miles!】

【The Lord of the Giant Kingdom sends you a covenant!】

【The Lord of the Condor Kingdom sends you a covenant!】

【The Lord of the Golden Kingdom sends you a covenant!】

【The God of War sends you an oracle!】

【The Lord of Gray Mist failed in his attempt to spy on your territory!】

【The abyss demon Baal failed in his attempt to spy on your territory!】

【Lucifer, the fallen king of the abyss, failed to spy on your territory! 】

Suddenly, a series of prompts sounded.

The angel army captured the Undead Empire.

The territory expanded by more than a thousand miles in an instant.

Some lords of the countries in the strange world took the initiative to send a covenant to form an alliance, but Chen Ge ignored it.

He glanced at the oracle sent by the God of War.


This guy?

A cow and horse god?

Want to become the faith of my territory?


Are you worthy of being the God of War!

God of War!

As long as you dare to show up!

The angel army will hunt you down!

Chen Ge chuckled.

"These cattle and horse gods more or less possessed a kind of divine authority. Divine authority was a good thing, but after the death of Hercules, these cattle and horse gods basically could not take the initiative to come to the mortal world, and they all hid away."

"I have been promoted to the Lord. Can't I drive the God Emperor to the sky and lead the angel army to attack the kingdom of God of some guy? I can go to the sky, but I can't find the coordinates of the kingdom of God of these guys. These guys are hiding too deep!"

"God is fallen! God is fallen! The gods of the strange world, all of you are fallen! I want all your divine powers!" Scanning the chat group of the gods, the gods of the gods of the gods of the gods were discussing the fall of Hercules. They were discussing the angel army that suddenly appeared.

These gods of the...

"It is very likely that he is a god from the Chaos Realm....There is a Destroyer standing behind us, bullying our weird world because there is no Destroyer! The Lord of Time, Tyrant Adam, and the Goddess of Night, and the Goddess of Thunder, I hope the four original gods will be promoted to Destroyer soon!"

The chat group of the gods.

The Lord of Gray Mist whispered

"We have retreated to the strange world for 100,000 years. We have not been to the chaotic divine domain for 100,000 years. Is it really the right path for us to hide in the strange world?"

The message from the Lord of Machinery floated over

"How did the Eight Kings Rebellion and the Darkest Night come about? Lord of Machinery, have you forgotten? Do you want to experience the Darkest Night again?

Lord of Gray Mist sneered.

The chat group of the gods fell silent instantly.

It seemed that the gods in the strange world did not want to mention the Darkest Night.

"As long as we stay in this strange world, as long as we stay in our own kingdom of God, as long as we don't fall from God, then we will basically not fall!"

After a moment, the low voice of the Lord of Gray Mist sounded in the chat group of the gods.

The chat group of the gods fell completely silent.

"Blackest Night..."

Chen Ge pondered.


Without any warning!

There was a loud noise in the sky above the territory!


The Apostle returned from the star realm!

On the Apostle!

There was a huge iron ball!




One after another, eyes swept over!

"My Lord, Gloria has caught a miniature star!"

On the Apostle!

The barefoot witch Gloria and another witch flew out!


The witch Gloria has caught a star!


【You got a miniature star!】

【You can refine 10,000 tons of star iron! 】

In front of Chen Ge, a prompt message appeared.


A ton of star iron?

The Valkyrie King statue can create three godheads?

Then 10,000 tons of star iron!

The Valkyrie King statue can create 30,000 godheads!

The godhead critical strike ring can crit a multiple more!


Good! Good!

Star Witch!

Worthy of being a god-level soldier!

I finally caught a star in the star realm today!

Even if it is a micro star!

It is still a star!


Chen Ge smiled happily, and gave 500,000 divine stones to the witch Gloria and 100,000 divine stones to another witch.


When Chen Ge's bodyguard, the Angel King Huang Hun, saw this, his eyelids twitched.



Are you really throwing away the God Stones as if they were earthly gold coins?

Our Lord?

How many God Stones are left?

Ariel, the Angel of Destiny.

Seeing this scene, people were numb.

"Thank you for the reward, Lord!"

Star Witch Gloria and another witch were so excited that they accepted the divine stone and bowed deeply.


Refine the star iron!

Chen Ge started to refine the star iron directly!


Ten thousand tons of star iron!

Fly to the center of the territory!

Swish! (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Chen Ge looked at the statue of the Valkyrie King!

Godhead Maker Ji!

Next is your turn to perform!


The Valkyrie King statue laughed, and a mysterious light shone on its body. It was originally more than one meter high, but it suddenly grew to a hundred meters high. It opened its mouth and swallowed the star iron.

A full ten thousand tons of star iron.

In less than ten seconds, it was swallowed by the Valkyrie King statue.




The inside of the Valkyrie King statue!

A sound like the roar of a machine!

Smoke came out of the mouth of the Valkyrie King statue!


The Valkyrie King statue began to spit out the godhead!

This scene!

Angel King Dusk, Destiny Angel Ariel, Blood Clan Lady Gulina, and Blood Clan Girl saw it for the first time, and they felt it was extremely weird!

The legendary Valkyrie King!

Turned into a machine!

What's even weirder is!

The Valkyrie King seemed to enjoy her current state!

""My Lord, I am so full this time!"

The Valkyrie Queen statue was spewing out the godhood!

At the same time, it let out a weird cry!

Even Chen Ge!

At this moment, he felt that the Valkyrie Queen was not just crazy!

【I am Luo Guangming!】

【Once again received rewards from the Temple of Light!】

【There are one hundred more Holy Light Knights in my territory!】

【Every Holy Light Knight is of legendary rank!】

【I have 100 legendary soldiers. I am going to the Giant Kingdom. The Temple of Light and the Giant Kingdom have a cooperation. I want to obtain the power of giants through the Giant Kingdom! And in the Giant Kingdom, there is also a god-level magic ship called the Sun Queen. I must get the Sun Queen! 】

Lord Channel.

Luo Guangming suddenly announced in a high-profile manner

"What a coincidence! I also got the mission to go to the Giant Kingdom! My goal is also the magic ship of the Sun Queen!"

"Huh? What a coincidence! I also received this task!"

"Oh? I, Mei Xi, also received this task! Oh, right! I got the inheritance of the God of Assassins, I became a believer of the God of Assassins, and now I am a demigod assassin, everyone be careful!"

"Ahem! I am Xerxes from the God Academy. I should be the first lord to arrive at the Giant Kingdom. I have accepted the mission and I am already in the Green Rust Lake in the Giant Kingdom! The Green Rust Lake is so huge that I am about to drift away and lose contact!"

"Did Chen Ge also receive the Giant Kingdom mission? Damn! Chen Ge has 10,000 female griffin knights! He should be able to complete this mission easily!"


Many people responded���

It seems that many lords received the same task this time.

Giant Kingdom?

The magic ship of the Sun Queen?

People in the Green Rust Lake?

Have they drifted away and lost contact?


Chen Ge only chuckled and watched the Valkyrie King spit out the Godhead frantically. Ten thousand tons of star iron, the Valkyrie King statue was almost digested!


The Valkyrie King statue spewed out the last mouthful of Godhead!

Chen Ge raised his hand and made a move!

The Godhead created by the Valkyrie King gathered in front of him!


【You have obtained 30,000 Godheads! 】


Ancient Holy Relic!

Godhead Critical Strike Ring!

Give me a hard critical strike!

Chen Ge activated the Godhead Critical Strike Ring!


The bronze ring!

A mysterious light flashed!




Over the territory!

Thunder rolled!

It was as if the Supreme Will of the strange world had sensed something!

As if warning Chen Ge!

Godhead Critical Strike Ring!

Give me a hard critical strike!

Chen Ge ignored the warning!

Forcefully activated the Godhead Critical Strike Ring!


The mysterious light of the bronze ring lit up again!


【The Divine Critical Hit Ring is triggered!】

【Trigger multiplier 300!】

【You have obtained 9 million godheads!

Here it comes!

The critical hit was successful!

30,000 godheads became 9 million godheads!

In the center of the territory!

Godheads are piled up like a mountain!




All the major arms and races in Chen Ge's territory! The many goddesses in the Podao Temple!

At this moment, they were all horrified!




Angel King Huang Huang!

At this moment, her heart was also speeding up like crazy!

She, the Angel King, was also panicking!


This is a crazy provocation to the Supreme Will!

9 million godheads!

It's really scary!


Chen Ge smiled and raised his hand. Tens of thousands of godheads flew out. Everyone in the Angel Corps got godheads, including the Griffin Knights!

All the soldiers of all races in the territory!

At this moment, all of them were assigned godheads!


Angel Corps!

Devour the godhead!

Promoted in an instant!

At this moment!

Chen Ge has more than 7,000 angels under his command!

Everyone is at the true god level!


More than 7,000 true god angels!

Everyone enjoys the blessing of unlimited magic, unlimited energy, and unlimited rebirth power!

As long as the goddess of death is not dead!

Then the Angel Corps is immortal!

By the way!

The Angel Corps also enjoys the blessing of instant magic, the blessing of critical damage and other effects provided by the sixteen-winged angels, as well as physical immunity and mutation talent blessings!

Angel Corps!

Go to the fog!

Take down the Giant Kingdom for me!

What giants!

What descendants of the Sun King!

Smash them all for me!

Chen Ge waved his hand!

The Angel Corps rushed into the fog in a mighty manner!



The Queen of Gods chat group!

The Queen of Light sent a private message!


【You have received a private message from the Queen of Light!】

【Stinky man!】

【I'll give you a chance later!】

【You better get to the kingdom of God right now!】

【A big shot wants to experience your divine punishment whip! 工】.

Posted by: AnIsMe, 12/03/2023 17:37

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