"Little bad guy..."

"The Goddess of Night is one of the most powerful original creators. Can this mysterious oriental Taoist temple in your territory imprison the Goddess of Night?"

"If you can imprison the Goddess of Night, she should start a live broadcast in the chat group of gods in a month. Then you can use your divine stone to hit her hard!"

"The Goddess of Night has been the original creator for a million years. She has always wanted to be promoted to the destroyer, and swallowing the God Stone is the most stable way! However, in this era, the God Stone is extremely scarce, and five million God Stones should be the psychological price of the Goddess of Night!"

"Little bad guy...Are you interested in goddesses such as the elves, life, luck, destiny, magic, earth, and mysteries?"

"I've heard a rumor that if you gather all the goddesses in the weird world, you can be directly promoted to a destroyer who is more powerful than the original creator!"


The goddess of light laughed.

The little seraph Avril looked over curiously.

She frowned slightly as if instinctively.

"One month later, the Night Goddess will start a live broadcast. The Night Goddess's price is 5 million divine stones....Can you win the Night Goddess for 5 million? Isn't that a bit too cheap?"

Chen Ge smiled.

"Huh? Five million divine stones are cheap? Little rascal, can you tell me how many divine stones you have? Is your strange Taoist temple connected to a divine stone vein that has never been discovered by anyone?"The beautiful face of the Goddess of Light was stunned, and then she came back to her senses. She held Chen Ge's arms with her hands tighter, and leaned close to Chen Ge's ear again, and started to act coquettishly.

The little Seraph saw this scene.

His eyebrows were slightly raised.

"Come on, Avril, take it as a snack."

Chen Ge did not answer the Goddess of Light, but casually took out 10,000 God Stones, flicked his fingers lightly, and 10,000 God Stones flew in front of Avril.

"Ah? Thank you, Lord!"

Avril was stunned for a moment, then reacted and quickly bowed, then put away the divine stone and began to eat the divine stone like eating candy. After eating a divine stone,

Avril's body flashed with divine light. Her strength increased.

After eating ten divine stones,

Avril broke through the legendary level and was promoted to a demigod.


【Your people Avril has been promoted to demigod!】

A prompt appeared in front of Chen Ge.


So easy to be promoted?

What a pity.

I have 100 million God Stones.

I can't consume them myself.

I can only spend them in the Gods chat group.


The Goddess of Light, even though Chen Ge had rewarded her with more than two million divine stones, was a little confused at this moment.


This little bad guy?

Just gave the little Seraphim 10,000 divine stones?

Let the little Seraphim eat it as a snack?

"My Lord, I want some snacks too. I want a lot of snacks!"

The Goddess of Light said coquettishly again.


【Gods chat group!】

【The Elf Goddess has started a live broadcast! 】

At this time, a mysterious prompt appeared.


The Elf Goddess has started a live broadcast?


Open the Gods chat group interface!

What you see is a very tall goddess!

【Elf goddess!】

【Too beautiful!】

【Please accept my love! 】

Chat group.

Various messages are swiped


【The Eagle God rewarded the Elf Goddess with half a divine stone! 】

A reward message floated by.

Uh, the Eagle God is too embarrassing.

Chen Ge saw the reward message and couldn't help shaking his head.


"The Elf Goddess started a live broadcast?"

"Calm down, little rascal! Don't tip directly!"

"They are in your territory, suppressed by a strange Taoist temple, unable to communicate with the outside world through normal means, and can only communicate with the outside world through the chat group of the gods! They have tried it before, and the messages sent out will automatically become praises to the God of Knowledge!"

"Little rascal, although the Elf Goddess is only a dominant god, she has the blood of the Lord of Green Sorrow in the ancient times. It is rumored that if you capture this woman, you can instantly be promoted to a god level. This woman is so proud!"

"But don't worry, I can cooperate with you. I can send a private message to the Elf Goddess, saying that I am already in your kingdom of God. Your kingdom of God is magnificent and you are gentle and elegant, making people feel like spring breeze!"

The Goddess of Light seemed to have received the reminder of the broadcast at the same time, and hurriedly leaned close to Chen Ge's ear, and once again used the tone of a bad woman.


Goddess of Light? Did she turn evil after I made the first charge last night ? Chen Ge was slightly stunned.

【Elf goddess, can you come to my kingdom as a guest? I have collected the morning dew from the star realm!】

【Elf goddess, can you have dinner with me? This is the only small wish I have!】

【Elf goddess, I will love you forever, love you like a mouse loves rice!】


【The sea god rewarded the elven goddess with a magic stone!】

【The God of War rewarded the Elf Goddess with a magic stone!】

【The God of Storms rewarded the Elf Goddess with a divine stone!】

【The God of Machinery gave the Elf Goddess a divine stone! 】

The chat group of the gods.

Various messages flashed.

The Elf Goddess was unmoved.

Oxen and horses!

These gods who gave half a coin!

They are pure oxen and horses!

"Elf Goddess..."I heard you are very arrogant, right?"

Chen Ge chuckled.

Come on!

Give me a reward!

Throw in 10,000 divine stones first!


【The ancient god of knowledge rewarded the goddess of elves with 10,000 divine stones! 】

The reward information passed!


The chat group of gods!

The chat information stopped!

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