
【The God of Knowledge is here again!】

【How many magic stones have you hoarded? You have just revived, and you haven't experienced the ancient Eight Kings Rebellion or the Darkest Night, so you have so many magic stones!】

【I beg you, God of Knowledge, please don't reward me with large amounts of divine stones. My entire net worth as the God of Storms is only over a hundred divine stones. Please don't hit me anymore, okay!】

【God of Knowledge, I admit that you are worth more than me, the Eagle God, but do you dare to show up? You are definitely not as handsome as me! 】

Ten seconds later.

Various messages flashed in the chat group of the gods.

Chen Ge ignored these messages.

He observed the expression of the Elf Goddess.

The Elf Goddess had no fluctuations on her face.

It seemed that she was really a little proud.

"Little rascal, I will send a private message to the Elf Goddess right now! Praise your kingdom of God for being spacious and bright, rich and handsome!"

The Goddess of Light beside her, her eyes moved, and sent a private message to the Elf Goddess through the chat group of the gods.

In the live broadcast.

The Elf Goddess's eyes flashed with surprise.

She was shocked by the private message of the Goddess of Light.

Goddess of Light?

The Creator who was born on a glorious day?

Wasn't angry yesterday?

Instead, she secretly went to the kingdom of the God of Knowledge without telling the gods?


Keep rewarding!

Chen Ge thought about it. He continued to reward through the chat group of the gods chat group.


【The ancient god of knowledge rewarded the elven goddess with 10,000 divine stones!】

【The ancient god of knowledge rewarded the elven goddess with 10,000 divine stones!】

【The ancient god of knowledge rewarded the elven goddess with 10,000 divine stones!】



In the chat group of the gods.

Nine consecutive reward messages floated on the screen

【Damn it!】

【Another reward of 90,000 divine stones!】

【A total of 100,000 divine stones!】

【Hundred Thousand Divine Stones...In this era, one hundred thousand divine stones can give a dominant god a 50% chance of being promoted to a pillar god!】

【God of Knowledge, I, the God of War, have the most developed muscles among all the gods. Are you interested in muscles? Just reward me with 100,000 divine stones, and I will visit your kingdom of God right away!】

【However! The Elf Goddess was not moved by the 100,000 divine stones!】

【Of course! The Elf Goddess is the descendant of the Green Lord of the ancient times! Although the Elf Goddess is only the dominant god now, she will definitely be promoted to the Creator in the future!】

【God of Knowledge, please stop giving me rewards! 】

Chat group of gods.

Various messages flashed by.

The Elf Goddess still looked unmoved.

Still proud.


【You received a private message from Baal!】

【brother...Can you please stop driving up prices?]

At this time, the Abyss Demon God Baal sent a message


【You have received a private message from the Lord of Gray Mist!】

【Forehead...God of Knowledge...I'm really curious, what realm of god are you now? You spent two million god stones yesterday, and another 100,000 god stones today. If you can't even see the goddess of light and the goddess of elves in person, and can't even touch their little hands, isn't it a great injustice? 】

The Lord of Gray Mist sent a private message


【You received a private message from Lucifer!】

【Good brother, I have to remind you that you can drive up the price, but you can't treat the other person as a dog just because he looks good!

Look at the goddess of light yesterday, and look at the goddess of elves today, each of them is so cool, isn't it a waste to spend so many divine stones! Good brother, come to the abyss, I will take you to have fun, the abyss has many tricks! 】

Lucifer, one of the seven creators of the abyss, also sent a private message.



Lord of the gray fog!


You don't understand!

One hundred thousand divine stones are equal to your total worth!

However, in my eyes, one hundred thousand divine stones!

It's equivalent to brushing a plane on a certain fish live broadcast platform when I was on Blue Star before!


It's not brushing a plane!

It's equivalent to applying for a card!


Keep rewarding!


【The God of Knowledge rewarded the Elf Goddess with 100,000 divine stones! 】

Reward information passed


【Another hundred thousand!】

【A total of 200,000 divine stones!】

【I, the God of Storms, have nothing to say!】

【My Eagle God...My eyes are going blind!】

【I, the Sea God, rule the four seas. All the treasures in the four seas combined are not worth a thousand divine stones! 】


The gods were amazed.

【Do you think...Can the divine stone impress me? 】

This time.

The Elf Goddess responded coldly.


This woman?

Chen Ge raised his eyebrows slightly.


The Elf Goddess' live broadcast screen disappeared


【The Elf Goddess is offline?】

【God of Knowledge, you have angered a beautiful and noble goddess again! Your behavior...You've gone too far!...Come to me, the God of War!】

【Who is the administrator of the Gods chat group? Can the God of Knowledge be kicked out?

The gods made various comments.

They all accused Chen Ge.

"Little rascal, the Elf Goddess seems to be a little proud?"

The Goddess of Light frowned slightly.

【I'm Andre!】

【The starting race is stone man!】

【Today I have passed the assessment of the Elf Temple and become a believer of the Elf Goddess!】

【Luo Guangming, Ma Cang Ye, I, Andre, have never been inferior to anyone in my life, and I will catch up with you soon! 】

Lord Channel.

Suddenly someone spoke.

Andre became a believer of the Elf Goddess

【It seems that everyone should have the opportunity to become a believer of the gods, but there is a loser who should not be qualified to become a believer of the gods. What do you think, Chen Ge?】

Ma Cang Ye tagged Chen Ge in the Lord Channel.


Chen Ge!

Received a private message!


【You received a private message from the Elf Goddess!】

【God of Knowledge...I haven't really had any contact with a man yet. I was just being arrogant in the Gods chat group just now. Don't take it to heart! Oh, I just dealt with some believers, so I was delayed for a while. Invite me now, I'll be there right away! 】

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