


Outside Chen Ge's territory, a strange fog surged.

Gusts of cold wind came.

Ghost faces roared in the fog.

It seemed that it was because of the existence of the Taoist temple.

The dark creatures in the fog could not spy on Chen Ge's territory at all.


"what are you up to!"

"Do you want to blaspheme God with your mortal body?"

"You will suffer terrible divine punishment!"

"This goddess was born on a glorious day. My divine body is the most powerful flame divine body in the strange world. Your chaotic mortal body will be melted as soon as you approach this goddess....What!"

"You bastard!"

"The evening dress is a divine artifact given to this goddess by the Lord of the Star Realm. There is only one in this strange world. You can't dirty it...."


Inside the ruined Taoist temple, there were voices of women cursing.


【The light power I obtained suddenly fluctuated violently?】

【Just that moment!】

【My light power suddenly jumped to an epic level!】

【This must be the blessing from Her Majesty the Goddess of Light!】

【Thank you, Goddess! 】

At the same time, in the Lord Channel,

Luo Guangming spoke loudly.


In Chen Ge's territory, the dilapidated Taoist temple flashed with a faint light.

It was covered with a layer of black fog that was darker than darkness.

One night passed.


"You damned blasphemer!"

"You also stained my evening gown! No matter how hard I try to wash it, it won't come out! Ah! I'm going to kill you!"

"Ah! I'm going to castrate you!"

"Divine punishment! Deprivation of light!"

""Great Forbidden Spell! World-Destroying Divine Flame!"

Chen Ge opened his eyes and found the Goddess of Light throwing all kinds of Forbidden Spells at him crazily, but the Forbidden Spells could not cause any damage.

These Forbidden Spells that were enough to easily kill True Gods or even Dominant Gods turned into little flames in front of Chen Ge. Chen Ge could vaguely sense that the power of the Forbidden Spells was absorbed by the Broken Dao Temple.

What is this?

Broken Dao Temple?

The Goddess of Light who can manipulate the Creator of a strange world at will?

What is the origin of Broken Dao Temple?

【The second day of the game!】

【I have been promoted to extraordinary four stars!】

【Thank you, Her Majesty the Goddess of Light, for your blessing last night! 】

At this time, in the Lord Channel,

Luo Guangming started to show off again


【It's so amazing! I'm so jealous!】

【I, Asakura Ya, have been promoted to the extraordinary three-star level. I will never lose to you!】

【Speaking of classmates Poseidon and Anya, they have now been promoted to the extraordinary level. These two beauties must be very strong!】

【Two beauties, can you add me as your friend? The strange world is too dangerous. If you encounter setbacks, I can be a warm man in the Lord Channel! 】

A lot of messages flashed by.

Chen Ge just smiled.

One day in the future, if Luo Guangming sees the Goddess of Light he believes in, following the good-for-nothing classmate whom he has never looked at seriously in Yanlong Academy, will Luo Guangming still be so confident?

Chen Ge silently opened his character panel. Last night, he used the only first-charge opportunity as a reward to charge the Goddess of Light and was directly promoted to the Extraordinary Seven Stars, which is epic.

Oh, right.

There is fog outside my territory.

It strangely retreated five miles yesterday.

The territory expanded by five miles at once.

However, those buildings that emerged from the fog.

It seems that I still need to capture them myself.

With my epic level.

It shouldn't be a problem to capture a few low-level resource points.

It's just...

I have already taken down the Goddess of Light.

Do I still need to do it myself?

"Divine punishment!"

"Divine magic!"

"Forbidden spell!"

"The great forbidden spell!"

"Castrate you! Castrate you! I'm going to castrate you!"

The Goddess of Light was still going crazy.


Chen Ge made a move.

Ten thousand God Stones appeared out of thin air. With a flick of his finger, ten thousand God Stones flew in front of the Goddess of Light.

"Is it enough?"

Chen Ge smiled faintly.

"Bastard! What do you think of me as a goddess! Great Forbidden Spell! Primordial Heavenly Fire!"

The Goddess of Light was stunned for a moment, and with a low roar, she raised her hand and cast the Great Forbidden Spell, but it was unfortunately dissolved by the broken Taoist temple in an instant.


Chen Ge made another move.

One hundred thousand divine stones appeared.

"Is it enough?"

He smiled faintly, flicked his finger lightly, and 100,000 divine stones flew in front of the Goddess of Light.

"you...Do you think that 100,000 divine stones can make this goddess fall? This goddess is a creator! This goddess will definitely be promoted to the original creator in the future! You bastard! The Great Forbidden Spell! The Aria of the Glorious Day!"The

Goddess of Light was stunned for several seconds this time. After coming to her senses, she roared and released the Great Forbidden Spell, but it was still instantly dissolved by the mysterious power of the Taoist temple.


Chen Ge made a move for the third time.

Millions of divine stones emerged.

With a flick of his finger, millions of divine stones flew in front of the Goddess of Light.

"Is it enough?"

Chen Ge chuckled.


The Goddess of Light opened her mouth!

Her exquisite face was stunned!

After a while!

The Goddess of Light accepted the million divine stones!

The woman bent down slightly to show a cleavage!

She took the initiative to say something to Chen Ge!

"Little bad guy...Are you coming tonight?...People can be a little decadent!"

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