Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 90 The Strength of the Cloud Ninja

The ninjas of the Cloud Village like to use letters to rank their strength, and the letter C means the third place.

Of course, there are also strong people in the Cloud Ninja who are not in the alphabetical order. In addition, there are differences between the old and new generations of ninjas with letter titles. The third place only refers to the third among the same generation of ninjas, not the third of the Cloud Ninja.

But in any case, being able to get the letter title of Xi (C) shows that the talent and potential of the ninja killed by Uchiha Feiyu are absolutely first-class.

This is indeed the case. After mastering Xi's soul, Uchiha Feiyu soon discovered that this ninja not only has the ability of perception and illusion, but is also an extremely rare medical ninja.

Whether it is a perception ninja, an illusion ninja or a medical ninja, they are all scarce talents in the ninja world. This Xi is young, and the level of these three aspects has reached the level of ninja, so it is no wonder that he can get the title of Xi.

Although Uchiha Feiyu had killed many ninjas before and had good perception ability, medical ninjutsu, and illusion skills, most of the ninjas he had killed before were mediocre in talent. Although his foundation was very solid after multiple superpositions, he still had a lot of gaps in the advanced ninjutsu in these three aspects.

Now with Xi's soul, it has made up for it greatly.

"It's just a pity that I didn't get the soul of the Fourth Raikage... Forget it, safety first, that barbarian is not so easy to deal with, and his speed is just faster than mine."

Uchiha Feiyu sent Xi's body to the Ryuchi Cave, leaving only a head, ready to look up the information from it.

Among the next generation of the Cloud Ninja Village, the AB combination are all rough men. It's a bit exaggerated to say that they have strong limbs and simple minds, but it is basically true. In this case, Xi can basically be regarded as a think tank, and he must know a lot of information.

After returning to Konoha's camp, Uchiha Feiyu found Orochimaru to hand in the task. Although he killed fewer ninjas this time, Xi's head was definitely important enough.

This is the third-ranked genius of the next generation of the Hidden Cloud Village, and he is also a think tank type. His importance is self-evident.

"So you met the Fourth Raikage this time? And he caught up with you?"

Orochimaru looked at Uchiha Feiyu who had handed in the task, and asked curiously:

"How strong is he? Are you sure you can win?"

Uchiha Feiyu shrugged slightly and said lightly:

"The chances of winning are not high. If you really fight hard, you may die together."

"But that guy's personality is quite impulsive. If there are no other ninjas around, there is still a chance to kill him."

For example, this time the Fourth Raikage was attacked by Uchiha Feiyu's Sharingan. If Xi hadn't blocked the disaster for him, Uchiha Feiyu would have been 50% sure to kill the Fourth Raikage.

Of course, this kind of first sight killing can only work once. Once the information is leaked, it will not be very effective.

"Then are you willing to kill him?"

"Are you kidding? My information has been leaked so much. I will definitely not get any advantage if I fight with that guy again."

Uchiha Feiyu shook his head like a rattle. Orochimaru was not surprised at all. He already knew the character of his cheap apprentice very well.

Anyway, don't expect him to chew the hard bones. Bullying the weak and picking on the weak is what this guy likes to do most.

"Even if you don't want to fight the Fourth Raikage directly, the ninjas of the Cloud Village are impressed by you, probably second only to Minato Jonin."

"I think the next time you show up, the Kage-level ninjas of the Cloud Village will come to you directly!"

Orochimaru's words made Uchiha Feiyu sigh. After all, what he obtained was the Book of Demonic Path Inheritance, not the Book of Immortal Path Inheritance. If he wants to become stronger, he must accumulate endless lives. If he kills too many people, how can he not be targeted by the strong men of other ninja villages?

Otherwise, how could Uchiha Feiyu be like a schizophrenic patient, trying to save his own life while constantly killing people to provoke other ninja villages?

If he really wants to survive, he can completely hide most of his strength, show the power of Jonin or Special Jonin, and find a Cloud Ninja Jonin to fight slowly and let him go. In this way, no matter how Konoha wins or loses in the end, he can move forward and backward freely.

Seeing his cheap apprentice thinking, Orochimaru finally waved his hand:

"Anyway, I'll remind you, Feiyu, you have a reputation on the battlefield now. It's not easy to slaughter ordinary ninjas as easily as before."

"As long as you appear on the battlefield, other shadow-level people will naturally come to you and fight with you. It's impossible to tolerate you killing those ordinary ninjas like mowing the grass."

"I don't know why you are killing so much, but as a teacher, I still have to warn you that many battles are not something you can avoid if you want to!"

Perhaps Orochimaru also saw that Uchiha Feiyu's killing was related to his strength improvement, so there was a persuasion today, and he really hit the point.

It has to be said that although Orochimaru is not a good person, as a teacher, he is still quite responsible.

After listening to Orochimaru's words, Uchiha Feiyu was also thinking:

"Indeed, both Raikages are the type who lead by example. It is almost impossible to bypass them and kill ordinary ninjas."

"I was able to thrive on the Sand Ninja front, largely because of Hatake Sakumo's fighting style, which restrained the Sand Ninja ninjas. But the most important thing is that there are no real strong men in the Sand Ninja!"

The Sand Ninja Village ranks last among the five major ninja villages, and has been competing with the Mist Ninja for the last place for many years. It is conceivable that it is weak.

As for the three Kage-level strongmen of the Sand Ninja, Rasa, Chiyo, and Ye Cang, they are almost all Kage-level floors. It is precisely because of this that Uchiha Feiyu can freely roam the battlefield.

"Now that the Cloud Ninja has changed, it will be difficult for me to take advantage. After all, the strength of the Cloud Village is not worse than that of Konoha today. Whether it is the Third Raikage or the Fourth Raikage, or the Eight-Tails Jinchūriki, they are all top-level Kage-level strongmen."

"Not to mention the chakra mode of the Cloud Ninja, it is very restraining my ability. Tsk... It seems that if I want to play the game of Musou mowing, I still have to deal with these two Raikages first."

Of course, I think so, but Uchiha Feiyu is also very clear that at least I can't beat the Third Raikage now, and against the Fourth Raikage, at most both sides will be injured, and even my life may be in danger.

There is another Eight-Tails Jinchūriki, Uchiha Feiyu has never seen it, but just the five words of perfect Jinchūriki are not so easy to deal with.

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