Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 89 Uchiha Feiyu took advantage and ran away

"Stop talking nonsense, Konoha Ghost, you killed so many brothers of my Kumogakure, today I will make you pay with blood!"

"Thunder level!"

The Fourth Raikage was already irritable, and the pursuit just now made him even more angry. As soon as he finished two sentences, he turned into a flash of lightning and rushed up.

"What a fast speed!"

Uchiha Feiyu exclaimed lightly, and in his red pupils, three magatama kept spinning, clearly seeing the movements of the Third Raikage. He also put on a layer of light lightning armor, and the Kusanagi sword in his hand slashed out with the sound of wind and thunder.

In terms of speed, Uchiha Feiyu was not as fast as the Fourth Raikage, but with the bonus of the three magatama Sharingan to dynamic vision, he relied on a higher reaction speed to make up for the shortcomings of physical speed and blocked the Fourth Raikage's surprise attack.

The Kusanagi sword and the hand knife in the Thunder Chakra mode collided with each other, making a sound almost like the chirping of a thousand birds. Then, under a strong wave of air, Uchiha Feiyu flew backwards and retreated seven or eight meters before he stood firm.

His hand holding the Kusanagi sword trembled slightly, and blood flowed from the tiger's mouth, dyeing the Kusanagi sword in his hand red.

However, the Fourth Raikage did not pursue him. There was also a sword mark on his wrist, and the wound was deep enough to see the bone.

Just now, neither of them got any benefit from this move.

Uchiha Feiyu's white fang knife technique was extremely sharp, breaking the Fourth Raikage's Thunder Chakra armor with a point-breaking method, causing his wrist to be seriously injured.

Similarly, the Fourth Raikage's hand knife was powerful and heavy, and the pure power far exceeded Uchiha Feiyu, directly injuring his tiger's mouth and wrist.

After a blow, both knew that they were facing the greatest enemy they had ever seen in their lives, and their eyes became serious at the same time.

However, when their eyes met, the Fourth Raikage's eyes suddenly changed:

"Not good, Sharingan..."


It was directly named Sharingan, so it is conceivable that the level of this illusion is very consistent with the Uchiha clan's Sharingan, and it only took a moment to pull the Fourth Raikage into the illusion.

The main reason is that the Fourth Raikage did not expect at first that the ninja in front of him, whose fighting style is so similar to Konoha White Fang, would actually be an Uchiha, and he did not notice Feiyu's Sharingan at first, and he was fooled as soon as he looked at each other.

"Lord Ai! Damn it!"

The perception ninja who had just stood on the edge of the battlefield saw Ai being instantly hit by the illusion, and was immediately shocked. He rushed up without hesitation, trying to disrupt the chakra in Ai's body.

"Don't get in the way, you guy!"

Uchiha Feiyu's face was grim, and the Kusanagi sword in his hand flashed a white light, piercing the throat of the Fourth Raikage.

"Lightning Release - Thunder Phantom Lightning Pillar!"

The perception ninja of the Cloud Ninja knew that his speed was far inferior to that of Uchiha Feiyu, so he simply blocked the attack route of Uchiha Feiyu, and suddenly a dazzling electric light burst out from his body.

The dazzling electric light carried a strong illusion fluctuation, even with Uchiha Feiyu's three-magatama Sharingan, he was dazed for a moment.

After just a moment of daze, Uchiha Feiyu quickly came back to his senses, and the Kusanagi sword in his hand extended in an instant, directly piercing the heart of the perception ninja.

"Optical illusion... Fortunately, I had the information in advance, otherwise I might have been caught!"

Uchiha Feiyu was also a little scared in his heart. Although Naruto is also known as the Eye Legend, most of the illusions that do not use the eyes are garbage, but there are still very few exceptions.

And most of these exceptions are specifically targeted at Sharingan! For example, the Dark Walk Technique, and the Thunder Phantom Lightning Pillar just now.

Uchiha Feiyu was on guard against the Thunder Lightning Pillar because in the original work, this illusion had a certain effect on Uchiha Sasuke who opened the Mangekyō, and it was obviously targeted at the Sharingan.

He himself only had the Three Magatama Sharingan, and he didn't have any companions. If he got hit during the battle, it would be almost a dead end.

However, it was also because of the perception ninja's interception that the Fourth Raikage, who was originally controlled by the illusion Sharingan, finally woke up. Looking at the scene in front of him, he roared:

"Xi! You bastard, die! Thunder bomb!"

Looking at the Fourth Raikage rushing up, Uchiha Feiyu's mouth twitched. The Three Magatama Sharingan was not very effective against the Kage-level strongmen. It was just a surprise attack that made the Fourth Raikage get hit.

However, without the perception ninja, Uchiha Feiyu also relaxed a lot. In this case, as long as he kept a distance, the Fourth Raikage would definitely not be able to catch him.

Facing the Fourth Raikage who was rushing towards him, Uchiha Feiyu also had a flash of lightning on his body, and a sword energy transformed from the strong wind was instantly slashed out. The Fourth Raikage didn't care and knocked away the sword energy, but the momentum of the surprise attack could not help but pause slightly.

Taking this opportunity, Uchiha Feiyu made a seal with one hand, and in an instant, a burst of black light spread out:

"Illusion - Darkness Walking Technique"

The Fourth Raikage felt that his eyes went black and he could not see anything. His body, which was originally rushing, immediately stopped and took a defensive posture. At the same time, the chakra in his body was frantically agitated, trying to break the illusion.

However, the effect of the Darkness Walking Technique was simple and crude, which was to take away people's visual ability, which was completely different from other sophisticated illusions. Therefore, the way of disrupting the chakra in the body could not break this illusion.

However, no matter what illusion, its essential principle is the operation of chakra. As long as the amount of chakra is strong enough, it can be forcibly unlocked. Therefore, it cannot be said that the Fourth Raikage's method is useless, it just takes time.

While desperately stirring chakra, the chakra armor on the surface of the Fourth Raikage's body also burst into a deep blue light, pulling the defense to the limit. At the same time, he also maximized his hearing and touch to sense the attacks around him.

It took nearly half a minute to wait, and the influence of the dark art was almost wiped out, and the Fourth Raikage did not wait for the attack to come.

Finally, with the efforts of the Fourth Raikage, the illusion chakra in his body was completely exhausted, and the original darkness in front of him instantly became bright.

Just turned his head and looked around, and the Fourth Raikage's face suddenly showed a mixture of shock and anger, and an expression of disbelief-the surroundings were empty, not even a figure, and the body of Xi who had just died was only a pool of blood.

Two kilometers away, there was a sudden noise in the void, and a moment later, Uchiha Feiyu appeared in the air dragging Xi's body.

"Tsk, I finally got rid of that big guy. Are these two Raikages fighting with me? Why are they always chasing after me?"

"Fortunately, the harvest this time is not small. If Xi (C) of this generation was not still young, it would not be so easy for me to kill him."

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