Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 91: Evil-breaking Knife

In the dark spiritual space, a huge black book floats up and down in it. It is obviously all black, but it always gives people the feeling that it is emitting black light, full of a sense of existence.

In the altar under the black book, more than a hundred thick and thin black gases are continuously flowing. This is what Uchiha Feiyu has gained during this time.

Some of them were the ninjas he killed on missions when he was at the root, and some were the ninjas he killed on the Kumo Ninja battlefield.

Although the quantity of black energy was far inferior to what he had harvested on the Sand Ninja battlefield, the quality was far superior.

The target strength of the root mission is almost never lower than that of a special jounin, and the vanguard force of Kumo ninja does not have ninjas whose strength is lower than that of chuunin. Compared with the ninjas on the battlefield of sand ninja, the quality is undoubtedly much higher.

Uchiha Feiyu has always suspected that the inheritance he received from the Book of Demonic Inheritance is not only related to the quantity of the sacrifices, but also to the quality.

It just so happened that he was being targeted by several strong men from Yunyin, and he felt quite insecure, so he planned to use these sacrifices in exchange for some useful inheritance to add a pair of trump cards to himself.

As Uchiha Feiyu's thoughts changed, the black air under the black book suddenly fluctuated violently on the altar. After a moment, it merged into the black book. The big black book trembled twice, and a new message appeared. In Uchiha Feiyu's mind.

"The Evil-Breaking Sword... What you gave me this time was actually a method for refining a magical weapon?"

When Uchiha Feiyu made the sacrifice this time, his request was to be able to solve the defense of the Thunder Release Chakra Mode, and he also asked for it to be done quickly.

But he didn't expect that the Book of Demonic Heritage would directly give him a method for refining magical weapons.

This is like facing an Iai swordsman, and the method taught by your teacher is not a more advanced swordsmanship, but asks you to buy a Rorok and use American Iai to kill the opponent.

"I originally thought that I would be given a new inheritance... That's right. I can solve the inheritance of the Thunder Dungeon Armor in a short period of time. I'm afraid the sacrifice is not enough."

Thinking of this, Uchiha Feiyu sank his mind into the refining method of the Shasha Sword weapon.

After studying for a while, Uchiha Feiyu discovered that the so-called Shasha Sword was actually a copycat version of the famous Tianluo Blood Transformation Sword in Demon Dao.

Of course, calling it a copycat version may be a bit flattering to the Shasha Sword's face. The effect of this thing is far worse than the Tianluo Blood Transformation Magic Sword. It has neither the magical effect of Tianluo nor the divine power of blood transformation. .

The only thing it can be used for is an evil-breaking aura on the sword. The effect of this evil-breaking aura is that it has considerable destructive power on energy and souls.

In other words, a successfully refined Shasha Saber can ignore the body-protecting Qi, and after being injured by the Shasha Saber, the body and soul will be injured, making it difficult to recover.

The effect of the Shasha Sword is not strong. Among various magic weapons, its effect can be said to be at the bottom, and it is not even better than the famous ninja swords in the ninja world.

However, this sword is very targeted, almost defeating chakra body protection ninjutsu such as Thunder Armor, which is exactly what Uchiha Feiyu asked for at the beginning.

In addition, as a standard magic weapon, the refining method of this knife is also very simple, that is, a large number of souls.

To refine an evil-breaking sword, you need a total of 360 souls and a good sword. Then destroy the 360 ​​souls, and use the evil energy when the souls are destroyed to condense an evil-breaking energy into the blade. This is the so-called The evil-breaking knife.

If you continue to use the Evil-Breaking Sword to kill people, the Evil-Breaking Qi on the knife will increase, which means it will do more damage to the soul and can break through stronger body-protecting Qi and other effects.

Of course, as an ordinary magic weapon, the effect of this sword has its limits, but at least it is enough to deal with the thunder escape chakra mode of two Raikage.

Calculating according to the records in the inheritance, even the Shasha Sword that was just practiced at the beginning is enough to easily break through the Thunder Chakra Armor of the Fourth Raikage.

And once the Shasha Sword has become powerful enough to kill hundreds of people, the Third Raikage's Thunder Chakra Armor will probably be no more than tissue paper in front of it.

"Although it is different from what I imagined, once I master the Shasha Sword, Yunyin Village will indeed not pose much of a threat to me!"

"The most important thing is that it seems quite easy to master this sword!"

In Feiyu Uchiha's hand was the retractable Kusanagi sword given to him by Orochimaru. Although the Shasha Sword is called a sword, as long as it is a high-quality weapon, it can be combined with the Shasha Qi, and the effect will not be compromised at all. So of course the Grass Pheasant Sword can also be trained into a Shasha Sword.

As for souls, not to mention, the number of souls in the hands of Feiyu Uchiha has reached four digits, and 360 souls is just a drop in the bucket.

With the production method and materials, Uchiha Feiyu no longer wasted time. In just one night, he had transformed the Kusanagi Sword into a Shasha Sword, or a Shasha Sword.

The Grass Pheasant Sword, which has been integrated with the evil spirit, does not seem to have any other changes. Only after looking at it for a long time, you will feel that there is a faint pale white light flowing on the sword, which makes people feel frightened.

Uchiha Feiyu narrowed his eyes slightly and condensed a ball of pure chakra in his hand. Then he gently placed the Kusanagi sword on the chakra ball. A faint white light flowed, and the entire chakra ball was like hot soup. The splash of snow melted away.

Then Uchiha Feiyu performed a defective version of the Lightning Chakra mode, forming a thin layer of Lightning Armor on his arm. The Kusanagi Sword lightly touched the Lightning Armor, and the entire armor immediately collapsed.

"Earth Style - Earth Flow Wall!"

After summoning a layer of Earth Style wall, Uchiha Feiyu held the Kusanagi Sword and slashed it with one sword. A huge crack was split in the wall, but it did not collapse.

"Can it only restrain pure energy? It seems that the Kusanagi Sword cannot penetrate defensive ninjutsu with entities such as Earth Style and Water Style."

"Next, it's time to try its lethality to the soul, the summoning technique!"

After summoning a big snake with a summoning technique, Uchiha Feiyu stabbed the snake's tail with a sword, leaving a huge bloody hole.

The summoned snake hissed in pain, and the whole snake curled up and struggled frantically. In the end, Uchiha Feiyu still used the Sharingan illusion to freeze it.

"Is it because it is lethal to the soul, so the pain is also increased a lot?"

With a guess in mind, Uchiha Feiyu immediately performed medical ninjutsu and began to treat the wound of the snake.

However, the medical ninjutsu that was originally effective immediately was much less effective this time. The flesh and blood regenerated slowly, and soon it began to ulcerate again.

The small wound that should have healed in less than a minute took Uchiha Feiyu more than two hours to fully recover. Even so, the body of the snake was still twitching, and it was visibly weaker.

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