Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 88 The Fourth Raikage's Pursuit

How Orochimaru should deal with the Third Raikage is something that he, as a commander, should consider. Uchiha Feiyu can't care so much.

Since the Third Raikage appeared in the southeast of Konoha's camp, Uchiha Feiyu might as well go to another place to hunt. I can't beat you, but can I hide from you?

When there are more ninja corpses accumulated, Uchiha Feiyu is still preparing to go to the blood pool to do more baptisms to improve his blood and qualifications.

"If I can open the Mangekyo directly, I won't be afraid even if I face the Third Raikage."

As long as Uchiha opens the Mangekyo, he must be at the level of Kage, not just because of the pupil technique brought by the Mangekyo.

More importantly, under the influence of the Mangekyo, the Uchiha blood will be greatly developed.

This leads to the rapid progress of the Mangekyo owner in terms of chakra volume, nerve reaction, physical qualifications, chakra control, and other aspects, reaching the level of Kage in hardware.

If Uchiha Feiyu, who was originally at the level of Kage, could open the Mangekyō, he would naturally be able to go a step further. Not to mention that he would definitely defeat the Third Raikage, but at least he would be able to fight him for hundreds of rounds and then retreat unscathed.

If the ability of the opened Mangekyō was a bit more amazing, even if he could kill the Third Raikage directly, there would be no problem.

"The only problem is that these ordinary ninjas have little effect on improving my bloodline. If I want to improve my bloodline to the level of Mangekyō, I'm afraid there must be at least thousands of them, and they can't all be ordinary Genin."

"So... the Ninja World War was fought well!"

"On weekdays, let alone killing thousands of ninjas, if I kill dozens or hundreds of ninjas casually, I will probably be wanted by the five major ninja villages, and maybe even attract Kage-level masters."

"Only during the Ninja World War can I continue to replenish corpses, souls, and black energy as sacrifices. No matter who wins or loses in this war, I will definitely not suffer any loss."

After changing direction, Uchiha Feiyu was also cautious. He first covered his figure with camouflage and then started his hunting again.

However, this time, Uchiha Feiyu had just hunted a few teams of cloud ninjas when he found that these cloud ninjas began to shrink their teams, turn around, and gather together.

"Is it because I killed too many? Have the Cloud Ninjas noticed my presence?"

Seeing the Cloud Ninjas start to shrink their team, Uchiha Feiyu frowned slightly, but he was not ready to continue.

The invisibility ability can be said to be elusive when hunting team ninjas, but if the number of ninjas reaches a certain level, even if it depends on human lives, it is easy to find your position.

Moreover, since they already know of your existence, it is hard to say when the masters of the Cloud Ninjas will really come. Uchiha Feiyu does not want to be entangled by the other party here.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Feiyu prepared to leave silently, but just after retreating one or two kilometers, he felt that there were several powerful soul flames rushing towards him.

Uchiha Feiyu changed several directions, but no matter how he changed the direction, the other party recognized that he was rushing straight, which immediately startled him.

"No, it's sensed!"

General chakra-type sensing ninjas have the ability to sense each other, that is, when they sense each other, the other party will also feel sensed.

However, Uchiha Feiyu has soul perception, which is different from chakra perception, so he did not feel that he had been discovered at first. It was not until he found that the other party had been locking his position that he was sure that he had encountered a perception ninja.

Although he was locked by the perception ninja, Uchiha Feiyu did not stop, but kept rushing towards the Konoha camp. The closer he was to the Konoha camp, the higher the possibility of encountering Konoha ninjas, and the fewer cloud ninjas there were nearby.

Although it was difficult for ordinary ninjas with a small number of people to intervene in this level of battle, it still played a certain role.

"But the guy behind ran really fast... This soul radiance does not look like the third generation Raikage, it must be the future fourth generation Raikage Ai!"

The name of each generation of Raikage in the Cloud Ninja Village will be changed to Ai (A). The Raikage candidate of this generation was given the title of Ai by the third generation Raikage because of his outstanding performance.

And this Raikage candidate, because he felt that he did not have the talent of the third generation Raikage and could not forge the strongest spear and the strongest shield, he put all his energy into speed.

In fact, if we don't count the time-space ninjutsu, the fourth generation Raikage should be the fastest in the ninja world.

As Uchiha Feiyu ran towards the Konoha camp, he also felt that the soul fire behind him began to split. The speed of the two soul fires suddenly increased, which was faster than that of Uchiha Feiyu now. The remaining soul fire simply stopped and stopped chasing.

"The people behind stopped, and only two people were left to track me... It should be Ai with the perception ninja, and the others couldn't catch up with my speed at all."

As the speed behind continued to increase, it gradually caught up with Uchiha Feiyu's tail. Uchiha Feiyu frowned slightly and simply stopped.

Always maintaining high speed mode, but it also consumes a lot of chakra and physical strength. The Raikage lineage is a well-known monster in terms of chakra and physical strength. Otherwise, the third generation Raikage in the original work would not have been able to fight the army for three days and three nights.

The fourth generation Raikage may not be as abnormal as the third generation Raikage, but in terms of physical strength alone, he is definitely far superior to Uchiha Feiyu.

So after Uchiha Feiyu found that he could not enter the Konoha camp before being caught up, he decided not to waste his physical strength. Otherwise, not only did he fail to hide in the Konoha camp, but he also consumed most of his physical strength, which would be really dangerous.

When Uchiha Feiyu stopped, it was only a dozen breaths. A blue electric light flashed in front of him instantly, and a giant man with a majestic figure, very similar to the third generation Raikage, slowly walked out of the electric light.

"Damn little mouse, why don't you run away?!"

The giant in front of him roared, then stretched out his hand and put the blond and white man on the ground. Obviously, the Fourth Raikage had been dragging this perception ninja and chasing Uchiha Feiyu.

"Tsk... I'm not a beauty, why are you chasing me so closely?"

Uchiha Feiyu joked, but he had already clenched the Kusanagi sword in his hand and slowly aimed at the Fourth Raikage.

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