Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 39 Discovering Rock Ninja

If he had sensed these strange auras a few months ago, Uchiha Feiyu would have retreated long ago. However, he is now a skilled and courageous person. After a slight hesitation, he rushed to the place where he felt strange souls gathered.

"Uh... what's going on? Invisibility?"

When Uchiha Feiyu arrived at the place where he sensed something strange, he found that there were no human figures here, but his soul perception could sense that there were four strange souls hiding in a bush.

When Uchiha Feiyu focused his eyes there, he vaguely felt that something seemed wrong. The double magatama in his Sharingan kept spinning, and finally found that the outline there seemed a bit strange.

"Is this - camouflage hiding technique!?"

In the ninja school, some simple concealment methods that do not involve chakra are also taught, including the method of using camouflage cloth to hide the body, but this concealment method can only deal with the view of dozens or hundreds of meters away, and people will see the flaws at close range.

However, in the ninja world, there is a wind-style ninjutsu called the Camouflage Hidden Technique, which is a semi-stealth ninjutsu developed based on this principle.

By finely controlling the water molecules in the air that are invisible to the naked eye through wind-attribute chakra, and wrapping them around the body, it can produce an effect that is almost like optical invisibility. Although it belongs to wind-style ninjutsu, it is a ninjutsu unique to the Rock Ninja Village.

If Uchiha Feiyu did not have the ability to perceive the soul, even if he opened the Sharingan, he would probably ignore these ninjas.

"It's only two or three kilometers away from Konoha's camp. The ninjas from the Rock Ninja Village appear here. It seems that they are preparing for a surprise attack?"

With a firm thought in his mind, the sound of wind and thunder has already sounded on Uchiha Feiyu's body, and he rushed directly to the invisible Rock Ninja with a whoosh!

Hearing the sound of wind and thunder coming from behind, these invisible Rock Ninjas reacted immediately and scattered, and the camouflage hidden technique under the high-speed movement was instantly broken, revealing the figures of four Rock Ninjas.

Facing Uchiha Feiyu, the person in front was a very tall rock ninja. After a roar, his whole body turned black. At the same time, Uchiha Feiyu had already chopped down with a knife.

"This guy has a good reaction... He can actually react to my attack. He is at least at the level of a special ninja!"

The knife flashed, and Uchiha Feiyu immediately felt that the short knife in his hand encountered a resistance. If the White Fang knife technique cuts through the body of an ordinary person, it is like cutting tofu. Now Uchiha Feiyu feels like he cut a rotten wood.

This tall rock ninja used the hardening technique, which is the easiest to learn and difficult to master among the earth escape techniques. The ordinary hardening technique is almost equivalent to a layer of iron armor. The stronger the strength, the higher the effect of the hardening technique.

For example, the earth spear developed by the immortal ninja Kakuzu in the comics is also a kind of earth escape hardening technique. It can completely fight against ordinary A-level ninjutsu, that is, it will break the defense when facing A-level lightning escape and S-level ninjutsu.

Of course, Kakuzu was a Kage-level ninja, and Uchiha Feiyu was only facing an ordinary rock ninja, so his sword only made the blade a little obscure, but it did not break the defense.

The tall rock ninja on the opposite side groaned, and used the earth escape hardening technique to block the blade. The rock ninja retreated quickly, and was not cut in half in the end. Only a deep scar on the chest was left.

Just as the tall rock ninja retreated, other rock ninjas rushed over without saying a word. The fastest came from two ninjas who looked similar. One on the left and one on the right, each drew a long sword and chopped it down instantly.

The short sword in Uchiha Feiyu's hand burst into white light, easily blocking the opponent's sword technique, and even chopped back to force the two back, but he was also secretly shocked in his heart.

"These guys are able to fight with Hatake Sakumo, they are all good players at the level of jonin!"

But it is normal to think about it carefully. These are ninjas who are preparing to raid the Konoha camp. The Rock Village will definitely send out the elite of the elite. Those who are not at the level of jonin will only drag their feet.

While thinking in his heart, Uchiha Feiyu raised his hand and threw a flare. With the explosion of the flare in the sky, the entire Konoha camp suddenly seemed to wake up like a giant beast.

"Not good!! The plan failed, prepare to retreat!"

The face of the Rock Ninja who stood at the end and did not fight with Uchiha Feiyu suddenly changed. At the same time, Uchiha Feiyu's eyes were completely fixed on him.

The camouflage hiding technique just now should be used by this Rock Ninja. Judging from the positions of several people, this guy should be the captain of this group of Rock Ninjas.

The general camouflage technique can only hide one's body shape, but when this ninja performed the ninjutsu just now, he directly included the surrounding area of ​​several meters into the camouflage, and forcibly developed a single-person invisibility technique into a group invisibility technique. With this trick alone, this guy is probably not a simple guy among the senior ninjas.

"Want to run, can you run?"

Feiyu showed a sneer on his face. At this moment, the two rock ninjas who should be brothers rushed up again waving their long swords in their hands, trying their best to entangle Feiyu.

The rock ninja who was almost disemboweled stretched out his hand and emitted a faint green light, and began to treat himself. And the last rock ninja captain made a seal with both hands:

"Earth escape - light and heavy rock technique"

"Earth escape - split earth palm!"

The ground cracked rapidly, and a huge chasm appeared, blocking Uchiha Feiyu and the Iwagakure ninjas. The pair of Iwagakure brothers who had just entangled Uchiha Feiyu also retreated at the last moment, but each of them had a deep scar on their bodies.

The Earth Splitting Palm was originally a ninjutsu used to attack with this kind of ground cracking, but this Iwagakure ninja obviously used it as a ninjutsu for retreat. The captain said:

"Konoha is really worthy of being the cradle of geniuses! You have such strength at such a young age, almost at the level of Kage... Young man, can you tell me your name?"

Uchiha Feiyu sneered. This guy just looked at the chasm on the ground and felt that he was safe, so he wanted to inquire about the information.

If it was a month or two earlier, Uchiha Feiyu, a melee unit, would have no way to deal with them, but now...

Slowly raising his head, two magatama kept spinning in Uchiha Feiyu's Sharingan, which immediately changed the face of the Rock Ninja Captain:

"Sharingan! Not good!"

Unfortunately, by the time he reacted, he had already fallen into the illusion. At this moment, Uchiha Feiyu swung the short sword in his hand, and a sword energy condensed by the wind escape instantly swung out like a huge half moon!

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