Hatake Sakumo's White Teeth Sword Technique itself carries the two skills of wind and thunder chakra properties change, among which the change of the thunder attribute chakra properties is the main part. The previous Uchiha Feiha has also been specializing in the thunder attribute.

Until this period, thanks to Hatake Sakumo's possession training and the devoted contributions of more than 20 Sand Ninja souls, Uchiha Fei's change in wind attribute chakra properties also caught up with the level of thunder attribute. Only then did he display the White Fang Sword Technique in its heyday.

There are two ways to use the changes in the nature of wind chakra in White Fang Toolshu. One is to wrap around the body to form airflow, eliminate air resistance, reduce sound and increase speed. The other is what Uchiha Feiyu just used, which is almost flying. A normal long-range attack with sword energy.

This kind of long-range sword attack is no less powerful than the B-level Fukiri no Jutsu, but it does not require seals during combat. It can be used by just waving the sword lightly. It is precisely the sword energy that makes up for the long-range attack. Only after the shortcomings of Hatake Sakumo's White Fang swordsmanship did he truly achieve his mastery, reaching the point of being impeccable.

The captain of the Iwa Ninja team opposite was first confused by Uchiha Hiba's advanced Sharingan illusion. He was stunned for a second or two, and then he was cut in half by the sword energy, and his whole person was cut in half in an instant.

On the contrary, the other three injured ninjas, because they did not look directly at the Sharingan, were forced to panic by Feiyu's sword energy without forming seals, but they still managed to avoid the attack.

"Captain! Damn it!"

The tall Iwa Ninja roared angrily, but the other two Iwa Ninja brothers reached out and grabbed his left and right arms:

"Don't be impulsive, we have no chance of winning! Moreover, this mission has failed, and reinforcements from Konoha will be coming soon!"

"Damn Uchiha...just wait for me!"

The tall Iwa Ninja had a hateful look on his face and threatened not to run away after school, and finally retreated with the pair of Iwa Ninja brothers.

Uchiha Feiyu glanced at the gap on the ground, and finally did not pursue it, but at this moment the entire periphery of Konoha was in chaos, and his sensitive five senses even sensed a lot of battles taking place.

"It seems that the Iwa Ninjas should have sent more than this team in this raid, but with my signal, I guess these Iwa Ninjas won't be able to take advantage."

While guessing the situation, Uchiha Feiyu stretched out his hand and took the soul of the Iwa Ninja team leader into his bag.

This was indeed the case. After a short while of turmoil, the fighting near the Konoha camp calmed down, and Uchiha Feiyu soon saw Orochimaru.

"Feiyu-kun, it's all thanks to you this time."

There was a hint of anger in Orochimaru's expression, and he thanked Uchiha Feiyu.

"It's nothing. It's a coincidence. These guys happen to be very close to my training ground... What's going on? Did the Iwa Ninja also declare war on us?"

Orochimaru's expression turned cold, and there was a bit of anger in his eyes:

"I just received the expedited psychic technique and the declaration of war from the Iwa Ninja Village and submitted it to Konoha. Haha, the old man Onoki really made a good plan. The raid and the declaration of war were carried out at the same time. This old ghost likes to play These are unattractive things!”

"How many people are coming from the other side? What are their strengths?"

Uchiha Feiyu didn't pay attention to Onoki's tricks. To be honest, tearing up the contract and going to war without declaring it is almost a norm in the entire ninja world. Onoki's putting a surprise attack and declaring war together can only be regarded as childish. From now on The Suna Ninja had even more fun during the Chuunin Exams, and now Feiyu only cares about the strength of the Iwa Ninja Village.

"We don't know the specific large forces, but there are five teams that just raided, with a total of 20 people. The strength of all of them is at least at the special jounin level!"

"These ninjas are either proficient in the art of earth movement, or they have large-scale camouflage concealment techniques, so they can lurk in such a close place. If the raid is successful, the damage caused will definitely not be small."

A team of 20 people raiding a camp with thousands of people may sound like a joke, but if everyone is a special jounin or above, then it really shouldn't be underestimated.

Ninjas are originally glass cannons with high attack and defense. Almost jounin-level ninjas have large-scale destructive ninjutsu. In a sudden outbreak, it is normal for a set of combined ninjutsu to take away thousands of lives in the camp. things.

By that time, the Konoha Camp may not be called a serious loss of vitality, but it can still be considered a serious injury.

Uchiha Feiyu didn't care much about the bankrupt plan of Iwa Ninja Village. He was more concerned about the fact that Iwa Ninja had now directly declared war on Konoha.

"Are the Iwa ninjas also preparing to go to war with Konoha? So now we are one against two?"

"That's right...but the Kawa no Kuni battlefield should only be a secondary battlefield for the Iwa Ninjas. They won't invest too many ninjas here."

Uchiha Feiyu nodded to express his understanding. The Kingdom of Kawa already had a large number of ninjas from Konoha and Sand Ninja. If the Iwa Ninja also pressed forward with an army, it would probably be a repeat of what happened on the Rain Country battlefield in World War II.

During the Second World War in the Ninja World, Konoha, Iwa Ninja Village, Sand Ninja Village, and Rain Ninja gathered in a small country of rain at the same time, and almost killed people with blood flowing into rivers. In the end, no one in the four parties got a good deal, and all the energy was lost. He was seriously injured and even nearly wiped out.

This is because all ninja villages will not trust other ninja villages. It is impossible for Iwa ninja and sand ninja to truly join forces to attack Konoha. Instead, they will regard each other as hostile targets. At most, their combat priority will be slightly worse than Konoha. , so when the two parties are added together, the result is 1+1 less than two.

In this case, dividing the battlefield and attacking Konoha at the same time is the best choice for those ninja villages who want to cut meat from Konoha.

However, every time the Ninja World War besieged Konoha in the early stage, it was fine. In the later stage, this strategy would always become a mess and turn into a chaotic war - the hatred between the major ninja villages, the suspicion of other ninja villages, the desire to reduce the strength of other ninja villages and the greed of taking the fruits of victory alone, the tricks and discord between the ninja villages, always make other ninja villages fight each other.

"The ninjas sent by the Rock Ninja should not exceed a thousand people. The main goal is probably to increase pressure on us, to make more efforts, and to contain the troops of Konoha."

"It's a pity that we must increase reinforcements and make foolproof preparations even though we know this."

Orochimaru analyzed it calmly, but he still had to ask for reinforcements. As long as the Rock Ninja still maintained its strength on the battlefield of the River Country, he must not take it lightly.

Ninjas are a profession that is good at deception. Although the strategic plans of these guys are terrible, their tactics should not be underestimated. You never know, the enemy may switch from containment to main attack, and bring in a large number of elite troops to break through your front line.

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